ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Identification with the Generation: Socio-Psychological Approach and Empirical Research Experience

Identification with the Generation: Socio-Psychological Approach and Empirical Research Experience

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 05/16/2024

Accepted: 08/21/2024

Published: 09/06/2024

Keywords: social identity; temporary identity; identification; self-categorization; generation; generational group

Pages: 31-45

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2024.0303

Available online: 06.09.2024

To cite this article:

Belinskaya, E.P. , Rikel, A.M. (2024). Identification with the Generation: Socio-Psychological Approach and Empirical Research Experience. National Psychological Journal, 19(3) , 31-45.

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Issue 3, 2024

Belinskaya, E.P. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Rikel, A.M. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Background. The relevance of the study is determined by two core factors. (1) In conditions of uncertainty and reduction of the usual bases of social solidarity, the analysis of the patterns of generational identity sets a new perspective for understanding the dynamic unity of the processes of constructing social and personal identities. (2) Identifying the phenomenology of identity of different generations seems necessary for the needs of practical psychological assistance to various social subjects.

Objective. The research is focused on revealing and describing the features of identification with the generational group in people belonging to different generations.

Methods. Author’s questionnaire (Appendix 1) consisting of: (1) questions about historical events that influenced the formation of a generational group; (2) questions about the cultural life scenario of a generation and an assessment of the probability of a particular typical event; (3) unfinished sentences on the psychological portrait of one’s generation.

Study Participants.215 respondents (Generations of Stagnation, Reform, Millennials, and Zoomers) took part in the research.

Results. The identity portrait of the stagnation generation includes: an emphasis on large-scale events; the prevalence of collectivist and family values; self-attribution of such qualities as patriotism, openness to the world, conscientiousness,responsiveness. The identity of the reform generation is based on the events of the 1990s, interpreting them through the prism of the policy of openness to the outside world, as well as technological events; it is “transitional” in terms of typical life scenarios and personality traits. The identity portrait of millennials includes: mainly the events of the 2010s and economic events, the prevalence of the values of freedom, creativity, progress; self-attribution of experiencing life’s difficulties. The identity of the zoomer generation is significantly different: they do not have political events in their identity portrait; recent events (pandemic, digitalization) act as an identification support; marriage and childbirth are unlikely in life scenarios; self-attributions include flexibility, individualism, political correctness, and peacefulness.

Conclusion. The socio-psychological analysis of the identity of generations is implemented at three interconnected levels through identification: with historical events, with events of the life scenario and with a typical psychological portrait of a representative of the generation.


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To cite this article:

Belinskaya, E.P. , Rikel, A.M.. Identification with the Generation: Socio-Psychological Approach and Empirical Research Experience. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 3. Pages31-45. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0303

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