Objective. The article describes a short version of the dual process model scales by J. Duckitt that allow elaborating on an integrated exploratory approach for the assessment of authoritarianism.
Background. This area of research is not widespread in Russia in contrast to foreign social psychology. Unfortunately, there are only a few studies in Russia that advance our understanding of the indicated problems, and these few studies likely put more questions than give answers. It can be partly explained by the lack of appropriate available, reliable and valid measures in Russian. Dual process model for the study of authoritarianism offers the scales designed to measure: (1) right-wing authoritarianism that reflects the motivation and attitudes to maintain and preservation of the social cohesion, order, stability, and collective security; (2) social dominance orientation that reflects the motivation and attitudes to maintain and preservation of the dominance and superiority; (3) dangerous worldview that reflects views of the social world as the dangerous and threatening; and (4) competitive worldview that reflects views of the social world as the competitive and ferocious.
Design. The data for the analysis were collected in the survey of 241 participants, mostly residents of Moscow (Central Federal District), Russia, and Ulyanovsk (Volga Federal District), Russia. Using confirmatory factor analysis the four measurement models containing the different number of dimensions of the short version of the dual process model scales were tested. Also, cross-validation was performed (N = 576).
Results. The tested measurement models had acceptable reliability and validity indices. However, the best fit was shown by the model with multidimensional structure in which all the subfactors were as separate constructs.
Conclusion. The short version of scales was successfully compiled, the measures can be considered a reliable and valid measure to study of authoritarianism in Russia.
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Keywords: right-wing authoritarianism; social dominance orientation; dangerous worldview; competitive worldview; attitude; social worldviews;
Available Online 01.01.2018
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