ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828



Rean A.A., Evgrafova Yu.A. (2019). The study of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of the spouses in young couples. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12)3, 80–87


Background. The change of the traditional model of family relations that has occurred in recent decades in modern society, the change in marriage and family attitudes and values, gender roles and stereotypes lead to difficulties in the process of socio-psychological adaptation of young people who get married. Simultaneously, the effectiveness of adaptation depends on various aspects, e.g. personal maturity of spouses that determines not only the effectiveness of adaptation to family life, but also the stability of family relations. This identifies the need to study the relationship of personal maturity of young spouses and their socio-psychological adaptation to family life.

The Objective purpose is to study the dependence of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of the spouses in young couples.

Design. The study involved 150 young couples. The age of spouses is 20-30 y.o. Taking residence together is up to five years. The study used the following methods: test questionnaire of Yu.Z. Gilbuha, questionnaire of D.L. Burtyansky and V.V. Crishtal.

Results. The results showed the existence of a connection between such indicators of personal maturity as the achievement motivation, life attitude, the ability for psychological intimacy with another person and socio-psychological adaptation. Also, the dependence has been established between the general indicator of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation. The hypothesis about the relationship between indicators of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of spouses in young married couples has been partially confirmed.

Conclusion. The development of the orientation of spouses to self-realization in family life, high emotional stability, empathy can increase the level of spouse adaptation to family life.

Received: 08/21/2019
Accepted: 09/12/2019
Pages: 80-87
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0309

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Keywords: personal maturity; indicators of personal maturity; socio-psychological adaptation; family adaptation; young married couples;

Available Online 20.10.2019

Fig. 1. Indicators of spouse personal maturity in young married couples (per cent)

Fig. 2. Disturbances of the socio-psychological adaptation of spouses in young couples (per cent)


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Rean A.A., Evgrafova Yu.A. (2019). The study of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of the spouses in young couples. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12)3, 80–87