Recieved: 08/05/2021
Accepted: 08/26/2021
Published: 11/30/2021
Keywords: the impostor phenomenon; perfectionism; professional motivation; work context; predictors
Pages: 96-104
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2021.0308
Available online: 30.11.2021
Sheveleva, M.S., Zolotareva Alena A., Rudnova, N.A. (2021). The imposter phenomenon in the work context: the role of motivation and perfectionism. National Psychological Journal, (3) , 96-104.
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CopyBackground. Th e impostor phenomenon is the term used to describe high-performing individuals who fail to internalize their success in spite of their high achievements and experience constant fear that they will be found as frauds by their peers. The close links between the impostor phenomenon, perfectionism and professional motivation are oft en referred to, though no empirical studies of the nature of these links have been conducted.
Objective. The objective of this research is to study motivation and perfectionism as potential predictors of the impostor phenomenon in the work context.
Design. 320 working Russian respondents took part in this cross-sectional study. Th ey fi lled out the questionnaire containing three scales: Th e Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale, Th e Short Almost Perfect Scale (R. Slaney), Th e Scale of Professional Motivation (E. Osin, T. Ivanova, T. Gordeeva).
Results. Th e results of the multiple regression analysis indicate that maladaptive perfectionism and professional amotivation could be regarded as positive predictors of the impostor phenomenon in working Russian adults.
Conclusion. Th e results of the current study could be used in diagnostics and counselling of employees with maladaptive perfectionism and professional amotivation. Preventive measures aimed at adjusting employees’ attitudes to their professional obligations could prevent not only the development of the impostor phenomenon but a range of the related negative psychological and organizational outcomes.
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Sheveleva, M.S., Zolotareva Alena A., Rudnova, N.A.. The imposter phenomenon in the work context: the role of motivation and perfectionism. // National Psychological Journal 2021. 3. Pages96-104. doi: 10.11621/npj.2021.0308
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