ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Typological Features of Academic Achievement Resources in Relation to Different School Engagement Profiles during Different Periods of Education
National Psychological Journal p. 188-205 2023. , 4.
Potanina, A.M. Tsyganov Igor Yu. Morosanova, V.I.
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Perception of Time Perspective in Substance Dependent Individuals
National Psychological Journal p. 53-62 2023. , 4.
Ipatova Kira A. Stoljarova Anna A. Isaeva Elena R.
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Neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation for patients with disorders of executive functions in brain diseases of various etiology
National Psychological Journal p. 63-77 2023. , 4.
Baulina Maria E. Grigoryeva Vera N. Varako, N.A. Zinchenko, Yu. P. Kovyazina, M.S. Mikadze Yuri V. Skvortsov Anatolii A. Fufaeva Ekaterina V.
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Using Virtual Reality for Relaxation in Patients with Schizophrenia. A Pilot Study
National Psychological Journal p. 78-89 2023. , 4.
Nikonova Evgenia Yu. Rupchev George E. Morozova Margarita A. Burminskiy Denis S.
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Demoralization of Severely Ill Patients with Death Hazard
National Psychological Journal p. 90-98 2023. , 4.
Panfilov, A.Yu.
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Value Orientation “Patriotism”: Essence, Content, and Assessment
National Psychological Journal p. 99-112 2023. , 4.
Barabanshchikova, V.V. Ivanova Svetlana A.
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Cognitive Coherence as the Element of Functional Valence in COVID-19 Terminological System
National Psychological Journal p. 113-122 2023. , 4.
Olga S. Zubkova Denisova, G.V. Antipova Alina S.
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Dispositional Gratitude as a Mediator in the Influence of Life Goals on Psychological Well-Being
National Psychological Journal p. 123-136 2023. , 4.
Sychev, O.A. Gordeeva, Т.О. Titova Grandchamp Victoria A. Rudnova, N.A. Kornienko, D.S.
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Relationship between Stylistic Characteristics of Humor and Types of Coping Behavior in Students
National Psychological Journal p. 137-147 2023. , 4.
Aslanova Margarita S. Molotok Ekaterina V. Kaurova Aleksandra M. Iaskova Elizaveta E.
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Psychological Adaptation of Adults with Different Levels of Dispositional Optimism to the Risks of Digitalization in Professional Activity
National Psychological Journal p. 3-15 2023. , 4.
Karabanova, O.A. Tikhomandrytskaya, O.A. Molchanov Sergei V.
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