ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Simonova Natalia N.

Simonova Natalia N.


Academic rank: Professor

Degree: Doctor of Psychology

Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University

Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Work Psychology,


Adaptability as a predictor to the change of functional states in participants of a marine scientific expedition to the Arctic
National Psychological Journal p. 65–79 2022. , 4.
Simonova Natalia N. Maria A. Tunkina Yana A. Korneeva Anna A. Trofimova
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The Psychological Adaptation Features of Shift Personnel in the Far North
National Psychological Journal p. 63-74 2021. , 4.
Yana A. Korneeva Simonova Natalia N.
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