ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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On the subject matter and structure of developmental psychology
National Psychological Journal p. 50-56 2020. , 1.
Khudoyan Samvel S.
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Measurement of boredom proneness: Russian adaptation of the BPS-SR
National Psychological Journal p. 40-49 2020. , 1.
Zolotareva Alena A.
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Engineering-psychological problems of unmanned aerial vehicles interface design.
National Psychological Journal p. 31-39 2020. , 1.
Velichkovsky, Boris B.
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Using virtual reality in sports practice
National Psychological Journal p. 18-30 2020. , 1.
Leonov, S.V. Polikanova, Irina S. Natalia I. Bulaeva Klimenko, V.A.
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Intercultural analysis of value orientations of Wikipedia authors
National Psychological Journal p. 3-17 2020. , 1.
Bryzgalin Evgeniy A.
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Musical-movement practice as a method of self-cognition and educating a creative personality
National Psychological Journal p. 114-127 2019. , 4.
Ailamazyan Aida M.
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Disturbances of higher mental functions in adolescents after mild traumatic
National Psychological Journal p. 102-113 2019. , 4.
Gorina Irina S. (1961-2016) Goryacheva Tatiana G. Kovtoniuk Svetlana V.
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The study of psychological features of males and females with coronary heart disease before coronary artery bypass surgery
National Psychological Journal p. 92-101 2019. , 4.
Velikanov Arseniy A. Stoljarova Anna A. Protasov Evgeniy A. Zelenskaya Irina A. Lubinskaya Ekaterina I. Terekhina Anastasiya A.
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The role of motivation in the productivity of cognitive activity in patients with arterial hypertension in the middle age
National Psychological Journal p. 72-91 2019. , 4.
Pervicheko, Elena I. Korsakova Natalia K. Darevskaya Margarita A.
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Innovative method for assessing neuropsychological status based on entropy approach
National Psychological Journal p. 64-71 2019. , 4.
Volov, Vsevolod V. Volov, Vyacheslav T.
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