ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал
Национальный психологический журнал

Lomonosov Moscow State University / Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова


Lomonosov Moscow State University



Soldatova G.U., Nestik T.A., Shaygerova L.A. (2011). The principles of building tolerance and managing xenophobia risks. National Psychological Journal, 2(6), 60-79

The principles of building tolerant attitudes in the Russian society which are developed on the basis of the social constructionism methods, evolutionary and cultural and historical approaches to the study of complex systems, concepts of social action and social risk are outlined. The theoretical and practical requirements of modern society are thoroughly and comprehensively analysed.

Pages: 60-79

Keywords: tolerance; intolerance; xenophobia; risks management society; toleration; social trust; systems concept; theory of self-regulated systems; social constructionism; intercultural communication; multiculturalism; social identity; dialogue of Cultures;

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Zinchenko Y.P., Shaygerova L.A., Shilko R.S. (2011). Psychological safety of individuals and society in the modern information space. National Psychological Journal, 2(6), 48-59

Changes in the information space are highlighted. Its role in providing psychological security of personality is shown. The modern mass media as a powerful tool both for building tolerance attitudes in society and for inciting xenophobia, discrimination, promotion of inter-group hostility are considered. The mechanism how negative information produces harmful effects on the human psyche is explained. The principles of adequate and effective operation of the media in covering terrorist attacks and other tragic events are performed.

Pages: 48-59

Keywords: information space; media; mass media; cyber terrorism; information security; cyberspace; personal psychological security; xenophobia; ethnic hatred; tolerance attitudes; tolerance;

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Skripkina T.P., Karabanova O.A. (2011). Social and cultural technologies of building social and individual tolerant behavior. National Psychological Journal, 2(6), 34-39

The idea of multicultural education, which allows the transition from the culture of violence and xenophobia to the culture of tolerance is considered. Features, basic principles and objectives of social and cultural technologies for tolerance adoption as conduct codes in society are shown.

Pages: 34-39

Keywords: polyticultural education; social and cultural technologies; tolerance; education technologies; cultural and educational practice; global consciousness; intercultural competence; civic identity;

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Soldatova G.U., Nestik T.A. (2011). Historical and evolutionary perspective of humanity: from the paradigm of conflict to the paradigm of tolerance. National Psychological Journal, 2(6), 15-24

The history of scientific conflict discourse based on the analysis of philosophic studies, social psychology, economics, and evolutionary biology is shown. The main current theories concerning the conflicts in society and ways to resolve them are considered. The views of local and foreign scientists in the paradigm of tolerance and the perspectives of building tolerant behavior in modern society are presented.

Pages: 15-24

Keywords: conflict; conflict theory; integration; altruism; selfishness; competition; cooperation; struggle for survival; social psychology; evolutionary biology; evolution; tolerance; empathy; compassion; morality; intolerance;

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Zinchenko Y.P. (2011). The methodological basis of psychology security. National Psychological Journal, 2(6), 11-14

The system dynamic model of security as a type of activity performance is described. The model is constructed in relation to the national psychology methodological traditions (cultural, historical, historical and evolutionary approaches and also activity approach), which allows to apply the heuristic potential of these approaches to the study of topical issues of human security, society and state.

Pages: 11-14

Keywords: psychology of safety; systems concept; xenophobia; terrorism; A.N. Leontiev’s psychological theory of activity; subject-object relations; tolerance;

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Asmolov A.G. (2011). School of life. Living with dissimilar people. National Psychological Journal, 2(6), 1-3

The article provides a brief excursion into the history of interethnic conflicts. The article describes the concepts of tolerance and xenophobia. Their role in the development of complex systems, and the human society in particular, is distinguished. The importance of building tolerance attitudes to provide a full harmonious human life, various social groups and mankind on the whole in a changing world is emphasized.

Pages: 1-3

Keywords: tolerance; xenophobia; complex systems; multiculturalism; systems concept; ethnic hatred; nationalism; ethnic conflicts; migrant phobia; mutual aid; cooperation; symbiotic evolution; consolidation; dialogue;

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Veraksa A. N. (2012) “Sports psychologist” profession. National Psychological Journal, 1(7), 134-138

This paper summarizes the main idea of the sports psychologist’s occupation. The principles of sports psychology, problems which he is facing as well as methods of solving problems are described. Particular attention is given to practical examples from the experience of well known sports psychologists.

Pages: 134-138

Keywords: sports psychology; sport psychologist; counseling; education;

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Shoigu Y. S. (2012) Organization of the Russian Emergencies Ministry psychological services. National Psychological Journal, 1(7), 131-133

The organization of psychological services of Russian Emergencies Ministry is considered. Its main objectives and areas of work are described. Particular attention is paid to the activities of Russian Emergencies Ministry psychologists who provide emergency psychological care.

Pages: 131-133

Keywords: psychology of extreme situations; psychological service of Russian Emergencies Ministry; emergency situations; psychological training of emergency specialists; emergency psychological assistance;

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Degtyarenko I. A., Leonova A. B. (2012). Score user satisfaction with the work of a website. National Psychological Journal, 1(7), 95-103

OPUS technique developed by the authors can be used to evaluate user satisfaction in the frame of web site development and adoption in organizations. A full psychometric validization of the technique has been performed.

Pages: 95-103

Keywords: user satisfaction; image of software product; web sites; ergonomic design; usability engineering; questionnaires; psychodiagnistic validization;

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Emelin V. A., Rasskazova E. I., Tkhostov A. S. (2012). The psychological affects of information technology. National Psychological Journal, 1(7), 81-87

The analysis of the psychological aspect of technological progress is shown. Its psychological effects such as the development and chronology of mental illness, cyborgisation, invalidation, excess availability and loss of privacy, “blurring” the boundaries of corporeity, increase in dependence risk, change in the structure of needs and activity are considered. Developments of diagnostic criteria for each category of impact are shown.

Pages: 81-87

Keywords: technical progress; psychological effects of technological progress; mental illness; cyborgization; disability; excess availability and loss of privacy; “blurring” the boundaries of corporeality; structure of needs; structure of activity;

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Krasovskaya T. M. (2012) Pomeranian culture in shaping personality of M. Lomonosov. National Psychological Journal,1(7), 57-60

The article considers the role of culture of the Pomeranian region in shaping the personality of M. Lomonosov, the great Russian scholar. The influence of the Orthodox tradition of the Pomors, their language, the natural landscapes of the Pomerania region on the development of energy and will to learn, and deep respect for knowledge and spiritual development in adolescent M. Lomonosov is shown.

Pages: 57-60

Keywords: M. Lomonosov; Pomeranian culture at the beginning of the 18th century; Russian Orthodoxy; language of the Pomors; nature of the Pomeranian region;

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Ilchenko V. I., Ilchenko A.I. (2012) Experience of a psychological portrait of M.Lomonosov. National Psychological Journal,1(7),55-56

An attempt to create a psychological portrait of M. Lomonosov is undertaken. The phenomenon of M. Lomonosov’s personality as a creator and a great scholar, who served his people and the supreme power, is revealed.

Pages: 55-56

Keywords: M. Lomonosov; psychological portrait; phenomena; psychological phenomenon; personality;

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Klimov E. A.(2012) Psychological representation of labour in the writings of M. Lomonosov. National Psychological Journal,1(7),47-54

The reconstruction of representations of M.Lomonosov on the psychological components of working conditions and quality of the working man based on his work is shown. The specific features of the scholar which determined his significant contribution to the development of scientific statements that can be attributed to the field of labour psychology are outlined. These provisions are presented in the systematic form supported by numerous quotations from the works of M. Lomonosov.

Pages: 47-54

Keywords: M. Lomonosov; psychology of labour; the working man; working conditions; psychological side of labour; instruments of work; labour safety; activation of workers; organization of labour in the group of workers; history of industrial psychology;

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Zhdan A. N.(2012). Mikhail Lomonosov is “our first university” (1711–1765). National Psychological Journal,1(7),42-46

The main stages of the life and work of M. Lomonosov, the outstanding national scholar, are presented. The features of his personality and outlook are shown. M. Lomonosov’s contribution to the development of scientific psychological thought in Russia is disclosed.

Pages: 42-46

Keywords: M. Lomonosov; history of psychology; three component theory of colour and colour vision of M. Lomonosov; mental processes; personality; personality traits;

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Leonov S.V.(2012). Surviving a sports injury. National Psychological Journal,2(8),136-143

The article is devoted to the definition of sports injuries; factors influencing the experience of sports injury, expression patterns of pain in sport were analyzed. In this article we show that the rehabilitation of athletes should combine a comprehensive rehabilitation program of athletes being developed jointly by medical trauma, physical therapists, trainers, psychologists.

We analyzed factors that contribute to raising the level of injury in sport: changing coating sports grounds, the use of anabolic drugs. Analyzes approaches to rehabilitation programs of injured athletes. Detail the model of C. Ames and J. Duda, which was based on the implementation of the program of work with athletes, focused on goal setting, involvement of athletes in solving problems. The choice of tasks is determined by their degree of availability and accessibility them for athletes.

Pages: 136-143

Keywords: sports psychology; injury; pain; psychological characteristics of recovery process;

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Chesnokova O.B., Subbotsky E.V. (2012). Psychologist in the system of preschool education: the English version. National Psychological Journal,2(8),124-131

In this article the authors, without setting a special aim of the comparative analysis of the history and current state of the Russian and English pre-school and primary education (in England schooling starts at 4 years age, in Russia – at 6-7 years age), describe the logic of the transition from pre-school to the school education system, analyzing how, by whom and by what professional organisations in England psychological problems of transition are solved.

Pages: 124-131

Keywords: preschool education in England; formalized training; developing training; pre-school psychologist; educator; program development of preschool children in England;

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Bazarov T.Y., Tumanyan D.G. (2012). Time constraints effect on solving creative problems. National Psychological Journal,2(8),116-123

This article is devoted to different approaches, and points of view on the impact of time constraints on the creative problem solving in the group. We describe the typology of temporal perspective of the individual. In different researches the following issues are described: the impact of larger and smaller time constraints to solving creative problems in the group, the effect of consecutive and simultaneous presentation of the tasks on the effectiveness of group decision in the time constraints.

Pages: 116-123

Keywords: time; time constraints; temporal perspective; the decision of a panel of creative tasks;

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Menshikova G.Y. (2012). Studying the perception of surface lightness using technology of virtual reality. National Psychological Journal,2(8),110-115

The article is devoted to the problem of lightness perception. The strength of 3D simultaneous lightness contrast illusions was measured with the method of constant stimuli for thirty seven observers. The virtual reality technique was used to present stereo pairs of different 3D configurations of the illusion. The albedo-hypothesis and the coplanar ratio hypothesis were tested to explain the results. The changes of the illusion strength were consisted with the albedo hypothesis.

Pages: 110-115

Keywords: perception; visual illusions; lightness; perceived illumination; albedo hypothesis; coplanar ratio hypothesis; technology of virtual reality;

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Minjar-Beloroutcheva A.P., Pokrovskaya M.E. (2012). Ethnic stereotypes in contemporary linguistic environment. National Psychological Journal, 2(8), 90-94

The article is devoted to the interethnic relations which are vital for multi – and monocultural states engaged in search of ways creating favorable conditions for harmonious interaction of different ethnicities living on one territory. Solution of the given issue involves studying stereotypes and personifications reflected in words by analyzing interethnic relations through the perception of different peoples and ethnic groups, and the reflection of these relations in language.

Pages: 90-94

Keywords: ethnic stereotype; interethnic relations; personifications; nationality words; perception of the other; self-identification;

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Burovihina I.A., Liders A.G. (2012). Social situation as a condition for forming an image of the world in adolescents. National Psychological Journal,2(8),75-80

Тhe article describes main semantic components of the image of the world of blind teenagers, reconstructed in the empirical study using the method of fluent graduation of lexical items, which were collected as valid worlds for description of an individual system of meanings and relations with other people of teenagers. The results of mathematical analysis based on the algorithm of multidimensional scaling shown the elicitation of a subject’s consciousness categorical structure and different systems of meanings through which teenagers perceive the world.

Pages: 75-80

Keywords: image of the world; adolescence; social situation of development; subjective semantic space of perception; method of fluent graduation of lexical items;

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