ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828



Prjazhnikov N.S. (2017). Guidance methods in psychological «spaces» of self-determination. National Psychological Journal. 3, 121-135.


Self-determination is deemed as search and continuous refinement of the meaning of the future life. The paper discusses various options for self-determination, i.e. professional, personal, social, and other ones.

Self-determination means making a certain choice. This may be career choice («career self-determination»), choice of a moral position («personal self-determination»), choice of one’s position in society associated with image and style of life, status in various social groups («social self-determination»), choice of options («Leisure selfdetermination »), or even choice of relationship type («family self-determination»), etc.

The generalized options and methods of orientation in various «space» of self-determination are highlighted. The psychological «spaces» are regarded as a metaphor that reflects and arranges a certain field of search for the meanings of self-determination. Each «space» is constructed according to a certain principle based on certain criteria. Psychological «space» may be determined as diverse, and in this set of self-determining personality one must be able to navigate. There are main groups of psychological «space» including the typology of options for planning life and career, the typology of work activity, the typology of professions. It is important for self-determination to define the future professional activity. Various methods are presented that allow a person to get a career orientation in complex «space» of career and life choices. Particular attention is paid to self-determination of children in adolescence. Various modern approaches in career guidance and P.Ya. Galperin’s career «orientation» principles are drawn to a concordance.

Received: 04/13/2017
Accepted: 04/27/2017
Pages: 144-150
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0316

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Keywords: self-orientation; psychological «space»; meaning of professional activity;

Available Online 10.10.2017


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Prjazhnikov N.S. (2017). Guidance methods in psychological «spaces» of self-determination. National Psychological Journal. 3, 121-135.