Recieved: 06/01/2021
Accepted: 09/14/2021
Published: 11/30/2021
Keywords: EMERCOM of Russia specialists; рrofessional activity; psychological service of EMERCOM of Russia; psychodiagnostic testing; psychological correction; criteria; monitoring psychodiagnostic examination
p.: 63-86
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2021.0306
Available online: 30.11.2021
Tarasova Anastasia А., Shoigu, Yu.S. , Tsybulia Vera I.. Criteria for evaluating the results of psychodiagnostic monitoring in the EMERCOM of Russia. // National Psychological Journal 2021. 3. p.63-86. doi: 10.11621/npj.2021.0306
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CopyBackground is determined by the fact that in the course of their professional activities, specialists of EMERCOM of Russia undergo periodic dynamic monitoring of their psychological state in order to identify the presence and severity of consequences associated with the performance of professional tasks. In this regard, it became necessary to defi ne clear parameters on the basis of which it is possible to determine the changes that have occurred and are occurring, as well as the preparation of the corresponding program and psycho psycho-correction activities.
The objective is to derive criteria that will be used to divide the examined specialists of EMERCOM of Russia into groups that determine the need and specifi cs of psychoprophylactic and psychocorrective measures.
Design. Specialists of EMERCOM of Russia (n = 2979) were examined on 44 indicators, 40 of which relate to the study of cognitive and emotional-personal spheres, 4 — to the study of the psychophysiological sphere. Based on the assigned qualitative score, descriptive statistics (M, σ), and cluster analysis, the sample is divided into 3 groups; the Mann–Whitney test determines how diff erent the groups are from each other. By results of factor and correlation analysis (Spearman), the structure of indicators is obtained, with a negative change in which a corrective eff ect is necessary.
Results obtained allowed us to statistically establish that the groups diff er depending on the degree of change in the studied parameters, the current state and individual psychophysiological characteristics of each individual examined specialists of EMERCOM of Russia (p = 0.000); factor and correlation analyses (p ≤ 0.05) allowed us to identify 5 blocks of indicators, on the basis of which the direction and specifi city of the correction is determined.
Conclusion. Th e fi rst selected criteria is not only a contribution to the psycho-diagnostic soft ware available professional contingent emergency, but also allows the specialists of the psychological service of EMERCOM of Russia to allocate the surveyed employees of EMERCOM of Russia in 3 groups depending on the number and severity of the studied parameters, with the aim of selecting the optimal psychoprophylactic and psychocorrective measures for each of the subjects (group 1 — a condition that does not require correction, group 2 — psychological prevention, group 3 — psychological correction).
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Tarasova Anastasia А., Shoigu, Yu.S. , Tsybulia Vera I.. Criteria for evaluating the results of psychodiagnostic monitoring in the EMERCOM of Russia. // National Psychological Journal 2021. 3. p.63-86. doi: 10.11621/npj.2021.0306
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