ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал
Национальный психологический журнал

Lomonosov Moscow State University / Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова


Lomonosov Moscow State University



Oganesyan S. E.(2010).Tattle-telling phenomenon in primary school age.National Psychological Journal,2(4), 72-79

The research object of the presented article is the psychological analysis of a phenomenon "tattle-telling" in primary school age. The subject of research is moral judgment of primary school students. The methodical toolkit used in experiment is presented by interview, questioning, the technique of moral dilemmas describing six situations of "tattle-telling". It is shown that "tattle-telling" is caused by historical and socio-cultural reasons. This phenomenon possesses age dynamics and is connected with the level of moral development.

Pages: 72-79

Keywords: tattle-telling; level of moral development;

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Zinchenko Yu. P., Menshikova G. Ya., Bayakovsky Yu. M., Chernorizov A. M., Voiskunsky A. E. (2010). Virtual reality technology in the context of world and national psychology: methodological aspects, achievements and prospects.National Psychological Journal,2(4), 64-71

In the article specific experimental studies, performed with the use of virtual reality systems are described, Promising directions of modification of research paradigms in cognitive, organizational, social and clinical psychology are introduced. The possibility of using new technology to address educational psychology, psychotherapy and psychological rehabilitation is analyzed.

Pages: 64-71

Keywords: psychotechnologies; technology of virtual reality; experimental psychology; psychotherapy; psychology of safety; psychophysiology; psychological rehabilitation; organizational psychology; innovative education; perception; communication;

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Zhuravlev A.L., Zinchenko Yury. P., Kovaleva Yu.V., Sergienko E.A. (2012) The 5th Congress of the Russian Psychological Society. National Psychological Journal, 2, 46-54.

A detailed report on the 5th Congress of the Russian Psychological Society (RPS) is presented, main activities and the Congress summary are presented. A detailed account of the Congress scientific program is given. Issues under discussion are described, new areas of psychological science and practice are acknowledged, names of participants presented. Documents that were approved at the Congress and publications prepared for the Congress opening are mentioned.

Pages: 46-54

Keywords: the 5th Congress of Russian Psychological Society, the scientific program of the Congress; Russian Psychological Society;

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Maligina L. E. (2010). TV announcement: information or manipulation? National Psychological Journal,2(4), 60-63

The article deals with the problem of incorporation, decoding of precedent phenomena in TV announcement offscreen commentary as well as the problem of Russian pressmen linguistic mind stereotyping; analyses linguistic-ethic problems connected with intervention into communicative space of addressee; undertakes an attempt to discover the main reasons of communicative failures.

Pages: 60-63

Keywords: linguistic play; aggression; repetition; precedent-relation; decoding; incorporation; communicative failure; linguistic-ethic problems;

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Tkhostov A. Sh. (2010). Psychological ambiguity of the concept of violence.National Psychological Journal, 2(4), 56-59

Concepts of "violence" and "effort" in the context of the development of the child are discussed. Nature, importance and relation of these concepts in modern psychology are shown. The idea of "humanistic" nonviolent pedagogy is analyzed. The value of "effort" for the normal development of personality is shown.

Pages: 56-59

Keywords: socialization; violence; effort; nonviolent pedagogy; development of the person;

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Emelin V. A.(2010).Terrorism as a radical response to the global crisis of identity.National Psychological Journal,2(4), 47-51

The article examines the relationship between the spread of terrorism and the transformation processes of self-identity in contemporary society. On the example of comparing the post"modern world and fundamentalist ideology shows the contradictory nature of changing patterns of identification.

Pages: 47-51

Keywords: identity; self-identification; migration; information technologies; terrorism; postmodernism;

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Karayany A. G. (2010). On the role of psychology in the prevention of terrorism.National Psychological Journal,2(4), 37-40

In article the critical analysis of a condition of working out of a problem terrorism in psychology is given. The new approach to understanding of essence of terrorism, ways of its preventive maintenance and suppression is proved.

Pages: 37-40

Keywords: terrorism; psychology; the conflict;

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Botchkova M. S. (2010). Sovereignty and democracy in Russia amid modern transitions in the world system.National Psychological Journal,2(4), 30-36

The present article aims to investigate the impact of the World financial crisis (2007-2010) on the international relations. The study focuses on the two dimensions: the practical that is the policy and the theoretical that is the recession influence on the international relation system theoretical approach. Against this background the turn to sovereign democracy in seems to enhance Russian clout over the World politics and to provide social development within the nation borders.

Pages: 30-36

Keywords: sovereignty; Global economic recession; architecture of international relations; political realism theory; Nonpolar world; Failed states; Sovereign democracy; Guided democracy;

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Chesnokova O. B., Subbotsky E. V. (2010). Social intelligence in complex social systems: evolutionary precursors, levels,forms and tpes.National Psychological Journal,2(4), 22-29

We discuss evolutionary precursors of social intelligence in complex social systems, and dostinguish levels, forms ans types of social intelligence in humans. On the basis of experimental studies of social intelligence in children, we distinguish high, middle and low levels of social intelligence.. The importance of distinguishing levels, forms and types of social intelligence for a number of theoretical and practical issues of preparing a modern child for the effective appropriation of (and functioning in) complex social systems is accentuated.

Pages: 22-29

Keywords: social intelligence; social competence; phylogenesis; ontogenesis; levels, forms and types;

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Zinchenko Yu.P., Volodarskaya I.A. (2011). New specialist area in psychology.National Psychological Journal,1(5), 119-123

The problems that psychologists are faced with in modern society are highlighted. The research held by the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University in accordance with the "Implementation of Innovation"Based Educational Programmes in Psychology" sub"project is considered. The new interdepartmental and interdisciplinary specialist areas are aimed at professional academic training in order to solve theoretical and practical problems of modern psychology.

Pages: 119-123

Keywords: psychological education; educational programs; problems of modern psychology; psychology of negotiations; psychology of conflict; psychology of developing innovation-based educationa; psychology of safety; health psychology; psychological competence;

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Asmolov A.G., Burmenskaya G.V., Volodarskaya I.A., Karabanova O.A., Molchanov S.V., Salmina N.G. (2011). Program of development of universal educational actions in high school.National Psychological Journal,1(5), 104-110

The article discusses the theoretical and methodological framework of the Program development of educational actions as a universal educational psychological and educational component of the project of the federal state standard of general education for senior level - the doctrine of psychological age (Vygotsky, El'konin) and the concept of developmental education, created in the frame of activity approach (Leontiev, Galperin, El'konin, Davydov). The basic types of universal educational action are determined, their characteristics and criteria of formation for older adolescents are presented.

Pages: 104-110

Keywords: system-activity approach; the psychological age; universal study actions; self-orientation; communicative action; cognitive actions; regulatory actions;

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Isaichev E.S.,Isaichev S.A., Nasonov A.V., Chernorizov A.M. (2011). Diagnostics of deception based on the analysis of cognitive evoked potentials of the human brain.National Psychological Journal,1(5), 70-77

A new experimental approach to lye detection is discussed based on analysis of spatial distribution of single components in human cognitive event"related potentials. According averaged group data, the most informative component is the wave P 450.

Pages: 70-77

Keywords: detection of deceptive responses (lye detection); models of lying; cognitive eventrelated potentials (cERP); spatial distribution of cERP; algorithms of cERP evaluation;

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Strelkov Yu.K. (2011). Temporality of work activities.National Psychological Journal,1(5), 62-65

Synchronizing the processes of the accomplishing of dual tasks, the duration of the expectations of events and experience of the present, the mental conscious work on preparation for the job and analyzing its results, bodily movement and change in the outside world - attention to such temporary categories allows the psychologist to build an accurate description of human labor in various forms of transport, to outline methods of formation of specialists' professional skills.

Pages: 62-65

Keywords: timing; duration; temporal synthesis; work activity;

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Zinchenko Yu.P. (2011). Methodological problems of basic and applied psychological research.National Psychological Journal,1(5), 42-49

The research held by the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State Lomonosov University which is constantly developing new approaches based on classical theories of the international and national psychology. The methodology development of psychological research as a condition for apprehending the knowledge accumulated and the process of learning are analyzed.

Pages: 42-49

Keywords: methodological problems of psychology; organizational structure of psychological research;

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Karabanova O.A. (2011). "Lomonosov – 2011": New encounters and discoveries. National Psychological Journal,1(5), 36-39

The report provides the information on "Lomonosov – 2011", the XVIIIth International Conference of Students and Young Scientists in which "Psychology" section was devoted to the issues of "Conventional Studies and Innovation"Based Research of Russian and International Psychology". The abstracts of the winners can be found hereafter.

Pages: 36-39

Keywords: Lomonosov-2011;

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Asmolov A.G. (2011). "Star Hunt".National Psychological Journal,1(5), 24-27

The importance of a new type of a younger generation, i.e. the generation of creative, intellectually developed, innovation minded young people in the context of global social intellectual development at the present stage is considered. Conditions for solving this problem are mentioned.

Pages: 24-27

Keywords: "headhunting"; social intellectual development; the modernization of education; personal development; prodigy children; school variable education; professionoriented education; universal education;

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Subbotsky E.V., Chesnokova O.B.(2011). Can social intelligence and moral norms be compatible? National Psychological Journal,1(5),8-13

The problems of social intelligence in the form of deception and manipulation in adults and children. Those cases are considered when the deception does not contradict the moral norms. Children use social intelligence in the form of cheating an adult as a necessary prerequisite of a free moral choice and the subsequent internal moral motivation.

Pages: 8-13

Keywords: social intelligence; deception; manipulation; moral choice; moral development of children; moral motivation; emotional identification;

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Petrenko V.F. (2011). Spiritual psychological practice in creating an atmosphere of tolerance, religious toleration and nonviolence. National Psychological Journal, 2(6),117-121

The role of spiritual psychological practice in building personal tolerance attitudes is shown. Some classical psychotherapeutic techniques, as well as psychological practice, formed in different religious confessions, especially Buddhism and Orthodoxy, are considered. Particular attention is paid to the Buddhist techniques of working consciousness.

Pages: 117-121

Keywords: tolerance; religious toleration; ethnocentrism; understanding of the Other" training course; world religions; Buddhism; Christianity; psychotherapeutic practice; psychotherapy; ">; meditation; hesychasm (Quietism); Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhist spiritual practice;

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Zinchenko Y.P., Soldatova G.U., Shaygerova L.A. (2011). Act of Terrorism as an extreme situation in the risk society. National Psychological Journal,2(6),98-111

The nature of terrorism as an extreme situation in modern risk society of is analysed. The interconnection between terrorism and xenophobia, discrimination and the spread of intolerance attitudes are shown. Possible ways of searching for effective measures to manage xenophobia risk, combating the ideology of terrorism and accepting tolerance as an essential basis of interaction between individuals and groups in society.

Pages: 98-111

Keywords: terrorism; tolerance; intolerance; xenophobia; migrant phobia; psychological safety; psychological traits of a terrorist; personal identity; motivation of terrorist activities;

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Shlyagina E.I.,Enikolopov S.N. (2011). Studies of personal ethnic tolerance.National Psychological Journal,2(6),80-89

It is shown how ethnic tolerance is understood and what methods can be used to diagnose it. The results of a longitudinal study whose aim is to identify ethnic tolerance in the Russian citizens to Lithuanians are analysed.

Pages: 80-89

Keywords: tolerance; ethnic tolerance; ethnocentrism; individual (group) ethnic psychological characteristics; ethnic attitudes; alien environment;

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