ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Type of family relations among entrepreneurs in small family business

Type of family relations among entrepreneurs in small family business

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 12/23/2021 22:07:00

Accepted: 01/17/2022 22:07:00

Published: 04/14/2022 19:01:00

Keywords: family business; family relationships; family structure balance; family cohesion; D. Olson’s FACES-3; method

p.: 30-42

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2022.0103

Available online: 14.04.2022

To cite this article:

Julia S. Murzina, Irina A. Rusyaeva. Type of family relations among entrepreneurs in small family business. // National Psychological Journal 2022. 1. p.30-42. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0103

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Issue 1, 2022

Julia S. Murzina University of Tyumen

Irina A. Rusyaeva University of Tyumen


Background. For our country, the growth and improvement of the efficiency of small business is one of the strategic directions. However, not only financial and infrastructural factors can stimulate business growth, but also socio-psychological ones. The study of relations within families of entrepreneurs can become another direction for the development of small business in our country.

Objective. The aim was to study the type of family system in terms of the parameters of adaptability and cohesion among entrepreneurs in the sphere of small family business.

Design. The study was carried out using the FACES-3 method by D. Olson. The sample consisted of 129 small family business owners. Hypotheses include the following: 1) families of entrepreneurs have a balanced structure; 2) over the years of marriage, the cohesion in business families decreases; 3) the more children there are in the family, the higher the unity of family is.

Results. The study of the family system types showed that 78.3% of families belong to the semi-functional type. On the scale of “Cohesion”, divided (46.5%) and united (51.9%) types dominate. On the scale of “Adaptation”, the chaotic type prevails (76%). Hypothesis 1 was not confirmed. However, we understand high randomness as a way to form continuity in a business family. Hypothesis 2 was confirmed: real family cohesion decreases with increasing age of the business owner (p = 0.01). Hypothesis 3 was confirmed: the more children there are in a business family, the higher the real family unity (p = 0.05) is. The cohesion of entrepreneurs in large families is a potential for the family’s reputation capital and the formation of financial stability in the future.

Conclusion. The article formulates recommendations for the harmonization of family relations, aimed at maintaining and developing intergenerational ties. The results of the study allow us to formulate a proposal to the Family Business Centers regarding special support for large business families. The revealed patterns will help improve the demographic situation in the country and will contribute to the development of small business.


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To cite this article:

Julia S. Murzina, Irina A. Rusyaeva. Type of family relations among entrepreneurs in small family business. // National Psychological Journal 2022. 1. p.30-42. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0103

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