ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал



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Sobkin V. S., Burelomova A.S. School target functions: students and teachers views (2012). National Psychological Journal, 1(7), 118-123

The significance of the research results of various characteristics of high school graduates for students and teachers in time dynamics is analyzed. The factors that determine the structure of meaningful relationships in students and teachers of different years to different characteristics of a school graduate are considered. The change of school education functions depending on social and cultural situation in the society is shown.

Pages: 118-123

Keywords: personal value orientations; school educations; role of schools in the development of the student’s personality; psychological portrait of school graduate; personal, familial, professional positions of adolescent; personal guidance of school graduate; targets of the school as educational institution;

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Chesnokova O.B., Subbotsky E.V. (2012). Psychologist in the system of preschool education: the English version. National Psychological Journal,2(8),124-131

In this article the authors, without setting a special aim of the comparative analysis of the history and current state of the Russian and English pre-school and primary education (in England schooling starts at 4 years age, in Russia – at 6-7 years age), describe the logic of the transition from pre-school to the school education system, analyzing how, by whom and by what professional organisations in England psychological problems of transition are solved.

Pages: 124-131

Keywords: preschool education in England; formalized training; developing training; pre-school psychologist; educator; program development of preschool children in England;

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Klimenko I.V.(2013). Motivation of university students and their value orientation in professional employment. National Psychological Journal,1(9),143–151

The paper considers motivation and values of natural geography students. Data on motivation and values of students’ future career and their dynamics from 1st to 5th course is described.

The study of motivation and value orientation of students of chemistry, biology and geography was carried out in the Dniester Moldavian Republic at the Department of Natural Geography of the Dniester Shevchenko State University. The study allowed the development of a psychological support program for the professional development of students at all grade levels in higher school.

The author analyses motivation for choosing a future career and for studying in higher school and their interrelations with valuable students’ orientations are examined. It has significant value during organization of the psychological support actions which are directed to students’ psychological support. The study of value orientations and life spheres revealed that for young people in the early professional development, the most important parts of life are the professional sphere, material well-being and self-development. By the end of training value orientations of students correspond to the social economic relations that are dominant in society: spiritual values that are important at the beginning of training and the values of self-development are replaced by social ones.

The study allows the development of a psychological support program for the professional development of students at all grade levels in high school, which is aimed at supplying them with information, developing motivation and value orientation on the future professional activity and promotes self-awareness in the career they have chosen.

Received: 02/22/2012

Accepted: 03/15/2012

Pages: 143-151

DOI: 2079-6617/2013.0119

Keywords: motivation to choose a career; professional orientation of a person; value orientations (VO); motivation and values orientation in professional activity;

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Sobkin V.S., Veryasova E.S.(2013). Values at different stages of a kindergarten teacher career. National Psychological Journal,1(9), 134–142

The paper deals with the degree of satisfaction of kindergarten teachers with their financial situation, the nature of the preferences of the different values of life and confidence in successful future. This work is based on the data obtained during the survey of kindergarten teachers in the city of Moscow, Russia, which was conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Education. Analyzing the results obtained, the authors try to evaluate the significance of educators and social stratification factors, such as teaching experience, age, level of education, level of material security. The data obtained are compared to the results of their earlier survey of kindergarten teachers, which makes it possible to identify certain trends, changing the social well-being in this group.

Finally, a structural analysis, which allows to compare the characteristics of different interconnections are compared to the values and perspectives at different stages of professional kindergarten career. The analysis showed that in the course of professional development, the structure of life orientation of an educator undergoes a kind of transition stages related to change in values and resolution of crisis situations. The data provided in the paper are important since the change of educator‘s life orientation largely determines the nature of the education process in kindergarten, where the implementation of the educational program is reverberated through the eduacor’s system of values.

Received: 12/15/2011

Accepted: 12/27/2012

Pages: 134-142

DOI: 2079-6617/2013.0118

Keywords: sociology of education; pre-school; analysis of social values; psychological studies; social stratification factors; educator psychology; social well-being;

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Chesnokova O.B., Subbotskiy E.V.(2013). Psychologist in preschool education: the English version. National Psychological Journal, 1(9), 127–133

The authors give an idea of two models of modern preschool education: artificially accelerative model, where the logic of pre-school education is replaced by formal studies that simulate school learning, and developmental education model that takes into account the rich potential of preschool age.

In the paper the authors solve two problems: first they demonstrate the implementation of the first and second mixed models of preschool education in England and secondly they analyze the role of child psychologists in solving the problems that arise in the implementation of this model. The system of pre-school education and training in England is outlined. An account of public institutions where it is carried out, and in which of them the program is presented, is given. It is shown what professions (educators, psychologists, medical personnel, etc.) are involved in the English system of preschool education, and what functions they perform.

The paper describes which goals are set in child care centers of England, and what means they use to solve them. The authors analyze the logic of the transition from preschool to school education system in England. They provide how and what professional organizations are incentivising the transition and how the accompanying psychological problems are solved.

The role of psychologists in solving problems that arise in the implementation of a particular model of the English preschool education is studied. As the standard position of psychologist is not registered with a kindergarten or primary school, psychologists do not produce direct influence, but only produce indirect impact on the system of early childhood care and education in the course of problem solutions.

Received: 07/09/2012

Accepted: 07/23/2012

Pages: 127-133

DOI: 2079-6617/2013.0117

Keywords: preschool education in England; structure of education;

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