Recieved: 05/31/2021
Accepted: 06/12/2021
Published: 07/30/2020
Keywords: aggression; adolescents; teachers; school; school climate; prevention
p.: 98-108
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2021.0209
Available online: 30.07.2021
Rean, A.A., Egorova Anna V.. Adolescent aggressiveness towards teacher: frequency, factors, consequences, prevention. // National Psychological Journal 2021. 2. p.98-108. doi: 10.11621/npj.2021.0209
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CopyBackground. The relevance of studying students’ aggressive behavior towards teachers lies in the fact that despite the ongoing discussion in society, modern research shows that this problem is not given enough attention.
The Objective. is to consider the students’ aggressive behavior towards teachers: to assess the prevalence of this problem, to analyze the background of students’ aggressive behavior towards teachers, and to assess the consequences of such behavior.
Design. The paper presents an analysis of foreign and Russian research on the problem of aggression towards teachers. In addition, attempts are made to find the causes of students’ aggressive behavior towards the teacher through the analysis of psychological theories. The article also offers recommendations for reducing and preventing aggression towards teacher on the part of students.
Research results. The indicators that demonstrate prevalence of aggression towards teachers raise the concern that this problem has negative long-term consequences for the lives of students, teachers and educational institutions. The use of psychological theories, models and concepts in explaining the reasons of aggression in the teacher’s direction on the part of students, allows not only to determine the reasons for aggressive behavior, but also to consider this problem at different levels of the educational process. The influence of school climate on the victimization of teachers was considered and recommendations were made for the implementation of preventive measures.
Conclusion. On the basis of the analysis conducted, the study presents possible directions for further study of this problem. In particular, it is necessary to study the prevalence of aggressive behavior towards teachers in Russian schools and to develop a set of preventive measures aimed at the elimination of aggression towards teachers.
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Rean, A.A., Egorova Anna V.. Adolescent aggressiveness towards teacher: frequency, factors, consequences, prevention. // National Psychological Journal 2021. 2. p.98-108. doi: 10.11621/npj.2021.0209
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