ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828



Karabanova O.А (2019). In search of an optimal parenting style. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12)3, 71–79.


Background. In modern psychology, the question is increasingly being raised if there is a fine type of upbringing or it is rather a myth that does not correspond to the reality of family education practices. Parenting and child relationships are rather acute issues of discussion today.

The Objective of the paper is to analyze the approaches to the nature of the finely tuned type of parental education that provides psychological conditions for child development and positive socialization.

Design. Child-parent relationship is a bilateral process where both partners are active. The provision on the indirect nature of the relationship between the style of parental education and the child development is extended on. The cultural goals of raising a child are discussed. It is proved that in adolescence, the task of development and the goal of upbringing is based on developing personal autonomy in coincidence with the interdependence with the parents.

Results. Studies of the parenting style influence on the child personality showed the complex non-linear nature of such an effect, mediated by the nature of the child’s experience of his relationship with the parent. The main parameters of the harmonious type of upbringing that ensure further child autonomy are highlighted: features of emotional relations, communication and interaction, requirements and prohibitions, and control.

Findings. The model of the fine-drawn style of upbringing and parent-child relationships is a multi-lateral system of emotional relations, communication, control and requirements, creating a zone of the nearest development maintaining stable emotional closeness and interdependence.

Received: 09/08/2019
Accepted: 09/16/2019
Pages: 71-79
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0308

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Keywords: parent-child relationships; parental behaviour; type of education; autonomy; interdependence;

Available Online 20.10.2019


This work was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research “The Role of Artistic Cinematography in Shaping Attitudes towards Parenting and the Image of Effective Parenthood among Modern Youth” (project No. 18-013-01213).


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Karabanova O.А (2019). In search of an optimal parenting style. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], (12)3, 71–79.