ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828

Articles National Psychological Journal

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Ideas about volunteering among modern youth
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 125-136
Molchanov Sergei V. Almazova O.V. Poskrebysheva, Natalia N.
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Personal factors of building a professional career during the period of entering adulthood
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 113-124
Karabanova, O.A. Zakharova Elena I. Starostina, Yulia A.
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The content of self-image in subjects with distorted personal development (based on autism spectrum disorder cases)
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 98-112
Kuzmina Tatyana I. Dukhanina Olga S.
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Categorization of bodily sensations in psychodermatological disorders
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 75-84
Ermusheva Anastasia A. Vinogradova Marina G. Tkhostov, A.Sh.
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Phenomenon of Self-Objectification in Women: Analysis of foreign Studies and a View through the Prism of Russian Psychology
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 61-74
Kashirsky Dmitry V. Myasnikova Olesya V.
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From patriotism to political totalitarianism: the role of collective narcissism
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 48-60
Grigoryev, Dmitry S.
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Ethical-psychological portrayal of a Russian corrupt official
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 31-47
Maksimenko Alexander A. Dayneka, Olga S. Krylova Dina V.
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Emotional intelligence in the structure of a person's intellectual and personal potential: trait or ability? (adaptation of the short version of the TEIQue-SF questionnaire)
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 18-30
Kryukova Ekaterina A. Shestova Maria A.
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Cultural development of empathy-identification and empathy-modeling
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 3-17
Nourkova, V. V.
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Assessment of professionally determined features of the functional state in connection with some characteristics of athletes’ sleep
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 3. p. 75–93
Sagova, Z.A. Dontsov Dmitriy A. Simonov Vyacheslav N.
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Negative psycho-emotional consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in risk groups
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 3. p. 66-74
Karpova Elvira B. Nikolaeva Ekaterina A.
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Educational environment amid COVID-19 pandemic: new security challenges
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 3. p. 57–65
Baranova, V.A. Dubovskaya, E.M. Savina, O.O.
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Parents and children in time of isolation: external and internal factors of mutual understanding
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 3. p. 48-56
Leonova Elena V.
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Remote cognitive behavioral therapy for viral anxiety associated with the COVID-19 pandemic
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 3. p. 39-47
Melehin Alexey I.
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Personal and situational predictors of proactive coping with difficult life situations: cross-cultural differences
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 3. p. 30-38
Agadullina, Elena R. Belinskaya, E.P. Dzhuraeva Malika R.
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