ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Development of Professional Competencies in IT-specialists

Development of Professional Competencies in IT-specialists

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 06/03/2024

Accepted: 10/05/2024

Published: 12/01/2024

Keywords: competence; professional competencies ; programmers; professional activity; hard-skills; soft-skills; systemgenesis; professionalization; activity

p.: 201-214

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2024.0414

Available online: 02.12.2024

To cite this article:

Karpov, A.V., Karpov, A.A., Prisyazhnyuk, S.O.. Development of Professional Competencies in IT-specialists. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 4. p.201-214. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0414

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Issue 4, 2024

Karpov, A.V. P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University

Karpov, A.A. P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University

Prisyazhnyuk, S.O. P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University


Background. The disclosure of patterns of formation and development of basic competencies of specialists is an essential condition for optimising the process of professional training and improving the effectiveness of information-related activity in general.

Objective. The aim is to identify and explain the features and patterns of the genesis of two basic categories of specialists’ competencies: hard-skills and soft-skills in the process of professionalisation.

Methods. A set of techniques aimed at expert assessment of the degree of formation of the main professional competencies in specialists was applied. The research was based on the synthesis of the judgments concentration method, the method of focus groups and the method of “frequency-significant selection”, as well as on a specially developed methodology for exporting two categories of competencies: hard-skills and soft-skills. In addition, the method of correlation analysis was used, including in the variant of determining the coefficients of the correlation ratio (η).

Study Participants. The study involved three experienced groups of specialists from one of the most representative types of this activity — programmers. The first group included persons with up to 1.5 years of experience; the second — with 3 to 4 years of experience; the third — with 7 or more years of experience. Quantitatively, the first group included 72 respondents, the second group consisted of 64 participants, and the third group involved 43 people. 74% of the total number of the entire sample were male, 26% were female. The age range of the surveyed respondents was from 21 to 42 years.

Results. It is revealed that the formation and development of a common set of professional competencies, differentiating into two main categories: hard-skills and soft-skills, is based on the principles that are characteristic of system-genesis as a special type of genesis. They are the principles of unevenness and heterochrony. Consequently, the process of professionalisation of specialists is also a process of system-genesis. It is proved that in relation to information activity and its genesis, this process acquires fundamentally new characteristics. It unfolds not only in accordance with classical system-genetic patterns, but also appears as a more complex process of metasystem-genesis. This means that it includes the formation and development not only of those determinants that have internal localisation in relation to it as a system, but also of those that have extra-systemic localisation. They, being functionally included, “embedded” in it, constitute one of the levels of its subjective determinants: the level of meta-competencies, which is formed by the soft-skills category. Due to them, it is possible to minimise the deficits that are inherent in the case of an insufficient level of hard-skills formation, and thereby optimise the activity as a whole.

Conclusions. The study established a fundamentally new result, consisting in substantiating the belonging of the process of formation of professional competencies of specialists to the system-genetic type, and the entire process of professionalisation should be understood and explained as a process of system-genesis. In addition, in relation to information activity, it is presented in its specific form — as metasystem-genesis, since it also includes the formation of such competencies that are localised outside the activity itself and have the character of meta-competence formations — soft-skills.


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To cite this article:

Karpov, A.V., Karpov, A.A., Prisyazhnyuk, S.O.. Development of Professional Competencies in IT-specialists. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 4. p.201-214. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0414

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