Recieved: 05/20/2024
Accepted: 07/29/2024
Published: 09/06/2024
Keywords: practical social psychology; counseling; coaching; psychological counseling; socio-psychological counseling; socio-psychological coaching
Pages: 91-103
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2024.0307
Available online: 06.09.2024
Zubova, Y.A., Ivanov, M.A. (2024). Psychological Counseling and Coaching as Types of Socio-Psychological Assistance. National Psychological Journal, 19(3) , 91-103.
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CopyBackground. In recent decades, practical psychology has been rapidly developing in the country. The market offers a wide variety of psychological services, while the problem of psychological security, distinguishing scientifically based practices from harmful influences, becomes especially relevant. This article is devoted to the scientific justification of counseling and coaching as types of socio-psychological assistance.
Objective. IThe goal is to analyze and correlate the theoretical foundations and practice of psychological counseling and coaching. The article is aimed at studying the origins of these areas of practice and identifying the subject matter, goals and features of technologies of socio-psychological counseling and socio-psychological coaching.
Results. Socio-psychological counseling and coaching are defined as professional activities aimed at helping a client solve his personal, interpersonal, group and organizational problems based on personal and social resources. The purpose of socio-psychological counseling is to increase the effectiveness of the client’s interaction with oneself, with the environment and organizations. The purpose of socio-psychological coaching is to create effective ways to resolve subjectively significant situations of social interaction that lead to positive changes in the client’s life and personality. Socio-psychological counseling and coaching allow one to help the client by developing socio-psychological competence.
Conclusions. Socio-psychological counseling and socio-psychological coaching have their own subject, theoretical and methodological basis and represent types of psychological practice. Developing and borrowing methods and fields of application from each other, consulting and coaching are increasingly converging, sometimes to the point of blurring the differences completely. In the market of psychological services, counseling and coaching exist as separate professions and act as different services for clients.
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Zubova, Y.A., Ivanov, M.A. . Psychological Counseling and Coaching as Types of Socio-Psychological Assistance. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 3. Pages91-103. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0307
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