ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828

National Psychological Journal #3(35)/2019


XVI European Psychological Congress: Resume
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 3
Leybina, Anna V.
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Psychology of virtual reality

Outlook of using social network analysis to study ethnocultural identity in adolescents in online communities
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 4-16
Chaiguerova, Ludmila A. Roman S. Shilko Vakhantseva Olga V. Zinchenko, Yu. P.
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Cyberbullying:features, role structure, parent-child relationships and coping strategies
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 17-31
Galina U. Soldatova
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Cognitive Psychology

Psychometric properties of the modified International Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR) test battery
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 32-45
Kornilova, T. V. Kornilov Sergei A.
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Birthday Anniversary

Birthday Anniversary of A. Donts
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 46
Zinchenko, Yu. P.
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Personality Psychology

Consent to addiction. Existential Analytical Approach
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 47-59
Längle Alfried
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Moral Disengagement as myth of ”moral freedom” in personality
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 60-70
Molchanov Sergei V.
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Family Psychology

In search of an optimal parenting style
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 71-79
Karabanova, O.A.
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The study of personal maturity and socio-psychological adaptation of the spouses in young couples
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 80-87
Rean, А.А.
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Medical Psychology

The study of the auto-aggressive behaviour in individuals who survived sexual abuse in childhood
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 88-100
Kuznetsova, Svetlana O. Sergei N. Enikolopov
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The influence of family system and individual psychological characteristics of the careg
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 101-112
Trusova Anna V.
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Sport Psychology

Goal setting as a method of self-regulation in curler athletes with different levels of pre-competition anxiety
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 113-124
Sagova, Zurida A.
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Psychology of Education

Problems and opportunities of implementing inclusive education in modern University
National Psychological Journal 2019. , 3. p. 125-133
Bekhoeva, Asya A.
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