Recieved: 05/20/2024
Accepted: 08/15/2024
Published: 09/06/2024
Keywords: personality; context; principle of contextuality; relationship with the world; integration; goals; readiness for change
p.: 11-19
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2024.0301
Available online: 06.09.2024
Grishina, N.V. . Purposal determinants as a factor integration of human with the world. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 3. p.11-19. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0301
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CopyBackground. One of the trends in the development of modern psychology is an increasing interest in the study of context within the principle of contextuality as recognition of the influence of context factors on psychological phenomenology. The focus on studying the context, once designated by G.M. Andreeva as a fundamental principle of the new paradigm of social psychology, is currently the methodological principle of all psychological science and modern personality psychology.
Objectives. The goal of the study consists in theoretical and empirical substantiation of the concept of purpose as a parameter for describing a person’s relationship with the outside world.
Study Participants. The total sample included 350 people (45.9% women and 53.8% men). Young people took part in the survey (84.8% aged 17 to 25 years).
Method. To describe a person’s life goals and the characteristics of the purpose setting, a survey form was created. The form recorded the significance of goals in the main areas of a person’s life, satisfaction with their implementation, an assessment of the possibilities for achieving these goals in the current life situation, etc. (40 points). The “Potential for Self-Change” technique (V.R. Manukyan, I.R. Murtazina, N.V. Grishina); “Test of existential motivations” (A. Langle); “Time Perspective Questionnaire” (F. Zimbardo) were used to assess personal factors. Cluster analysis was used to process the data in this study.
Results. The data obtained confirmed the contextual nature of a person’s goals, their connection with the spatiotemporal coordinates of the context, the most important role of goals as a factor in organizing a person’s relationship with the outside world, with the meaningfulness of life. Depending on the presence or absence of significant goals in a person, the expressiveness of the goal orientation, types of relationships with the outside world are identified — focus on pre-adaptive change, readiness for adaptive change, unpreparedness for change.
Conclusion. The results obtained confirmed the effectiveness of describing the purpose regulation of human activity as a language for describing the relationship of an individual with the outside world. The most important prospect in the further development of this research direction is the description of the integrity of an individual as a form of a person’s relationship with the world.
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Grishina, N.V. . Purposal determinants as a factor integration of human with the world. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 3. p.11-19. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0301
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