ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
National Psychological Journal

2021 - №3(43)

Developmental and Educational Psychology

Concept of motherhood as dependent on the moral structure of personality in young men and women
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 3. p. 3-14
Merzlyakova Svetlana V. Golubeva Marina G. Bibarsova Nadia V.
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Conscious self-regulation in the system of predictors of success in Russian language at school (general model and its modifi cations)
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 3. p. 15-30
Morosanova, V.I. Bondarenko, I.N. Potanina, A.M. Ishmuratova Yulia A.
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Social Psychology

Psychological well-being the context of gender and sexual identity
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 3. p. 31-42
Shaekhov, Z.D.
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Sports Psychology

Athletic identity as a predictor of self-effi cacy among people with diff erent level of involvement into physical activity
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 3. p. 43-49
Kushniruk Anastasiya V.
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Clinical Psychology

Organiza tion of psychological services at the FSBI “FCB&N” FMBA of Russia in the context of re-profi ling
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 3. p. 50-62
Ivanova Elena G. Mikadze Yuri V. Gordeev Mihail N. Ivanova Galina E. Barabanshchikova, V.V. Zinchenko, Yu.P.
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Emergency Psychology

Criteria for evaluating the results of psychodiagnostic monitoring in the EMERCOM of Russia
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 3. p. 63-86
Tarasova Anastasia А. Shoigu, Yu.S. Tsybulia Vera I.
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Organizational Psychology and Engineering Psychology

Ergonomic design and implementation of a wakefulness control device for a railway train driver
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 3. p. 87-95
Mikhailova Natalia A. Nikolaev Artur Yu. Noskova, O.G.
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The imposter phenomenon in the work context: the role of motivation and perfectionism
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 3. p. 96-104
Sheveleva, M.S. Zolotareva Alena A. Rudnova, N.A.
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