ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828



Lipatov S. A., Lovakov A. V. (2010). Ecent studies of organizational identification in foreign psychology.National Psychological Journal,1(3), 70-75


Analysis of the recent foreign publications reveals actual lines of theoretical studies and empirical investigations in this field: a) problems of the structure of organizational identification, and b) problems of relationship of organizational identification with work attitudes and behavior. Organizational identification structure comprises of either various foci (organization, work unit, profession, and career) or subcomponents of this construct (cognitive, affective, evaluative). Most significant jobrelated attitudes and behaviors that correlate with organizational identification are job satisfaction, turnover intention, extrarole and organizational citizenship behavior.

Pages: 70-75

Sections: ">; ">;

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Keywords: organizational identification; job satisfaction;

For citing this article:

Lipatov S. A., Lovakov A. V. (2010). Ecent studies of organizational identification in foreign psychology.National Psychological Journal,1(3), 70-75