ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Menshikova, G.Ya.

Menshikova, G.Ya.

Web of Science ResearcherID: J-8271-2013

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5670-921X

Scopus Author ID: 36727699700

Web: Личная страница

Страница в Истине:

Academic rank: Professor

Degree: Doctor of Psychology

Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University

Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Laboratory "Perception" of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University


Assessing successful reproduction of egocentric and allocentric spatial representations using virtual reality
National Psychological Journal p. 113-122 2018. , 2.
Menshikova, G.Ya. Kovyazina, M.S. Savelyeva Olga A.
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Studying the influence of race on the gaze cueing effect
National Psychological Journal p. 46-58 2017. , 2.
Menshikova, G.Ya. Kovalev, A. I. Luniakova, E.G.
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Vection in virtual environments: psychological and psychophysiological mechanisms
National Psychological Journal p. 91-104 2015. , 4.
Menshikova, G.Ya. Kovalev, A. I.
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New information technologies in social research: the post-non-classical paradigm.
National Psychological Journal p. 25-34 2015. , 3.
Zinchenko, Yu. P. Kovalev, A. I. Menshikova, G.Ya. Chaiguerova, Ludmila A.
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Virtual reality technology in the context of world and national psychology: methodological aspects, achievements and prospects
National Psychological Journal p. 54-62 2010. , 1.
Zinchenko, Yu. P. Menshikova, G.Ya. Bayakovsky Yu.M. Chernorizov, А.М. Voiskounsky Alexandr E.
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Virtual reality technology in the context of world and national psychology: methodological aspects, achievements and prospects
National Psychological Journal p. 64-71 2010. , 2.
Zinchenko, Yu. P. Menshikova, G.Ya. Bayakovsky Yu.M. Chernorizov, А.М. Voiskounsky Alexandr E.
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Studying the perception of surface lightness using technology of virtual reality
National Psychological Journal p. 110-115 2012. , 2.
Menshikova, G.Ya.
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