ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал
Национальный психологический журнал

Lomonosov Moscow State University / Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова


Lomonosov Moscow State University



Kornilova T.V., Pavlova E.M., Krasavtseva Y.V., Razvalyaeva A.U. (2017). Relationship between the framing effect and individual differences in medical students and psychology students. National Psychological Journal. 4, 17-29.

Background. Framing effect is rarely studied in relation to individual differences. In cognitive psychology, it reflects distortions in decision-making depending on the context (phrasing) of statements about alternatives, and framing is found within medical professional samples. 

Objective. The objective of the study are asfollows: 1. to identify the differences in the students of medical and non-medical universities and susceptibility to framing, 2. establish in both groups similarities of individual decision-making styles (coping with uncertainty if any) in self-assessments (intelligence, risk taking and personality) and in willingness to take risks and tolerance/intolerance to uncertainty, 3. to identify the specific relationship between susceptibility to the framing effect (FE) in medical students with their personal properties. 

Design. The paper describes the study of framing on medicine (n = 78) and psychology students (n = 122). It is demonstrated that in Kahneman and Tversky’s “Asian disease problem”, the psychology students show reframing effect while medical students don’t show difference in answers. Participants who choose different answers in negative phrasing of the issue differ in self-esteemed risk taking and intolerance for uncertainty; but there is no difference in positive version of the problem. Differences in personality profiles of the future members of medical and non-medical students have been established, both in terms of the personality variables and their associations to the dynamic regulatory systems. Medical students are characterized with less procrastination and higher risk readiness. Self-esteemed risk is correlated with risk readiness in both samples (and negatively connected to rationality within the psychology student sample). Unexpectedly, risk preparedness is also correlated with intolerance for uncertainty in both groups. Medical students are characterized by specific correlation between risk readiness and personal self-esteem (good/bad person scale). Self-esteemed risk proposed is shown to be not only connected to corresponding questionnaire scale of personal risk preparedness but also to correlate to the choice in the framing effect issues. 

Results. These and other connections report about specifics of personal characteristics structure within the group of medical students.

Received: 10/06/2017

Accepted: 10/17/2017

Pages: 17-29

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0402

Keywords: decision making; framing effect; risk-readiness; rationality; tolerance; intolerance; The Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire; self-estimate of intelligence; self-esteem risk-readiness;

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Available Online: 01/01/2018

Zinchenko Yury. P. (2017). All-Russian psychological forum. National Psychological Journal. 4, 4.

From 5 to 7 September in Kazan (Volga) Federal University held two major events the psychological community. Within All-Russian forum of psychological events to be held VI Congress of the Russian psychological society (RPO).

Pages: 4

Keywords: history of psychology;

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Available Online: 01/01/2018

Zinchenko Yury. P. (2017). Moscow Lomonosov University psychologists at the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students. National Psychological Journal. 4, 3.

18 October 2017 staff of the faculty of psychology of Moscow state University named M. V. Lomonosov took part in the XIX world festival of youth and students.

Pages: 3

Keywords: history of psychology;

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Available Online: 01/01/2018

Zakharova E.I. (2017). Principles of managed intellectual activity in training psychologists. National Psychological Journal. 3, 151-157.

The paper considers the possibility of using the principles of gradual development of intellectual activity in the training experts of developmental psychology. The issue of the managed development of professional work components is being raised. A possible way of working is discussed analysing the features of child actual development aimed at discovering the reasons for the learning difficulties, which served as an excuse for the parents to seek psychological assistance. The method of analysis becomes an important competence of a consulting psychologist against the background of a high variety of forms of mental development. Development of readymade algorithms for solving a problem situation, covering all their diversity seems next to impossible. In this regard, there is a need to prepare students for an independent analysis of a specific life situation. It is the ability to this kind of analysis that ensures the expert’s preparedness to develop recommendations that contribute to harmonizing the child’s development.

Elaboration of this competence implies the integration of knowledge and skills acquired in various training courses. This possibility is provided by shaping the student’s orientation in the learned action taking into account its level structure. Semantically speaking, orientation allows one to recover the logic of the child’s examination and child development according to the goal set. The orientation is based on the mechanisms and conditions of mental development. The choice of adequate diagnostic tools becomes an independent task of the analysis that requires understanding of the available techniques and diagnostic tools. Summing up, the operational level of orientation provides competent use of the means chosen during diagnostic examination. Taking into account the orientation level of the developed activity makes it possible to integrate the knowledge and skills gained in the process of training into psychologist expert practice.

Received: 07/01/2017

Accepted: 07/23/2017

Pages: 151-157

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0317

Keywords: managed development; psychological examination; semantic orientation; development conditions; psychological counseling;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Prjazhnikov N.S. (2017). Guidance methods in psychological «spaces» of self-determination. National Psychological Journal. 3, 121-135.

Self-determination is deemed as search and continuous refinement of the meaning of the future life. The paper discusses various options for self-determination, i.e. professional, personal, social, and other ones.

Self-determination means making a certain choice. This may be career choice («career self-determination»), choice of a moral position («personal self-determination»), choice of one’s position in society associated with image and style of life, status in various social groups («social self-determination»), choice of options («Leisure selfdetermination »), or even choice of relationship type («family self-determination»), etc.

The generalized options and methods of orientation in various «space» of self-determination are highlighted. The psychological «spaces» are regarded as a metaphor that reflects and arranges a certain field of search for the meanings of self-determination. Each «space» is constructed according to a certain principle based on certain criteria. Psychological «space» may be determined as diverse, and in this set of self-determining personality one must be able to navigate. There are main groups of psychological «space» including the typology of options for planning life and career, the typology of work activity, the typology of professions. It is important for self-determination to define the future professional activity. Various methods are presented that allow a person to get a career orientation in complex «space» of career and life choices. Particular attention is paid to self-determination of children in adolescence. Various modern approaches in career guidance and P.Ya. Galperin’s career «orientation» principles are drawn to a concordance.

Received: 04/13/2017

Accepted: 04/27/2017

Pages: 144-150

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0316

Keywords: self-orientation; psychological «space»; meaning of professional activity;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Molchanov S.V. (2017). How to develop the internal responsibility according to P.Ya. Galperin’s concept. National Psychological Journal. 3, 136-143.

The paper presents the ideas of P.Ya. Galperin on the nature of moral behaviour and the basic patterns of internal responsibility in childhood and adolescence. Distinctive features of objective and subjective responsibility, internal and external responsibility are highlighted. It is argued that internal responsibility expresses the person’s attitude to society and social groups and might be developed only if involved in certain relations and implemented in socially useful activities, i.e. if it is significant for other people. The psychological roles of cooperation for of responsibility are compared in J. Piaget’s works and P.Ya. Galperin’s scientific theory. The research results of internal responsibility in primary school students and adolescents conducted by P.Ya. Galperin and T.V. Morozkina are discussed. The decisive role of value orientation and motivation in solving «affective type» problems and in moral behaviour is shown. According philosophy issues, responsibility is considered as a perceived necessity, which assumes a free moral choice. Three criteria of moral responsibility are introduced: the causal relationship between the subject’s behaviour and its consequence, subject’s ability to predict the possible consequences of his/her behaviour, the possibility of free choice. The psychological content of responsibility is the subject’s commitment and further response regulated by a certain system of norms and regulations on the basis of moral choice and self-regulation. The distinction between the action device and motive as the accepted moral basis for behaviour has been introduced. Accordingly, responsible behaviour is considered as willful behaviour. The genesis of strong-will behaviour is associated with social relations and moral values and is developed in the course of cooperation. Conditions of orientation in moral choice as a prerequisite for actualizing the individual’s internal responsibility are discussed.

Received: 07/12/2017

Accepted: 07/26/2017

Pages: 136-143

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0315

Keywords: objective and subjective responsibility; retributive justice; orienting activity; moral choice; will; Galperin P.Y.;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Rozhdestvenskaya N.A. (2017). The activity approach to the psychological support of the 1st year university students. National Psychological Journal. 3, 113-120.

The paper is devoted to approbating the method of negative emotion processing as the main component of the psychological support of the first-year students experiencing difficulties in adapting to university life. Many teachers associate the gradual development of intellectual activity and knowledge with teaching of school subjects. The work of P.Ya. Galperin’s disciples and followers (e.g. O.Karabanova, A.Liders, Yu.Frolov, N. Rozhdestvenskaya) showed that the scientific method is universal and can be used to develop and improve various mental properties and activities.

Using method «Perfection of Interpersonal Cognition Strategies» in psychological counseling based on P.Ya. Galperin’s theory promotes the development of adolescent reflexive mechanisms of understanding the personal characteristics of people, reducing the number of interpersonal conflicts with peers and adults, and also improving teachers’ understanding of the student personal characteristics. There are conditions under which the efficacy of mastering knowledge and cognitive skills are achieved. The educational experiment of studying the adaptation to university conditions in rural school graduates shows that mastering the cognitive processing of negative emotional experiences plays a leading role in the psychological adaptation of students. This method is an independent variable with respect to the three dependent ones, i.e. psychological adaptation in general, self-regulation of behaviour and communicative competence. The educational experiment carried out in accordance with the requirements of P.Ya. Galperin’s theory once again confirmed the high efficiency of P.Ya. Galperin’s methodology and showed that its potential capabilities are far from exhausted.

Received: 07/08/2017

Accepted: 07/26/2017

Pages: 113-120

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0313

Keywords: Galperin P.Y.; P.Ya. Galperin’s theory; gradual development of intellectual activity; cognition process; learning adaptation; cognitive processing of emotional experiences;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Chesnokova O.B., Martirosova Yu.V. (2017). Heuristic potential of the gradual development of human intellectual activity theory for studying social cognition in children. National Psychological Journal. 3, 103-112.

The paper is devoted to analysis of the potential of P.Ya.Galperin’s theory of gradual development of human intellectual activity for studying social cognition in children. In this area of studies the theory of gradual development of human intellectual activitycan be used to understand the child ability to manage the interpersonal situation of conflicts and to develop complex communicative skills.

There are three main areas that can employ the notions of P.Ya.Galperin’s theory. The first one relies on this method in teaching practice. The second one is devoted to the study of how social interaction in developing mental actions affects the process of gradual development of human intellectual activity and the characteristics of this activity. Within the third area, this method can be used to study the development of social knowledge in childhood.

The paper includes the examples of the experimental modeling of communicative situations as conditions for unfolding orientation processes and subsequent development of social and intellectual strategies for resolving problem in communicative situations.

The theory and method of gradual development of human intellectual activity allows to outline new directions in the research of social cognition in childhood according to three areas, namely, change of conventional practices of training communicative skills in childhood; development of the cognitive component of social emotional and communicative competence; description and elaboration of age-specific and developmental abilities to survive in complex communicative situations and plan future actions, which is a necessary condition for the development of social intelligence.

The experiments carried out within the framework of the research analysed participants’ ability to manage interpersonal relations in communicative situations. The orientational strategies used by children ib the course of the experiments were closely studied and classified.

Received: 07/03/2017

Accepted: 07/17/2017

Pages: 103-112

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0312

Keywords: the method of systematic and gradual formation of mental actions; orientation in interpersonal situations; Social cognition; social intelligence; Galperin P.Y.; P.Ya. Galperin’s theory;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Karabanova O.A., Sadovnikova T.Yu. (2017). Perception of the school moral atmosphere in the image of the adolescent reference peer. National Psychological Journal. 3, 92-102.

The role of moral atmosphere(MA) (L.Kolberg) at school in the process of shaping the image of the reference peer in adolescents from the standpoint of the orienting activity theory ofP.Ya.Galperin is discussed. In the context of the developmental psychology approach (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B.El’konin) the moral atmosphere of the school is viewed as a component of the social situation of development (SSR) in adolescence. The construct «the image of the reference peer» (ORF) is considered. The significant personality traits of the ORF as the I-ideal for modern adolescents are revealed on the basis of the typology of personality traits proposed by the authors (skills, communicative, activity, moral, external characteristics), which reflect the importance of self-presentation of adolescents and their focusing on the interpersonal relationships to achieve high intra-group status. The similarities and differences in the ORS of adolescents and their perceptions of the ORS pattern in peers are revealed. The age and gender characteristics of the ORS and ORS image «in peer-eyed» are revealed. The results of empirical study of the perception patterns of school MA by contemporary Russian adolescents are discussed. Differences in the structure of the ORS of adolescents with different perceptions of the school MA were revealed. It is shown that for teenagers with the perception of the MA of the school as democratic, the most important are the communicative and activity personality traits with the significance of moral traits. Adolescents with the perception of the MA school as authoritarian or ambivalent above all appreciate the value of external characteristics and skills and least of all moral traits. The orienting role of the school MA as a system of rules, norms and values of the school community for the formation of the ORS image of a modern teenager in the context of the level model of the orienting activity (A.I. Podolsky) is proved. Keywords: adolescence, image of the reference peer, social situation of development, moral atmosphere

Received: 06/28/2017

Accepted: 07/06/2017

Pages: 92-102

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0311

Keywords: adolescence; image of the reference peer; ">; moral atmosphere in the school; adolescent’s moral-value orientations;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Samonenko Y.A., Zhiltsova O.A., Samonenko I.Yu. (2017). Ergatic model of the zone of proximal development. Design and development. National Psychological Journal. 3, 82-91.

The paper is devoted to the concept of «zone of proximal development» (ZPD). This fundamental concept is revealed in the framework of the ergative model of the subject of work and learning. The prime postulate of the model is the statement about the genetic unity of the subject of collective activity (the ergasystem) and the individual subject. The similarity of structures was followed by the cultural and historical development of homo sapiens, which occurred in the labour conditions that promoted building human relations. Generalized functions in the ergasystem and the corresponding positions can approximately be as follows: «executor», «leader», «ideologist» and «strategist».

The paper states that the subject of educational activity is represented by the same basic characteristics. At any learning stage, the teacher must judge the necessary pedagogical influences according to which subject positions to be improved. Using the ZPD toolkit, the teacher directs efforts to raise the general maturity of the learner, which will develop the ability to learn independently.

In order to verify the assumption mentioned above, the method of the teaching experiment was used, during which the students of the secondary vocational education and high school students were attending additional training courses at the Department of Further Education, The Small Academy, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Extra training courses included project or research activities of trainees, so groups of students acted both the subject of collective work and the subject of learning. The first results of the pilot experiment showed that productive work of the teacher and student can be carried out at the intersection of the subject spaces of these activities, where the boundaries of the ZPD can be outlined.

Received: 06/19/2017

Accepted: 07/10/2017

Pages: 82-91

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0310

Keywords: Galperin P.Y.; zone of proximal development; scaffolding; ergatic model of labour and educational activity; ability to learn; extra training of schoolchildren; subject of labour activity; subject of educational activity;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Poskrebysheva N.N. (2017). Student practical work on the theory of systematic gradual development of intellectual activity of P.Ya. Galperin. National Psychological Journal. 3, 76-81.

The paper is devoted to the analysis of student practical work on the theory of systematic gradual development of human intellectual activity, i.e. the fundamental psychological theory of P. Galperin. Practical work based on the gradual development of human intellectual activity is impossible without appropriate methodological base and understanding of P. Galperin’s theory, and the concept of orientational activity. The paper presents the results of student report meta-study (reports of planning, implementation and evaluation training projects based on the gradual development of human intellectual activity). The paper analyzes the themes and goals of training programs, discusses the main challenges and achievements in building a complete orienting basis and in defining the steps of gradual development of human intellectual activity, gives examples of specific difficulties faced by students in implementing the training programs. The paper demonstrates how the three model schema of gradual development of human intellectual activity is realized in students’ projects: from the psychological through the psychological-pedagogical to methodical, or technological, i.e. «real educational situation» models. Based on the meta-analysis of students’ reports the possibilities to explore the concept of orientation activity in training programs is shown.

Received: 07/07/2017

Accepted: 07/18/2017

Pages: 76-81

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0309

Keywords: Galperin P.Y.; P.Ya. Galperin’s psychological conception; method of gradual development of human intellectual activity; orienting activity; educational experiment; orientational basis of action;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Ilyasov I.I., Kostrova A.V. (2017). Connection between types of learning by P.Ya. Galperin with kinds of thinking in school students. National Psychological Journal. 3, 62-75.

In order to determine the correlational relations mentioned in the title here above, a number of experiments with school students have been carried out. They included knowledge instruction on the basis of Galperin’s types of learning on three school subjects (history, biology, geometry); checking the level of logical thinking by means of solving a number of tasks that include basic logical operations such as categorization, generalization, classification, deductive conclusions, finding of analogies and equalizing of variables; estimation of the development level of abilities for searching solutions of insight problems by the results of solving five such problems taken from the set of tasks used in researches on creative thinking; appraisal of the development level of creativity by using the subtest “sketches” in Guilford’s technique.

The sample included 132 school students of the 7th grades from Yekaterinburg schools, Russia. The obtained data were processed statistically using Pearson and Spearman coefficients. Concerning the correlations studied, the following results have been received.

The effectiveness of 1st type of learning is strongly connected with the development of logical thinking (r=0,54), is moderately connected with the ability to solve convergent problems (r=0,34) and is not connected with the ability to solve creative divergent tasks. The effectiveness of 2nd type of learning is connected with the level of logical operations development (r=0,29 for facts and r=0,57 for proofs) and is not connected with the ability to solve convergent and divergent problems. The effectiveness of the 3rd type of learning does not deal with solving convergent tasks, is hardly connected with flexibility (r=0,25) and ingenuity (r=0,21) of solving creative tasks, and even less the 2nd type of learning is connected with logical development when logically complex knowledge is assumed (r=0,48). The established ties give grounds to suggest that the use of the 1st type of learning should develop the abilities for solving insight problems and should not develop creativity in course of instruction, the 2nd type of learning has potential of logical operations development; the 3rd

Received: 08/02/2017

Accepted: 09/10/2017

Pages: 62-75

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0308

Keywords: Galperin P.Y.; types of teaching by P.Ya. Galperin; success of training; creative thinking; development of thinking;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Reshetova Z.A. (2017). Mind and activity. Psychic mechanism of learning. National Psychological Journal. 3, 40-55.

The paper is devoted to the issue of mechanisms of learning for understanding the nature of the human mind. Learning is regarded as a special activity that is important for developing the human mind in a specific cultural and historical setting and indirect activity. The author’s understanding of the ideas developed by the psychological theory of activity for establishing the principles of developing the human mind is highlighted. Interpretation of dialectical connections of brain processes and mind, and also the objective activity that emerges them is provided.

According to the activity theory, the causes of the students’ psychological difficulties and the low efficacy of learning within predominant reproductive method or the use of the trial and error method are revealed. Thus, a new understanding of the renowned didactic principles of scientific rigour, accessibility, objectivity, the connection of learning with life and others is offered. The contribution of the psychological theory in organizing and managing the studies, increasing teaching activity and awareness, and the growth of the internal causes of motivation are shown.

Particular attention is paid to the issue of intellectual development and creative abilities. The author believes the creative abilities of the student and the way the latter are taught are interconnected. At the same time, the developers and educators should make efforts to develop in the students a systemic orientation in the subject, primarily mastering the method of system analysis. Once the method of system analysis has been mastered, it becomes a general intellectual and developing tool through which activities are organized to solve any teaching problems with whatever type of content and difficulty level.

Summing up, the organization and disclosure to the student of the process of learning as an activity with its social, consciously transformative and sense shaping meaning, the conditions of its development and their significance for consciousness development and the organization of life, opens the possibility for students to move to the top of the personality development.

Received: 07/12/2017

Accepted: 07/28/2017

Pages: 40-55

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0306

Keywords: psychological theory of activity; learning activity; learning; didactic principles; system analysis; development of the person;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Zhdan A.N. (2017). Theory and practice in the psychological heritage of P.Ya.Galperin. National Psychological Journal. 3, 33-39.

The paper is dedicated to the 115th birthday of P.Ya.Galperin, the classic of national psychology (1902-2017). The purpose of the paper is to showP.Ya.Galperin’s contribution to fundamental and practiceoriented science, and alsoto revealthe link between these two approaches sides in his scientific heritage. The gist of his innovative psychological theory is disclosed. The key methodological principlesare highlighted: understanding of the scope and method of psychological science; psychophysical issue, i.e. the nature of psyche and the mental world; a psychophysiological problem, the issue of the relationship between psychology and physiology; the issue of human instincts in connection with historical social nature of consciousness; the notion of linguistic consciousness and the relation of language and thought; the principle of unity of history and theory in scientific knowledge. Terminological work carried out by P. Ya.Galperin is analyzed. The introduction of new concepts enriches and makes the conceptual apparatus of psychological sciencemore precise. The necessity to reveal each methodological provision to solve practical problemsis mentioned. The unity of theoretical and practical aspects in psychological theory developed by P. Ya. Galperin, its authentic nature and relation to the culturalhistorical psychology of L.S.Vygotsky, activity concepts of S.L. Rubinstein and A.N. Leontiev are shown. There are several directions in which the method of gradual development of mental functions and concepts organizes the process of teaching and learning, the mechanisms of perceptionand simultaneous mental processes, the phenomena of Jean Piaget are explained. To sum up, the inexhaustible possibilities of the practical use of the theory of P.Ya. Galperin in all areas of individual experience.

Received: 06/19/2017

Accepted: 06/23/2017

Pages: 33-39

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0305

Keywords: history of psychology; Galperin P.Y.; philosophy; psychology; subject of psychology; scientific terminology; orienting activity; language sense; the organic and the social; psychological theory of activity;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Stepanova M.A. (2017). Psychologist, physician and philosopher: the stages of P. Yа. Galperin’s scientific biography. National Psychological Journal. 3, 21-32.

The paper contains the description of Pyotr Ya. Galperin’s scientific biography stages. P.Ya. Galperin (1902–1988) is an outstanding Russian psychologist, the founder of an original psychological concept. The paper shows how P.Ya. Galperin’s scientific views were logically developing when he was working on the theory of gradual development of human intellectual activity that analyzes the process of constructing basic components of mental activity and creates the conditions for transforming the action into a psychological phenomenon.

The biography is compiled on the basis of publications and talks of P.Ya. Galperin, the memories of colleagues and friends, using numerous archives. By now, only the main events in the life of a scientist have been marked. The paper presents the data that could be verified by referring to P.Yа. Galperin’s CV and data of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, stored in the Archive of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and P.Yа. Galperin’s science archive passed by the grandson Yakov I. Abramson to the Archive of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The family archives failed to survive because of the frequent relocation, and P.Ya. Galperin did not write a detailed autobiography, so the task of clarifying the facts of his biography is relevant.

All periods of P.Ya. Galperin’s scientific creative life are presented, his participation in scientific and practical events starting with the mid-1920s is mentioned. The 1930- 1940s are the most difficult years for event recovery. 55 years of professional and personal life (from 1943 and until his death in 1988) are associated with Lomonosov Moscow State University, therefore the focus is on P.Ya. Galperin as an outstanding Professor of Moscow University, i.e. the author of the original theory of the orientating nature and function of human mind, the organizing force in psychology. 

The conclusion highlights how the modern scholars are preserving the scientific heritage of P.Ya. Galperin.

Received: 07/05/2017

Accepted: 07/22/2017

Pages: 21-32

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0304

Keywords: history of psychology; Galperin P.Y.; scientific biography of P.Ya. Galperin; Galperin theory of step-by-step development of mental actions and notions; psychological theory of activity; non-classical psychology;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Podolskiy A.I. (2017). Scientific legacy of P.Ya. Galperin and the challenges of the 21st century. National Psychological Journal. 3, 9-20.

Celebrating the 115th anniversary birth of P.Ya. Galperin, an outstanding Russian scientist, and paying tribute to his contribution in general psychology, genetic psychology and teacher-training psychology, it is necessary to emphasize Galperin’s unique approach to the essence of mental phenomena and processes, to the mechanisms and development that reverberate the internal integrity and systemic approach. There are at least, three main directions of P.Ya. Galperin’s concept, i.e. his system of psychology. The first direction is the method of gradual development of intellectual activity for studying human mental activity. The second direction is the study of the theoretically described and actually implemented process of gradual development of intellectual activity as a psychological reality. The third direction is the gradual development of intellectual activity in the practice of teaching.

This paper is devoted to the strategic issues of implementing gradual development of intellectual activity. The significance of these assumptions for practical training, not in a laboratory experiment, but in the mass version, paradoxically requires a far deeper and broader understanding of mechanisms of the human mental activity than academic laboratory research. The reasons for the relatively limited use of Galperin’s theory are considered in the practice of training. Further development of psychology along the path outlined by P.Ya. Galperin aimed at enhancing practical capabilities of the theoretical approach is being highlighted.

Received: 08/20/2017

Accepted: 09/04/2017

Pages: 9-20

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0303

Keywords: history of psychology; Galperin P.Y.; psychology system of P.Ya. Galperin; gradual development of intellectual activity; mental activity; practice of teaching and mental development;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Veraksa A.N., Leybina A.V., Leonov S.V. (2017). The new stage of preparing the European Congress of Psychology (ECP2019). National Psychological Journal. 3, 6-7.

July 1–14, 2017 Amsterdam, Holland, the 16th European Congress of Psychology (ECP2019) to be held in Moscow, Russia, on July 2–5, 2019, is presented within the 15th European Congress of Psychology (ECP2017)

Received: 07/20/2017

Accepted: 07/23/2017

Pages: 6-7

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0302

Keywords: history of psychology;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Rikel A.M. (2017). Young psychologists in search for ideas and scientific solutions. National Psychological Journal. 3, 3-5.

June 29–July 3, 2017 the Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, holds an International Student Scientific Practical Conference, Summer School of the Department of Psychology (LShP MSU- 2017)

Received: 07/12/2017

Accepted: 07/16/2017

Pages: 3-5

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0301

Keywords: history of psychology;

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Available Online: 10/10/2017

Karabanova O.A., Molchanov S.V. (2017). Family factors in shaping parental attitudes in young students at the stage of entering adulthood. National Psychological Journal. 2, 92-97.

Parenthood is a process of promoting the child’s progressive development and achieving personal autonomy. Social, family and psychological factors of formation of parental attitudes of the person at the stage of entering adulthood are considered. The mechanisms of the parental family influence on parental attitudes are analyzed. Parenting and children raising are recognized by modern young students as a significant family value with priority of professional and social activity. The revealed gender differences prove a higher assessment of the importance of parenthood and the upbringing of children among males rather than females, who have strongly prioritize their professional careers as compared to parenthood. Young women’s expectations of difficulties in the future of family life are related to child birth and upbringing. The experience of emotional relations in one’s own parent family is proved to determine the importance of parenting for young adults. Positive expectations of student youth regarding future family life and a certain underestimation of the difficulties of the transitional periods of the family life cycle are revealed. The greatest difficulties are predicted by students in connection with the period of child expectation and the first year of child life. The beginning of parental function realization, child raising, economic and household functioning of the family and mutual adaptation of the spouses are listed as the most difficulties in family life cycle. Family factors that determine expectations about difficulties and subjective satisfaction with family life include gender, experience of romantic partnership, full or incomplete family in origin, chronological age.

Received: 03/16/2017

Accepted: 03/23/2017

Pages: 92-97

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0210

Keywords: parental attitudes; parental position; expected family; family life cycle; student youth; family values; gender differences;

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Available Online: 06/28/2017

Aylamazyan A.M. (2017). Movement and personality development. National Psychological Journal. 2, 73-84.

The paper discusses the role of the movement in the process of shaping the personality, its importance as a mechanism for personality development is considered. The issue of the movement has always occupied a central place in Russian psychology. However, subsequently the movement began to be considered primarily as an executive action in human life. The role of movement in personality development can vary depending on the level it occupies in the hierarchical structure of activity, and also on the type of movement, its character, and the way it is constructed. Under certain conditions, the movement can express the attitude of the subject to the surrounding world and people.

Many foreign and Russian psychologists point to a special place of the postural tonic component of the motor movement, the posture in personal regulation. The posture reflects his/her personal attitudes, the system of relationships, and, above all, the emotional attitude or emotional assessment of the current situation, the interest in the actions performed. Mastering the tonic level of motor management is based on the emotional regulation, so the ability to regulate one’s own pose is an important stage in the personality development.

Posture tonic regulation of motor movements in humans reveals a qualitatively different character than in animals, this being due to the person’s facing the task of mastering his’her posture, arbitrary retention of the body in one or another position. Maintaining a vertical posture requires constant activity at an arbitrary and involuntary level of mental regulation. Mastering the posture of an unstable equilibrium presupposes the emergence of the «I» and is the last stage of the development. The way a person solves the motor task of maintaining the vertical position of the body reflects his/her specific personal strategy or attitude.

Received: 03/14/2017

Accepted: 03/27/2017

Pages: 73-84

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0208

Keywords: movement; personality; self-regulation; psychomotorics; motor types of personality; installation; posture; tone; balance; motion construction; Bernstein’s concept;

By: ;

Available Online: 06/28/2017

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