ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Ergonomic design and implementation of a wakefulness control device for a railway train driver

Ergonomic design and implementation of a wakefulness control device for a railway train driver

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 07/06/2021

Accepted: 08/16/2021

Published: 11/30/2021

Keywords: level of wakefulness; electrodermal activity; engineering psychology; ergonomics; activity modeling; state control methods; train drivers

Pages: 87-95

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2021.0307

Available online: 30.11.2021

To cite this article:

Mikhailova Natalia A., Nikolaev Artur Yu., Noskova, O.G. (2021). Ergonomic design and implementation of a wakefulness control device for a railway train driver. National Psychological Journal, (3) , 87-95.

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Issue 3, 2021

Mikhailova Natalia A. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Nikolaev Artur Yu. JSC “Russian Railways”

Noskova, O.G. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Relevance. The article is devoted to the problem of monitoring the functional state of the operator, this topic has been and remains important, in particular, in the context of ensuring the safety of railway transport.

Purpose of the study. Analysis of the design and implementation of an automated telemechanical system for monitoring the wakefulness of railway drivers (TSMWRD), introduced in 1996, based on the registration of electrodermal activity (galvanic skin reaction).

Research objective. The selected method of monitoring the state of wakefulness and the algorithm of the operator’s actions in the event of diagnosing undesirable characteristics of the state during use (TSMWRD) can create additional stress conditions for drivers and increase the risk of accidents and violations of the rules.

Procedure and research methods. The research used the analysis of literature data. A qualitative empirical study was also carried out. It included a psychological analysis of the activities of modern railway drivers of various types, analysis of technical documentation, a method of conversation with train drivers, a method of structured interview with a group of class train drivers who are improving their qualifi cations (8 people).

Results. Modern automatic systems for monitoring the wakefulness of operators are considered, a description of the TSMWRD is given, the psychophysiological foundations of its application are discussed. Th e data of an empirical study are presented, proving the validity of the hypothesis that the use of the TSMWRD in the work of electric train drivers really creates additional problem situations and stressful conditions. As a result, the positive and negative aspects of the use of TSMWRD are presented, specifi c recommendations are given on its use and the appropriate training of drivers.

Conclusion. The analysis of the use of TSMWRD serves as an example of the importance of using engineering-psychological and ergonomic provisions in the design and implementation of new automated technical means of monitoring functional states in practice. Th eir implementation should be based on taking into account their infl uence on the operator’s simultaneous performance of his main professional activity.


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To cite this article:

Mikhailova Natalia A., Nikolaev Artur Yu., Noskova, O.G. . Ergonomic design and implementation of a wakefulness control device for a railway train driver. // National Psychological Journal 2021. 3. Pages87-95. doi: 10.11621/npj.2021.0307

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