ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Kovalev, A. I.

Kovalev, A. I.

Kovalev, A. I.

Web of Science ResearcherID: D-3068-2014

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1592-2035

Scopus Author ID: 56102634700


Страница в Истине:

Degree: Cand. Sci. (Psychology)

Affiliation: Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research

The Chair of Laboratory of Virtual Reality and Polymodal Perception, Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Researches.


Manifestations of Higher Mental Functions in Actors in Virtual Reality
National Psychological Journal p. 38-52 2023. , 4.
Mashkov Vladimir L. Nefeld Ekaterina E. Kovalev, A. I. Dolgikh Alexandra G. Smirnova Ekaterina A. Samuseva Marina V. Strelnikov Stepan V. Rogacheva Daria A. Vakhantseva Olga V.
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Virtual Reality as a tool for modern child development
National Psychological Journal p. 21-30 2020. , 2.
Kovalev, A. I. Starostina, Yulia A.
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Studying the influence of race on the gaze cueing effect
National Psychological Journal p. 46-58 2017. , 2.
Menshikova, G.Ya. Kovalev, A. I. Luniakova, E.G.
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Vection in virtual environments: psychological and psychophysiological mechanisms
National Psychological Journal p. 91-104 2015. , 4.
Menshikova, G.Ya. Kovalev, A. I.
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New information technologies in social research: the post-non-classical paradigm.
National Psychological Journal p. 25-34 2015. , 3.
Zinchenko, Yu. P. Kovalev, A. I. Menshikova, G.Ya. Chaiguerova, Ludmila A.
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Modern psychological science to sport
National Psychological Journal p. 33-39 2015. , 2.
Kovalev, A. I.
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