ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал
Национальный психологический журнал

Lomonosov Moscow State University / Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова


Lomonosov Moscow State University



Karabanova O.А (2019). In search of an optimal parenting style. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12)3, 71–79.

Background. In modern psychology, the question is increasingly being raised if there is a fine type of upbringing or it is rather a myth that does not correspond to the reality of family education practices. Parenting and child relationships are rather acute issues of discussion today.

The Objective of the paper is to analyze the approaches to the nature of the finely tuned type of parental education that provides psychological conditions for child development and positive socialization.

Design. Child-parent relationship is a bilateral process where both partners are active. The provision on the indirect nature of the relationship between the style of parental education and the child development is extended on. The cultural goals of raising a child are discussed. It is proved that in adolescence, the task of development and the goal of upbringing is based on developing personal autonomy in coincidence with the interdependence with the parents.

Results. Studies of the parenting style influence on the child personality showed the complex non-linear nature of such an effect, mediated by the nature of the child’s experience of his relationship with the parent. The main parameters of the harmonious type of upbringing that ensure further child autonomy are highlighted: features of emotional relations, communication and interaction, requirements and prohibitions, and control.

Findings. The model of the fine-drawn style of upbringing and parent-child relationships is a multi-lateral system of emotional relations, communication, control and requirements, creating a zone of the nearest development maintaining stable emotional closeness and interdependence.

Received: 09/08/2019

Accepted: 09/16/2019

Pages: 71-79

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0308

Keywords: parent-child relationships; parental behaviour; type of education; autonomy; interdependence;

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Available Online: 10/20/2019

Molchanov S.V. (2019). Moral Disengagement as myth of «moral freedom” in personality. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12)3, 60–70.

Background. The study of moral disengagement is due to exacerbating deviant behaviour in Russian society, including social groups with cognitive and personal qualities required for adequately assessing the situation of moral choice. An analysis of the ways to ensure moral freedom will help to clarify the conditions and factors for implementing a model of behaviour within moral choice.

Objective. Analysis of moral disengagement in adolescence and identifying main areas of empirical research to ensure «moral freedom» are highlighted.

Design. The paper analyses the concept of moral development proposed in the works of A. Bandura including the model of moral disengagement that ensures personal moral freedom; the main directions of empirical research are considered, the relationship of the mechanisms of moral disengagement and moral freedom of the individual are identified.

Results. The main insights into mechanisms of moral disengagement are identified, the age-based mechanisms of moral disengagement, the possibility of using the mechanisms of moral disengagement in the medium and long time perspective are highlighted, the relationship with the components of moral development are determined. The role of moral disengagement in implementing the «moral freedom» of the personality is determined.

Conclusion. The analysis showed that the mechanisms of moral disengagement identified by A. Bandura can be used as a way of gaining moral freedom within immoral behaviour, taking into account certain conditions. In adolescence, the intensity of using moral disengagement mechanisms is higher than in youth. Gender differences in preferences for using mechanisms of moral disengagement were highlighted. There is a relationship between the intensity of using mechanisms of moral disengagement and cognitive and personal characteristics that ensure the moral behaviour of the individual.

Received: 09/14/2019

Accepted: 09/26/2019

Pages: 60-70

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0307

Keywords: A. Bandura; morality; moral disengagement; moral behaviour; immoral conduct; moral freedom; adolescence;

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Available Online: 10/20/2019

Birthday Anniversary of A. Dontsov. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], 12(3), 46.

October 15 is the birthday of Alexander Ivanovich Dontsov, a prominent Russian psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education.

Received: 10/20/2019

Accepted: 10/20/2019

Pages: 46

DOI: 10.11621/npj.209.0305

Keywords: Anniversaries;

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Available Online: 10/20/2019

Kornilova T.V., Kornilov S.A., Zirenko M.S., Chumakova M. A. (2019). Psychometric properties of the modified International Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR) test battery. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12)3, 32–45.

Background. The emergence of the psychometric tradition in Russian psychology necessitates a thorough exploration and adoption of the international experience in the development of appropriate measurement instruments and methodologies. The goal of the present study was thus to perform a comprehensive evaluation of the International Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR) instrument in a Russian sample. The modified ICAR instrument consisted of visuo-spatial subtests Three-dimensional Rotation, Mental Reasoning (original ICAR subtests), as well as the previously developed verbal subtests Mill-Hill verbal scale and Analogies (from the ROADS test battery).

Design. The ICAR battery was administered to n=681 individuals (377 females) in the age from 17 to 59 years (Med=23, M=25.83, SD=7.58 лет) who were either college students or adults with a college degree from the city of Moscow who volunteered for the study. The test battery was administered without (n=284) as well as with (n=397) a time limit.

Results. The study demonstrated adequate psychometric properties of the modified ICAR battery, and revealed a fundamentally bifactor structure of the battery both at the level of individual items as well as at the level of subtests. Thus, individual’s performance on each item or subtest can be conceptualized as being driven by specific (e.g., fluid or verbal) as well as general (g) intelligence factors. We also show that introducing the time limit distorts the psychometric structure of the battery, lowers internal consistency, and reduces the g-saturation of the resulting scores, a finding that has important implications for the theory and practice of testing.

Received: 09/07/2019

Accepted: 09/15/2019

Pages: 32-45

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0304

Keywords: cognitive ability; intelligence; Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory; International Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR);

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Available Online: 10/20/2019

Soldatova G.U., Yarmina A.N.(2019). Cyberbullying:features, role structure, parent-child relationships and coping strategies. National Psychological Journal,[Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12) 3, 17–31

Background. The research data indicate the magnitude and significance of the problem of cyberbullying (CB) that cannot be ignored, since a large enough number of children are aggressively targeted online and are often at significant risk if both school bullying and CB take place simultaneously. The novelty of the research consists in an integrated approach to the CB analysis, as one of the cyber aggression types, taking into account its differences from real-life bullying, based on large-scale foreign national and intercultural studies, which can be compared both at the theoretical and methodological level and on the basis of empirical data.

Objective. The analysis of the existing theoretical and practical studies of the CB features and mechanisms in the child-adolescent environment has been carried out within the framework of developmental psychology and social psychology over the recent two decades.

Design. The paper analyzes the features and transformations of the CB role structure in comparison with the bullying in real life, personal characteristics and behavioural strategies of participants (the aggressor, the victim, the chameleon, the observer/witness), considers child-parent relationship in the CB situation and coping strategy with CB.

Findings. The results presented in this review can be used as a basis for further theoretical and empirical research, and also for developing practical programs aimed at supporting victims of CB, reducing the probability of such situations, for timely prevention of CBs, for diagnosing risk groups, and to prepare recommendations for psychologists, teachers and parents in schools and other educational institutions.

Conclusion The CB research topic is acute in connection with the constant development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and requires further study in terms of process in terms of dynamics and development. In order to develop effective prevention and intervention programs it is necessary to develop a common theoretical and methodological framework that will support terminological consensus among researchers and international research. This will allow for reliable comparisons and systematization of empirical data, as well as the development of online risk management and safe use of ICTs.

Received: 07/25/2019

Accepted: 08/14/2019

Pages: 17-31

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0303

Keywords: cyber aggression; cyberbullying; child-parent relations; role pattern; coping strategies;

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Available Online: 10/20/2019

Shaigerova L.A., Shilko R.S., Vakhantseva O.V., Zinchenko Yu.P. (2019). Outlook of using social network analysis to study ethnocultural identity in adolescents in online communities. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12) 3, 4–16.

Background. The life of modern adolescents is inseparable from online communities that are not only means of communication and source of information, but they also mediate the development of interpersonal and intergroup attitudes, the process of socialization and shape identity. The study of the processes in online communities helps to determine the influence of digital society on the formation of ethnocultural identity and the risks of its negative transformations, the emergence and spread of negative attitudes, xenophobia, and intergroup hostility. Social Network Analysis (SNA), widely used in a number of disciplines but still rarely used in psychological research, may provide new opportunities to explore these processes in online communities.

Objective. The research was aimed at examining the possibilities of applying social network analysis to the study of ethnocultural identity of Russian adolescents.

Design. By creating a code in the language R (R 3.6.1 + R Studio 1.2.1335), the analysis of the relations of a number of communities of the social network «Vkontakte», whose content is relevant to various aspects of ethnocultural (ethnic, cultural, religious, regional, national) identity was performed. In these communities Moscow and St. Petersburg dwellers aged 14 to 18 years were identified and sampled (78,784 Moscow-based users and 210,815 St. Petersburg-based users). Based on the results, social graphs were constructed and the analysis of relations between communities in the two cities of Russia was carried out.

Results. The general tendencies and differences between the links of online communities, the content of which is relevant to various aspects of ethnocultural identity in the cities of Russia under consideration, are revealed. For the target category, Moscow-based and St. Petersburg-based user-adolescents, the online communities were considered to be most relevant between those with ethnic content. The differences relate to connexions between large community called «Russia» and other studied online communities. There is no connexion between all other communities from Moscow with community «Russia» while adolescents-users from St. Petersburg actively participate in the community «Russia», especially those who are in communities whose content is devoted to ethnic and cultural issues.

Conclusion. The results show the existing outlooks for the social networks analysis, which allows to cover a wide range of users of online communities, for the study of ethnocultural identity of adolescents in the digital society. Obtained by analyzing social networking data derived from user activity in Internet communities, reflect the regularities, identified through an earlier social-psychological study involving adolescents who live in the same area. The socio-cultural context mediates online identity and offline identity in a similar way, which is confirmed by the revealed differences in the connections of online communities in different subjects of the Russian Federation. Despite the long-term social network analysis in sociology and other sciences, psychology is using this method as exploratory tool. In relation to the study of ethnocultural identity and related phenomena SNA requires additional development based on the interdisciplinary interaction of various sciences and areas and the necessary comparison of the results with the results obtained by other methods.

Received: 09/16/2019

Accepted: 09/21/2019

Pages: 4-16

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0302

Keywords: social network analysis (SNA); social graphs; adolescents; ethno­cultural identity; regions of Russian Federation; social mining;

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Available Online: 10/20/2019

Leybina A.V. (2019) Results of the 16th European Psychological Congress. National Psychological Journal. 3, 3.

July 2-5, 2019, Moscow faced the 16th European Psychological Congress attended by more than 2700 participants from 94 countries and based on the Russian Academy of Education and Moscow Lomonosov State University thanks to the interagency interaction of the structures of the Government of the Russian Federation, scientific foundations and oranisations of practical psychology

Received: 09/16/2019

Accepted: 09/18/2019

Pages: 3

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0301

Keywords: congress ; 16th European Psychological Congress;

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Available Online: 10/20/2019

Information For Authors. (2019). National Psychological Journal, 1, 132-134

National Psychological Journal” is All- Russian scientific and analytical issue which highlights achievements in different areas of modern psychological science and practice.

The Journal publishes original scientific and practice-oriented articles on topical issues of the various areas of psychology, which is distinguished by scientific novelty and distinctive author’s viewpoint.

Received: 04/30/2018

Accepted: 04/30/2018

Pages: 132-134

Keywords: information;

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Available Online: 04/30/2019

Malygina Lidia E. (2019). Gamification of promotional discourse practices on TV: the problem of influencing mass consciousness of the audience. National Psychological Journal, 1, 122-131

Background. The paper focuses on manipulating the mass consciousness of the audience. Traditionally, this issue has been considered as an attempt to present the advertising of a TV product as information, but within the digital age, there is a desire to present promotion of TV content as a game. However, the “non-gaming” goals of the institutions that stand behind video games and games in alternate reality may be hidden from the players and serve commercial goals.

Objective. The study focuses on identifying and describing the advantages and disadvantages of using gamification in the TV promo-discourse. The author examines examples of using games in alternative reality and also multiplayer online games in real time in order to attract the attention of films and TV series viewers, analyzes the causes of success and failure of similar projects in related fields, and also in science and business.

Design. The study is valuable for interdisciplinary approach. Analyzing the use of gamification techniques in the TV promo-discourse the author raises topical issues of media psychology, perception psychology, philosophy of video games, ethics, communicative stylistics and media stylistics.

The paper highlights philological methods designed according to the tasks of the research: communicative discursive analysis, synchronic descriptive and synchronic comparative methods. The description of the provisions and forms of persuasive communication as applied to TV promotions includes elements of logical meaning-specific analysis (i.e. argumentative analysis), and also intentional, ethical and psychological analysis. This approach helps to give an adequate description of gamification effects in TV promodiscourse.

Results. The author comes to the conclusion that the ability of game mechanics to motivate mass recepients of the TV promo discourse to watch television programs is enormous, but the viewers of the TV channels need to be critical of gamification projects: they have to understand the purposes they are framed to, and take part in projects whose non-gamer goals are merely civil without implying exploitation of the gamer. Framed to the ethical norms gamification in the TV promotion can be both an effective tool for promoting TV content, and also a way to change the social order for the better.

Conclusion.Theoretical conclusions of the study of the mass consciousness manipulation through using gamification in TV promotions can be widely used in teaching medialinguistics, speech culture, TV, philosophy of video games, humanitarian researche of video game, etc. The results of this study seem to be useful to media professionals.

Received: 10/18/2018

Accepted: 03/05/2019

Pages: 122-131

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0111

Keywords: gamification; TV promo discourse; manipulative impact; online gaming; virtual reality;

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Available Online: 04/30/2019

Khokhlov Nikita A., Serdyuk. Alexandra E. (2019). Quantitative estimates of performance on the Taylor Complex Figure (TCF) by children aged 4-17 years. National Psychological Journal, 1, 88-108

Introduction. The Taylor Complex Figure (TCF) technique is one of the neuropsychologist’s tools and is used to diagnose children after 4 y.o. and adults for assessing visual spatial characteristics, visual constructive skills and visual memory.

However, the lack of quantitative standards for using the Taylor method obtained within the Russian sample makes it difficult to apply it both in research and in practical work.

The Objective is to obtain age standards of the “Taylor Integrated Figure” technique on children 4–17 years old, and also to validate it according to the results of a neuropsychological examination.

Procedure. The study used the quantitative approach to assess the “Taylor Integrated Figure” children of 4–17 years. Each of the 18 elements of the figure was evaluated by the quality of the pattern and the correctness of the placement in space. The figure obtained by copying the original image and the figure reproduced by memory 20 minutes after copying were separately evaluated. Additionally, a qualitative assessment of the figures was carried out according to the level of development of metric and structural topological representations. The study involved 377 children, of which 243 boys and 134 girls aged from 52 to 214 months (average age - 117 ± 42 months).

Results. The nonlinear dependence of the estimated indicators on age was found. Age standards for the implementation of the technique for 5 age groups (4–5, 6–7, 8–9, 10–12, 13–17 years) were calculated. Indicators of the complexity of working with each element of the figure were obtained. Based on the analysis of the success ratio of the simplest and most complex elements of the figure, a mathematically grounded threshold for making a decision on the presence of aggravation has been proposed. The validity of the technique was assessed based on the results of a neuropsychological examination. It is shown that the technique to the greatest extent measures structural and spatial functions and visual memory in children under 13 years, it has low discriminant validity with respect to other neuropsychological characteristics. The substantive validity of qualitative assessments and quantitative indicators is in many respects the same, while quantitative indicators are about 1.5 times more strongly associated with the results of neuropsychological diagnostics.

Conclusion. Analysis of the predictive ability of logistic regression models indicates the possibility of applying the technique for screening diagnostics at school. The method allows separating children without neurocognitive deficiency from those who need to undergo a full neuropsychological examination.

Received: 01/27/2019

Accepted: 04/17/2019

Pages: 88-108

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0109

Keywords: guideline exposure; children; neuropsychological diagnostics; constructive-spatial functions; visual memory disorder; spatial conceptions; validity;

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Available Online: 04/30/2019

Burlakova N.S., Oleshkevich V.I. (2019). Development of applied clinical psychology in the information society. National Psychological Journal, 1, 68-77

Background. The issue of the applied clinical psychology methodology is very relevant due to the considerable diversity and unsystematic review of modern research. There is a confusion of research works focused on the psychological explanation of mental disorders, statistically correlation studies, which provide links between various parameters, properties and characteristics based on a study of various clinical patient groups, and also incomplete works of applied research in clinical psychology.

The Objective of the paper is a theoretical and analytical study of the applied clinical psychology.

Design. The analysis of the current situation of applied clinical psychology is given, the prospects for development are studied and the forecasts of foreign researchers about the future of clinical psychology are performed. Particular attention is paid to the development opportunities of further methodology issues of applied clinical psychology founded by G. Munsterberg, its use in the design of a wide range of applications of psychology in modern medicine. The possibilities of developing applied medical psychology in the modern information society, the development of its new methods, analysis and subsequent tech-based approach are discussed.

Results. A wide array of applied clinical psychology opportunities related to the prospects of tech-based practical medicine and its organization is presented. The analysis of the problem field of applied clinical psychology brings out the need for system design of new applied psychological developments in medicine. Preliminary data show that a deeper systemic level of development can be associated with the applied cultural historical psychology in their design.

Received: 02/12/2019

Accepted: 02/27/2019

Pages: 68-77

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0107

Keywords: applied psychology; psychotechnics; medical (clinical) psychology; information society ; G. Munsterberg;

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Available Online: 04/30/2019

Scientific readings in memory of L. F. Obukhova. (2019). National Psychological Journal. 2, 4.

February 21, 2019 at the Department of Psychology, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Obukhova Readings were held on the occasion of  L.F. Obukhova 's 80th anniversary. The event as devoted to the topical issues of developmental psychology, modern childhood and family.

Received: 06/04/2019

Accepted: 06/06/2019

Pages: 4

Keywords: Anniversaries;

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Available Online: 01/30/2019

Antonina N. Zhdan. (2019). The scientific career of L. F. Obukhova from the 1960s to the 2010s. National Psychological Journal. 2, 5-9.

Background. Lyudmila Filippovna Obukhova (July 22, 1938 - July 20, 2016) made a great contribution to the study of the developmental psychology.

The Objective is to recreate the portrait of L.F. Obukhova retrieved from her personal memories, to identify some features of her personality, to present the most important areas of her research and teaching job in the field of developmental and general psychology, to show her grateful attitude towards parents, teachers, colleagues.

Design.The paper shows that L.F. Obukhova, after graduating from the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University, worked in the field of child psychology. She carried out a comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis of the Geneva School of Genetic Psychology, established by the eminent Swiss psychologist J.Piaget and his followers. Being a student of P.Ya. Galperin, she worked in the wake of her teacher’s ideas, was a part of his scientific school, conducted lectures on Galperin’s theory and carried out her own research that made a significant contribution to the development of Galperin’s theory. L.F. Obukhova showed that in the stream of all psychological theories of child development, the concepts of Piaget and Galperin are the main approaches to the issue of ontogenetic development. Both of them are fruitful, but Vygotsky cultural-historical school is the most distinguished.

Results. Fruitful activities in the field of developmental psychology, the practical value of textbooks for psychology students allow us to classify L.F. Obukhov as classical Russian psychologist.

Received: 06/19/2019

Accepted: 06/23/2019

Pages: 5-9

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0202

Keywords: psychogenetics; developmental psychology; cultural-historical psychology; paradigm; Galperin P.Y.; Vygotsky L.S.; Lyudmila Obukhova; J. Piaget;

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Available Online: 01/30/2019

Galina V. Burmenskaya. (2019). Lydmila Obukhova: scientific and human lessons On the strategies of studying child cognitive development. National Psychological Journal. 2, 10-18.

Background. In connection with the 80thanniversary of a famous Russian psychologist, Professor of Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lyudmila F. Obukhova it is relevant to analyse one of the most striking pages in her scientific heritage associated with her experimental study of the conditions and mechanisms of child thinking development.

The Objective is to consider the experimental model of the child’s transition from one stage of cognitive development to another elaborated by L. F. Obukhova on the basis of Pyotr Ya. Galperin’s theory, and to compare it with two alternative models created by the followers of J. Piaget in the Geneva psychological school (B. Inhelder, M. Bovet, H. Sinclair) and in the framework of American cognitive psychology (R. Siegler).

Design. Comparative analysis of the theoretical foundations and effectiveness of the three approaches to child cognitive development modeling, as well as the adequacy and completeness of the conceptual description of the according three experimental procedures: formative experiment, cognitive learning and microgenetic observation. 

ResultsThe method of L. F. Obukhova was the first significant attempt to reproduce the process and mechanisms of child’s transition from the preoperational stage of development to the operational stage in the conditions of the forming experiment. Using the method of "cognitive learning" allowed identifying the discrepancy between its actual psychological content and the interpretation of intellectual development as a spontaneous process. The evolution of microgenetic approach up to the modern position is traced through the identity of development and learning. 

Concusion. In contrast to the "cognitive learning" and microgenetic analysis method, the forming model of the study allows  recreating essential conditions of child cognitive development that are usually scattered in the spontaneous experience of the child and stretched in time.

Received: 03/26/2019

Accepted: 04/04/2019

Pages: 10-18

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0203

Keywords: cognitive development; psychophysiological mechanisms; P.Ya. Galperin’s theory; J. Piaget; phenomena; conservation principle understanding; cognitive learning method; microgenetic analysis;

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Available Online: 01/30/2019

Svetlana M. Churbanova. (2019). L. F. Obukhova’s ideas to the development of children creativity. National Psychological Journal. 2, 19-24.

Background. The paper focuses upon L.F. Obukhova's ideas about creativity in children, the search for objective mechanisms for the development of child thinking in solving creative problems. The paper is prepared in connection with the conference “Scientific Readings in Memory of L.F. Obukhova (1938-2016), Professor of Moscow State Lomonosov University” on the occasion of her 80th birthday.

The Objective of the analytical and theoretical research is rethinking the basic ideas of L.F. Obukhova in the study of key aspects of child creativity and systematic study of thinking based on ‘open-end’ type problems that allow multiple solutions.    

Design. The psychological characteristics of creativity in children and its relationship with other mental processes are consistently considered. The mental processes are perception, emotions, intelligence, imagination; age peaks and declines in the development of creativity of preschoolers. The paper presents a critical analysis of measuring creativity, the impact of learning on the development of children on the basis of popular programs and trainings of creative thinking. The paper highlights the prospects of Obukhova's scientific approach to the vital issues in understanding mental development of the child, the ‘intersection of ideas’ of representatives of cultural-historical and natural-scientific paradigms.

Results. The heuristic possibilities of the analysis of the general and divergences of representatives of two main scientific paradigms in modern psychology are shown. According to L.F. Obukhova, the Torrence's Picture Construction Test shows the convergent strategies of solution, which contradicts Guilford's understanding of the phenomena of creativity. The cultural-historical paradigm highlights the artificial approach to the process of thinking though the prism of multiple factors.

Findings. The analysis showed that underestimating the role of adults in the teaching creativity brings about a partial solution to the problem articulated by E.P. Torrence: «Can we Teach Children To Think Creatively?» Building a comprehensive view of the mechanisms that induce creative processes brings closer to a deeper understanding of the issues of development and learning. 

Received: 04/19/2019

Accepted: 04/24/2019

Pages: 19-24

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0204

Keywords: natural-scientific approach; Gilford’s divergence concept; development of creativity; insight; productive decisions; cultural historical concept; child age; Galperin`s method of mental actions development; preschool age; Lyudmila Obukhova;

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Available Online: 01/30/2019

Natalia L. Karpova, Larisa A. Paramonova, Tatyana I. Aliyeva, Inna A. Volodarskaya. (2019). Memories of L. F. Obukhova. National Psychological Journal. 2, 33-39.

As part of the Scientific Readings in memory of L.F. Obukhova, Professor of Moscow Lomonosov State University, on the occasion of her 80th anniversary, a memorial round table was held. The participants who knew Lyudmila Obukhova shared their memories of working and personal contact with her.

Received: 03/27/2019

Accepted: 04/04/2019

Pages: 33-39

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0206

Keywords: history of psychology; Lyudmila Obukhova;

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Available Online: 01/30/2019

Janna M. Glozman. L. F. Obukhova: 2002-2016. (2019). National Psychological Journal. 2, 40-45.

Background. Psychology Department of Moscow Lomonosov State University together with Russian Psychological Association has celebrated the 80th birth anniversary of Lyudmila Obukhova. She was an outstanding world known expert in developmental psychology, mental development, family and child matters, etc.
The Objective is to analyze fruitful scientific and personal achievements of Lyudmila Obukhova of the 15 last years of her life that are uncovered by her colleagues at the Psychology Department of Moscow Lomonosov State University.

Design. The paper describe sour collaboration with Lyudmila Obukhova in 2002-2016: lecturing trips, participation in international congresses and conferences, e.g.the 2nd Congress of the International Association of Cultural Research (ISCAR) in San Diego, USA; the first International Vygotsky memorial Conference in Lisbon, Portugal; the XX International Congress of gerontology in Seoul, South, Korea; the first International Congress on child psychology in Braga, Portugal; The 6th International Conference on Nutrition and Physical Activity in Taipei, Taiwan’; The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Sciences in Svetlogorsk, ethnographic expedition in Kamchatka and more. An integration of various research issues and their international value should be underlined as well as Obukhova’s exceptional personality and communication talent.

Conclusion. Obukhova’s array of interests is identified, her personality is revealed, her unusual gift of communication is shown. International recognition of her research is revealed.

Received: 03/25/2019

Accepted: 04/03/2019

Pages: 40-45

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0207

Keywords: Lyudmila Obukhova; history of psychology; Anniversaries;

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Available Online: 01/30/2019

Lydmila F. Obukhova. (2019). Problems of mental health of abandoned children. National Psychological Journal. 2, 46-47.

Abstract of L.F. Obukhova at the 6th International Conference on Nutrition and Physical Activity (Taipei, Taiwan 22.10.2015)

Received: 06/19/2019

Accepted: 06/23/2019

Pages: 46-47

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0208

Keywords: Lyudmila Obukhova; history of psychology; Anniversaries; child clinical psychology;

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Available Online: 01/30/2019

Dmitriy A. Khoroshilov, Ekaterina A. Hilger. Paramonova, Tatyana I. Aliyeva, Inna A. Volodarskaya. (2019). Collective experience of precarity and civil movements. National Psychological Journal. 2, 48-54.

Background. Thestudy explores the potential predictors of the collective action in the context of contemporary social and civil movements. Classical socio-psychological models of social movements focus on the concept of social identity, i.e. collective identity and have difficulty explaining a sudden upsurge of popular demonstrations in the world (from mass demonstrations in Russia till “Yellow vests” movement in France). 

Objective. The research aims to identify a latent criterion of the identification with the protest movement which can be situated within the social space only at the moment of people assemblies. 

Design. According to the literature review, the authors suggest that the collective experience of precariousness, representing the people’s vulnerability in existing social and political order can be a latent identification criterion of social and civil movements. In the research, we subjected the data of semi-structured interviews with the activists of Russian civil movements to the Jonathan A. Smith's method of interpretative phenomenological analysis. 

Findings. As a result of the qualitative analysis of the interviews, the main features that manifest the collective experience of precariousness were identified. The collective experience is performed through the views of the civil movements activists in Russia in the 2010s: 1) Participation in demonstrations s identified with the particular state; 2) Experience of injustice as stepping out the comfort zone; 3) Intention to change social order; 4) Handling the fear of punishment; 5) Deception and lost illusions. 

Conclusion. Precarity becomes a predictor of collective action only in the case if it becomes a collective experience of a community, a formal assigning to the precariat class is not enough for collective mobilization. The understanding of how the collective experience of precariousness is identified with new social movements uncovers perspectives for further research.

Received: 03/04/2019

Accepted: 04/16/2019

Pages: 48-54

DOI: 10.11621/ npj.2019.0209

Keywords: civil movement; collective behaviour; social identity; collective experience; precarity;

By: ; ;

Available Online: 01/30/2019

Veraksa A.N., Leybina A.V., Leonov S.V. (2019) The upcoming psychological forum has already made it into history of the European psychological congresses. National Psychological Journal. 2, 3.


Received: 06/04/2019

Accepted: 06/06/2019

Pages: 3

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0201

Keywords: congress ; 16th European Psychological Congress;

By: ; ; ;

Available Online: 01/30/2019

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