Background. The characteristics and predictors of proactive coping still remain insufficiently studied topics in psychology. At the same time, the study of a person’s perception and assessment of possible future-related difficulties becomes more and more relevant in the context of accelerating social changes.
The objective of the research is to identify culturally specific and culturally universal patterns in the choice of proactive coping strategies, depending on the interaction of personal and situational determinants.
Design. The research was conducted in the form of an online survey involving students from Moscow (N = 311) and from Tashkent (N = 272) as respondents. Participants in the study consistently completed questionnaires to assess the preferences of various strategies of proactive coping, the level of general self-efficacy, the degree of tolerance to uncertainty, and the current experience of positive / negative affect.
Results. In the course of the study it was revealed that the previously adapted Russian-language version of the methodology of proactive coping strategies by E. Greenglass has cultural invariance. Comparison of respondents from Russia and Uzbekistan in terms of the severity of proactive coping strategies showed that Moscow respondents prefer strategies of seeking information and emotional support to a greater extent than Tashkent ones. Testing the model of interaction of situational and personal variables showed that it is the interaction of emotional state and self-efficacy that determines the preference for strategies of proactive, reflexive, preventive coping and strategic planning strategies both in Russia and in Uzbekistan. The interaction of tolerance to uncertainty with emotional state positively predicts only the preference for a proactive coping strategy in both samples and negatively predicts the choice of a strategic planning strategy among respondents from Uzbekistan.
Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrated more cultural versatility than cultural specificity in favoring different strategies for proactive coping. Two directions of further research are possible: conducting a meaningful analysis of the image of difficult situations from the point of view of both cultural specificity and cross-cultural invariance. The second direction is expanding the spectrum of the studied determinants of proactive coping, including possible social values and personal value orientations.
Background. The BPS-SR (Boredom Proneness Scale-Short Form) is a brief and most efficacious version of the famous Boredom Proneness Scale developed by R. Farmer and N. Sundberg (Struk, 2017).
Objective. This study is aimed to adapt the Russian BPS-SR version.
Design. Psychometric indicators of the Russian BPS-SR version have been assessed on the sample of males (N=151) serving sentences in prison.
Findings. The factor structure of the BPS-SR, estimated using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, has demonstrated the scale homogeneity and thus confirmed the original BPS-SR authors’ hypothesis suggesting the advantage of the scale comprising only direct test items. The BPS-SR reliability (α-Cronbach=0.86) and validity indicators also have confirmed the psychometric adequacy of the Russian scale adaptation. The boredom proneness has proven to be positively associated with apathy, hopelessness, loneliness and male depressive syndrome, which allows considering it a possible factor in psychological maladjustment as an adult. The social and demographic characteristics evaluation performed using the one-way analysis of variance ANOVA has showed that age, marital status, having or not having children, offense type and sentence term do not significantly contribute to the boredom proneness, while the BPS-SR indicators depend directly on the respondents’ education. The respondents having obtained the higher and specialized secondary education have proven to be less prone to boredom than respondents having the basic secondary or full secondary education.
Conclusion. The conclusion infers that the adapted BPS-SR can actually be considered a psychometrically reasonable means to diagnose boredom proneness in Russianspeaking respondents.
Received: 02/06/2020
Accepted: 02/15/2020
Pages: 40-49
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2020.0104
Keywords: boredom proneness;
Available Online: 03/31/2020
Background. The change of the traditional model of family relations that has occurred in recent decades in modern society, the change in marriage and family attitudes and values, gender roles and stereotypes lead to difficulties in the process of socio-psychological adaptation of young people who get married. Simultaneously, the effectiveness of adaptation depends on various aspects, e.g. personal maturity of spouses that determines not only the effectiveness of adaptation to family life, but also the stability of family relations. This identifies the need to study the relationship of personal maturity of young spouses and their socio-psychological adaptation to family life.
The Objective purpose is to study the dependence of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of the spouses in young couples.
Design. The study involved 150 young couples. The age of spouses is 20-30 y.o. Taking residence together is up to five years. The study used the following methods: test questionnaire of Yu.Z. Gilbuha, questionnaire of D.L. Burtyansky and V.V. Crishtal.
Results. The results showed the existence of a connection between such indicators of personal maturity as the achievement motivation, life attitude, the ability for psychological intimacy with another person and socio-psychological adaptation. Also, the dependence has been established between the general indicator of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation. The hypothesis about the relationship between indicators of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of spouses in young married couples has been partially confirmed.
Conclusion. The development of the orientation of spouses to self-realization in family life, high emotional stability, empathy can increase the level of spouse adaptation to family life.
Received: 08/21/2019
Accepted: 09/12/2019
Pages: 80-87
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0309
Keywords: personal maturity;
indicators of personal maturity;
socio-psychological adaptation;
family adaptation;
young married couples;
Available Online: 10/20/2019
Background. Today, the problem of addiction is very relevant. Addicted persons may act against themselves, often becoming an enemy to themselves. Therefore, it is very important to develop effective psychotherapeutic methods of working with addiction. There are different models of working with addiction, but this problem has not yet been resolved.
The Objective is to present an existential-analytical approach to the therapeutic work with addiction.
Design. Addiction is deemed as an obstacle to Person-Being. This extremely strong mental need regularly makes free will obey it. The Will submits and plays along. It brings a person relief. The problem is in the fact that the Will acts against its own Person-Being, i.e. the person acts against himself. A person falls into a state of selfdestruction. In order to get out of this self-destructive state, a systematic correlation with one’s own Person is proposed, in order to strengthen relations with it and gradually begin to live a fulfilled life. In contrast to the behavioural model, where the stimulus immediately causes a reaction within the method developed in the framework of the existential-analytical approach, another model is established, that implies that an attempt is made to interpose the Self as Person between the stimulus and the reaction, due to which it is activated, which leads to a psychotherapeutic result.
Results. The main stages of the implementation of this model in psychotherapeutic work with addiction are considered. The exercises and methods for outlining the personal strengths of an addicted person are described, starting with the adoption of addiction, so as to try to provide the Person with more freedom of action and overcome the addiction.
Conclusion. This paper can contribute to the development of a personal and existential view of an addicted person.
Received: 08/11/2019
Accepted: 08/26/2019
Pages: 47-59
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0306
Keywords: addiction;
existential-analytical approach;
Available Online: 10/20/2019
Background. The issue of Internet addiction is being actively discussed in foreign and Russian psychology in two recent decades. However, experts have not developed a common opinion on the concept of ‘Internet addiction’. Therefore different terms are used to refer to disharmonious relationships in the ‘man-Internet’ system: ‘problematic Internet use’, «’excessive Internet use’, ‘compulsive Internet use’, etc. Psychologists show more agreement in the description of symptoms of Internet addiction. Generalization of these features makes it possible to develop tools for psychological assessment of Internet addiction.
Objective is to identify the components of problematic Internet use in adolescence using the questionnaire developed by the authors of this paper, and to describe the relationship of the components of problematic Internet use with using various Internet services.
Design. Based on the analysis of the psychological literature, the symptoms of problematic Internet use were identified. The selected symptoms constituted the content of the questionnaire. Correlation and factor analysis revealed components of problematic Internet use. Relationships between problematic Internet use and using different Internet services were studied.
The sample of the study consisted of 150 people aged 16 to 23 years: 64 high school students and 86 university undergraduates. The data was collected throughout the period from October, 2017 to November, 2017.
Results. The study of symptoms and manifestations of problematic Internet use in high school students and university students allowed to develop a scale of problematic Internet use bringing together five components (super-value of Internet activity, frustration of vital needs, anticipation of accessing the Internet, reducing monitoring time and reducing the significance of events outside the network). The features of using Internet services depending on gender and age are described. Correlations of problematic Internet use with types of activity in a network are established. The most closely components of problematic Internet use are connected with use of communicative (social) services.
Conclusion. The study of problematic Internet use and its components allows us to offer a five-component model of problematic Internet use and describe the relationship of problematic Internet use with Internet services and applications using.
Received: 03/23/2018
Accepted: 09/03/2018
Pages: 34-46
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0104
Keywords: addiction;
Internet dependence;
adolescent Internet addiction;
psychology of the Internet;
social networks;
Available Online: 01/30/2019
Background. The issue of antisocial behaviour and adolescent aggressiveness are usually studied from the perspective of family psychological well-being. Social and economic inequality of contemporary families are important factors of cultural and historical context of the of modern adolescents’ developmental situation.
Objective. The paper provides an attempt of articulating the theoretical basis of adolescents’ aggression, i.e. family SES analysis. The paper is also dedicated to the research of differences in adolescents’ aggression indicators within gender- and family SES- groups spectrum.
Design. The research was conducted as an online survey in the public schools of Russian Federation. The present sample consisted of 883 respondents (59% were females, 41% were males). The average age was 16 years. Adolescents’ aggression was assessed by the short version of Buss-Durkey Inventory. Statistical analysis methods included Kruskall-Wallis test, T-test, Mann-Whitney test and factor analysis (maximum likelihood).
Results. The study revealed that differences in aggression indicators are mainly reflected in the subjective aspects of aggression (resentment and guilt), and also a general indicator of aggression depending on the socio-economic status of the family. Different levels of preparedness for physical aggression are shown by respondents from families in which only the father or only the mother works. Both females and males are prone to various manifestations of aggressiveness. Differences in indicators of aggression in the context of cultural capital and the socio-economic status of the family are reflected mainly in the subjective aspects of aggression.
Conclusion. Statistically speaking, the differences obtained are quite significant, but from an absolute point of view they are extremely small. The indicators of socio-economic well-being of a family are related to adolescent aggression indirectly, with psychological characteristics being the key point. Specific features of the relationship between parents and the child, features of educational practices preferred by parents, features of family organization, etc. Economic well-being appear only a condition that facilitates or, conversely, complicates the implementation of educational practices adopted in the family. The major role belongs to the activity of both parents and children. A further research is required to verify the latter.
Received: 02/21/2019
Accepted: 03/16/2019
Pages: 23-33
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0103
Keywords: aggressiveness;
social well-being;
subjective economic well-being;
gender differences;
constructive-spatial functions;
Available Online: 01/30/2019
Background. In the context of mass communication research a special value is placed on the discussion of the connection between using various means of mass communication and their particular features. One of the important personal characteristics is the sociometric status of a person in a group.
The Objective of the empirical research presented in the paper is to reveal whether there is a connection between leisure media consumption and the sociometric status of a person in small groups. If the assumption about the unified nature of communication processes in interpersonal and mass communication is deemed as the initial theoretical premise, it is reasonably assumed that sociometric characteristics of a person should correlate with the parameters of his address to the means of mass communication.
Design. The study involved 110 people aged 25 to 28 years old, employed with 10 departments of two companies. According to the results of a special questionnaire used together with a sociometric questionnaire, media consumption parameters are determined: preference of media channels (print media, radio, television, the Internet)), intensity of access to these media channels, functional orientations (e.g. information, entertainment, cultural and educational). Based on the data obtained, special indices are calculated: sociometric status index; four indices of media channels preferences (print media, radio, television, the Internet); four intensity indices of media consumption (reading print media, radio listening, television watching, using the Internet); three indexes of functional orientation (index of information function, index of entertainment function, index of cultural and educational function).
Research Results. Popular respondents choose the print media much more often than others, while the unpopular ones choose television; more popular respondents use do print media and radio much more intensively, while unpopular respondents used television; with respect to the Internet, no significant differences were found; popular respondents are much more focused on cultural, educational and informational functions, and unpopular ones are focused on entertainment. For the sociometric status index, the following findings are true: strong direct relationship with the radio consumption index (R = 0.713) and with the print media consumption index (R = 0.693); mean value of television consumption index (R = -0.541); mean value of the Internet consumption index (R = 0.471).
Conclusion. The obtained results correlate quite well with the results of the research conducted in the 1980s, although they were obtained in other socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions, as well as in a different social group. This proves the existence of a connection between sociometric status and media preferences, not only in high school students, but also in young adults. Hence it is logical to assume that such kind of connections should be observed in other social groups. At the theoretical level, there is an issue of developing an explanatory socio-psychological model that would organically link the interpersonal communication and mass communication patterns.
Received: 09/13/2018
Accepted: 10/27/2018
Pages: 39-49
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0404
Keywords: sociometry;
sociometric status;
media consumption;
preference for media channels;
functional orientations for media consumption;
popular members of the group;
unpopular members of the group;
Available Online: 12/30/2018
Background. The authors of the paper enquire how the continuity and maintenance of social identity is carried out from generation to generation. Particular attention is drawn to the memory of the traumatic past of the group, such as repression and deportation, as they contradict the widespread view of social identity as a tool for achieving positive individual self-esteem based on a positive image of the group. The paper assumes that cultural memory being a link between the past, the present and the future of the social group ensures the continuity of social identity. Identity that includes the comprehension and experience of the negative past of the group is also considered.
Objective. The objective of this study is to justify the role of cultural memory as the basis of identification with the group and an empirical test of the relationship between the two constructs.
Design. A written questionnaire was offered to 296 people aged between 17 and 70 (M = 26.22, SD = 10.0) who identified themselves as Ingush. The respondents answered questions about their social identity (ethnic, civil and religious), assessed their experiences related to the deportation fact, and substantively argued the need to preserve the cultural memory of the deportation.
Conclusion. The data obtained show that the extent of identity within the group is positively correlated with the extent of the deportation experience, although these experiences are by no means positive (anger, insult, humiliation, heart pain, etc.), and also with the frequency of recalling the fact of deportation and desire to learn more about this event. The obtained results confirm the suggested assumption about the role of cultural memory and allow to develop further research on clarifying the relationship between cultural memory and social identity, assessing the impact of such additional factors as group emotions, psychological well-being, etc.
Received: 10/12/2017
Accepted: 10/30/2017
Pages: 45-56
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0404
Keywords: ethnic identity;
civic identity;
religious identity;
cultural memory;
Available Online: 01/01/2018
Objective. The article describes a short version of the dual process model scales by J. Duckitt that allow elaborating on an integrated exploratory approach for the assessment of authoritarianism.
Background. This area of research is not widespread in Russia in contrast to foreign social psychology. Unfortunately, there are only a few studies in Russia that advance our understanding of the indicated problems, and these few studies likely put more questions than give answers. It can be partly explained by the lack of appropriate available, reliable and valid measures in Russian. Dual process model for the study of authoritarianism offers the scales designed to measure: (1) right-wing authoritarianism that reflects the motivation and attitudes to maintain and preservation of the social cohesion, order, stability, and collective security; (2) social dominance orientation that reflects the motivation and attitudes to maintain and preservation of the dominance and superiority; (3) dangerous worldview that reflects views of the social world as the dangerous and threatening; and (4) competitive worldview that reflects views of the social world as the competitive and ferocious.
Design. The data for the analysis were collected in the survey of 241 participants, mostly residents of Moscow (Central Federal District), Russia, and Ulyanovsk (Volga Federal District), Russia. Using confirmatory factor analysis the four measurement models containing the different number of dimensions of the short version of the dual process model scales were tested. Also, cross-validation was performed (N = 576).
Results. The tested measurement models had acceptable reliability and validity indices. However, the best fit was shown by the model with multidimensional structure in which all the subfactors were as separate constructs.
Conclusion. The short version of scales was successfully compiled, the measures can be considered a reliable and valid measure to study of authoritarianism in Russia.
Received: 02/11/2017
Accepted: 09/23/2017
Pages: 30-44
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0403
Keywords: right-wing authoritarianism;
social dominance orientation;
dangerous worldview;
competitive worldview;
social worldviews;
Available Online: 01/01/2018
The paper considers social perceptual representations of mother in children. The social perceptive image of mother is associated with a certain attitude, and, consequently, determines the willingness to act in a certain way, the willingness to implement a certain strategy of relationships. The paper presents the results of a large-scale empirical study comprising 7000 high school students.
The sample can be considered quite representative with all necessary parameters, including respondents from big cities and small towns and villages of Russia, complete and incomplete families, families with 1-2 children and large ones. The results of the study in the general sample show that the social perceptual portrait of the mother compises only positive qualities, and does not contain any negative descriptor.
In addition, a high level of concordance (coherence, unanimity) in the perception and assessment of the mother’s respondents was revealed. A comparative analysis is carried out of the mother’s image in the minds of young men and women, in the minds of respondents from complete and incomplete families, from urban and rural families, from families with one or two children and from large families, from large families with many children and many children with many children. As a general trend, the social perceptual portrait of the mother in all groups remains positive. However, certain differences are also found in some changes in most significant qualities. Summing uo, differences are also found in the level of concordance of the respondents’ choice in specific groups that differ in gender or social features.
Received: 02/16/2017
Accepted: 03/03/2017
Pages: 85-91
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0209
Keywords: mentality;
large families;
single-parent family;
social perception;
a high school student;
Available Online: 06/28/2017
The paper studies the methodological aspect of developing social intuitionist approach to moral psychology. The paper reveals the possibility of applying this approach to the study of morality and moral functioning today, emphasizes the representation of issues in moral psychology methodological origins of social psychology, both in Russia and abroad. Social and psychological foundations of social intuitionist approach are described in detail. The research results show that the child perceiving the concept of fairness and variability in the framework of a specific group membership is culturally determined. The matter of special consideration is the theory of the American social psychologist George Haidt. The results of his work and his colleagues’ works are presented herein describing the concept of cultural variable moral intuitions, the findings of empirical studies carried out in the framework of this approach are summarized. The paper reveals the fundamental provisions of the social and intuitionistic theory. The comparative analysis of the social intuitionistic and cognitive approaches in moral psychology is presented. The conclusion that the relativistic understanding of morality is not an obstacle to its study, and the presence of various determinants of moral functioning should be based on further empirical research.
The authors conceptualized the current state of social intuitionistic theory of moral functioning, which describes the theoretical and methodological sources of this area (Rawls, 2010; Freud, 2005; Hume, 1996; Hare’s, 1981). As justification for this approach the paper considers the phenomena studied in psychology, social cognition, and those that create the possibility of developing this area, namely affective motivation (Zajonc, 1980), fair-world hypothesis (Lerner, 1965), the objectivity of the illusion (Perkins, Allen, & Hafner , 1983), the phenomenon of «naive realism» (Griffin, & Ross, 1991), group interaction in a situation of regulatory uncertainty (Zimbardo, Lyayppe, 2011).
Received: 09/01/2015
Accepted: 06/17/2016
Pages: 32-38
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0104
Keywords: psychology of morality;
social psychology;
moral functioning;
social intuitionistic theory;
Available Online: 03/30/2017
The paper presents the results of the psychological research on interaction of mothers with preschool children with intellectual disabilities. A questionnaire of Parent- Child Emotional Interaction by E.I. Zakharova and a Scale of Child Rejection Degree by A.I. Barkan are used in the empirical study. The basic idea of the scientific research is optimization of emotional interacting of mothers with preschool children who have intellectual disabilities by means of psychological training which is aimed at developing emotional-sensual, empathy-behavioural and cognitive-reflective components of parenthood. The data mentioned above describe the emotional side of mother’s interaction with the child as a disjunction, i.e. most of the mothers manifest low sensitivity to the condition and needs of the child, lack of understanding the causes of child behaviour, inability to empathize to the child when he/she is in a predicament. In order to improve mothers’ understanding of their own children, characteristics and regularities of child development, to enhance the ability to understand the experiences, states and interests of the child, to change attitudes of parents to the child and themselves a training program has been implemented. The results of the control phase of the experiment conducted show the positive effect of group work on peculiarities of parent-child emotional interaction. The number of mothers who are able to understand the reasons for the child’s moods, sympathize with child, set him/her calm attitude increased. Mothers’ impression that they are controlling the development of their child has appeared. Mothers were more likely to seek physical contact with a child. A larger number of mothers began to provide emotional support to their children and to take into account the mood and interests of the child in leisure activities planning.
Received: 12/04/2016
Accepted: 12/15/2016
Pages: 108-114
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0413
Keywords: children with intellectual disabilities;
parent-child interaction;
acceptance-rejection of the child;
focus on the child status in building cooperation;
desire for physical contact;
emotional support;
Available Online: 12/30/2016
The paper describes the existential analytical model within which the content of suffering is denoted and structured. The model shows that we suffer from when we suffer. Suffering is diverse in its «how» and «why.» The author highlights the features of various forms of suffering in accordance with their classification in the existential-analytical anthropology and reveals the essence of suffering. Within the framework of existential analysis there is an assumption that experience is perceived as fulfilling with suffering when the fundamental structures of existence are threatened or damaged, and the features of the contents of these structures are considered. Significant attention is paid to the ratio of human suffering and the loss of human sense of life, what is behind the feeling of senselessness of suffering. Suffering and pain fully or partly represent a threat to our very life and throw into question human lust for life. To avoid this, it is necessary to appeal to the vast opportunities of a person, and drawing strength from its sources to meet adequately the destructive factors and the abyss of existence.
The paper considers the issue of activity which enables stepwise treatment of suffering. The model of stepwise coping with suffering is proposed. It helps to overcome the stagnation in the condition of suffering and returns to the world and life. Practical steps are suggested. These steps are applicable for all forms of suffering. They lay the basis for gaining inner peace. So we can target our efforts over the suffering and prevent the occurrence of mental illness (e.g., depression, hysteria, addiction, PTSD, etc.).
Received: 08/20/2016
Accepted: 10/14/2016
Pages: 23-33
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0403
Keywords: existential analysis;
fundamental motivations;
Available Online: 12/30/2016
The paper presents results of the study focused on the work motivation dynamics. Participants were candidates for the job, accepted on probation period in finance company. The influence of the “Money“» motivation object on the motivational space before and after job placement, an attempt to operationalize situational and temporal stability of work motivation are presented. The study was conducted using method of “Motivational map“, based on the motivational task procedure (Strizhova, Gusev, 2013). Motivational task is a tool for consistent reflection of the field of motivational objects allowing further reconstruction of individual motivational space. The material stimulation is confirmed to have a significant impact on more parameters of motivational space before job placement than after job placement.
Situational stability of work motivation was assessed by correlation between coordinates of 15 motivational objects obtained in the two steps of motivational task. At the first step participant assessed 15 motivational objects in the graphic space of evaluation scales. At the second step participant placed motivational object “Money“ among already evaluated 15 motivational objects, which could be reevaluated after it. Temporal stability was assessed by correlations between the same parameters of motivational space before and after job placement.
The research results helped to assume that situational and temporal stability of motivation could be the factors of individual differences.
Received: 01/20/2016
Accepted: 02/16/2016
Pages: 78-87
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0110
Keywords: work motivation;
motivation dynamics;
motivation map;
Available Online: 07/06/2016
The paper gives a brief introduction to existential analysis (EA). It briefly describes how to develop this phenomenological approach and its main provisions. The emotion is deemed as a specific perception of a meaningful life. Emotionality plays a significant role in the existential analysis of anthropology and practice. The former one is the cornerstone of existence, and takes its place among the other three measurements in the existential theory of the EA.
The paper presents a phenomenological description of the four-step process of the emotion emergence. It shows how during this process vitality is stimulated, so emotions are important to humans. This is an existential analytic theory of emotions, which explains the importance of the EA practice of affection feeling (fühlen) and intuitive feeling (sense, i.e. spüren). The first is related to human life and the need for the detection values, the second one is related to the authenticity and ethics. In this pater, we consider the difference between the affect and the emotion. In the last three paragraphss theyform of emotional dysfunction is fiscribed, some of the studies in this area and the main elements of emotional and affective therapy.
Received: 08/20/2014
Accepted: 10/14/2014
Pages: 26-38
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2015.0104
Keywords: existential analysis;
theory of emotions;
emotional sphere;
life integrity;
Available Online: 03/30/2015
On a par with the analysis of the Russian history of psychology development the paper characterizes academic research and teaching profession of one of the greatest contemporary historians of psychology Antonina Nikolaevna Zhdan, Distinguished Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education. The paper shows her contribution to the international and national history of psychology, historical and scientific research of the Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the history of psychology teaching at the Department of General Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. We give an account of the origin of the historical and psychological research in the Russian empire and Soviet times: Psychological Institute (1914) of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (established in 1966). The role of A.N. Zhdan in finalizing the encyclopedias devoted to the 250th anniversary of Lomonosov Moscow State University is distinguished. We mention Antonina N. Zhdan’s teacher, Peter Ya. Galperin, who was the first to develop a training course on the history of psychology that serves as a basis for creating and then publishing a university course curriculum and a manual. The paper highlights the constructive role of academic research and teaching profession of A.N. Zhdan to develop the first Russian university fundamental textbook on the history of psychology which she positioned from the perspective of L.S. Vygotsky’s cultural historical psychology, A.N. Leontiev’s theory of activity and P. Ya. Galperin’s concept of orienting activity.
We analyze the work of A.N. Zhdan on various aspects of the history of psychology and the establishing theoretical principles of its research and development. The significance of A.N. Zhdan’s works for developing methodology of psychology is emphasized. It is particularly stressed that this line of research characterizes the academic school of the history of international and Russian psychology with her active participation.
Received: 11/08/2014
Accepted: 11/26/2014
Pages: 3-12
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0401
Keywords: history of psychology;
Zhdan A.N.;
Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University;
Available Online: 12/30/2014
The article features a new technique of work motivation diagnostics based on the new developed concept of motivational task. A motivational task is a tool for selfappraisal in the field of motivational objects allowing further reconstruction of motivational space. The conditions of the motivational task resolution have been implemented in the diagnostic procedure “Motivational Map”. The diagnostics procedure consists in multiple visual appraisal forms of 16 motivational objects (J.Nuttin) within a dimensional graphic space determined by 6 evaluation scales. To indicate the geometric patterns that reflect the relationship between motivational objects the term subjective motivation space is used, based on the definition of subjective psychological space in modern models of multidimensional scaling. Conditions of motivational tasks are as follows: ranking of motivational objects, determining the subjective centre of motivational space, multiple comparative evaluation of motivational objects, successive refinement of estimates of motivational objects, adjusting the motivational space with due account of placing high priority motivational object. Approbation of new assessment technique was conducted using a sample of 206 financial experts and included two series which had the test and the retest stages. These results were compared with the scores received using the results of standard questionnaires. The construct validity of the methodology was assessed by means of the regression analysis. The scales used in the standard methodologies of work motivation assessment served as the independent variables, while the parameters registered by the developed methodology served as the dependent variables. In the course of validity analysis, 32 highly important regression models were established. The results of psychometric verification of validity and reliability are presented in this paper.
Received: 05/14/2014
Accepted: 06/03/2014
Pages: 52-59
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0207
Keywords: methodology;
motivational task;
work motivation;
This article describes the results of pilot research conducted for the elaboration of new method, oriented to work motivation diagnostics. It was proved that work motivation could be diagnosed through the subjective differences between motivational objects in the space of estimation scales. Motivation objects (work motives) and estimation scales get empirically and presented.
Analysis of the recent foreign publications reveals actual lines of theoretical studies and empirical investigations in this field: a) problems of the structure of organizational identification, and b) problems of relationship of organizational identification with work attitudes and behavior. Organizational identification structure comprises of either various foci (organization, work unit, profession, and career) or subcomponents of this construct (cognitive, affective, evaluative). Most significant jobrelated attitudes and behaviors that correlate with organizational identification are job satisfaction, turnover intention, extrarole and organizational citizenship behavior.
The role of mass media in spreading the ideas of tolerance and multiculturalism in society is analysed. Challenges they are faced w in connection with the relevant issue are formulated.
Pages: 122-125
Keywords: mass media;
media resources;
ethnic conflicts;
tolerant behavior;
media images;