ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Psychological predictors of life satisfaction in older people (the example of charity fund clients)

Psychological predictors of life satisfaction in older people (the example of charity fund clients)

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 01/17/2022 21:27:00

Accepted: 01/29/2022 21:27:00

Published: 04/14/2022 19:01:00

Keywords: life satisfaction; older age; aging; resilience; meaningfulness of life; volunteering

p.: 15-29

DOI: doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0102

Available online: 14.04.2022

To cite this article:

Mariia A. Shchukina, Lubov A. Shchirman. Psychological predictors of life satisfaction in older people (the example of charity fund clients). // National Psychological Journal 2022. 1. p.15-29. doi: doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0102

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Issue 1, 2022

Mariia A. Shchukina

Lubov A. Shchirman


Background. Life satisfaction in older age is widely studied in connection with family and professional factors. However, the role of non-professional volunteer activity of older people in connection with the peculiarities of personal resource complex (meaningfulness, resilience, proactive coping) has not been studied enough yet.

Objective. The study of psychological predictors of life satisfaction in older people (on the example of clients of a charity fund).

Design. The study participants were 60 unemployed clients of the charity center aged 65–85 years (μ = 74.8 years), 44 women. 50% of the respondents are not only clients, but also volunteers of the Center. The design of the study is cross-sectional. Life satisfaction in different life spheres was assessed with the “Technique for diagnosing the level of social frustration” by L.I. Wasserman. The supposed personal predictors of life satisfaction were diagnosed by the following methods: “Indicator of coping strategies” by D. Amirkhan (adaptation by N.A. Sirota and V.M. Yaltonsky), “Test of Life Orientations” by D.A. Leontiev, “Test of resilience” by S. Maddi (modification by E.N. Osin and E.I. Rasskazova).

Results. Comparative and multiple regression analysis have shown that the level of satisfaction with the life of older people is not as much related to the nature of the family situation, as to an active life position. It is significantly higher with involvement in socially significant volunteer activities and with the productive use of the personal resource complex (meaningfulness, resilience, proactive coping), especially in terms of the belief in the ability to control behavior, relationships with others and the life situation as a whole.

Conclusion. The results of the presented study can be used in the practice of Russian gerontopsychology while organizing social assistance to older people on the basis of state and non-profit organizations.


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To cite this article:

Mariia A. Shchukina, Lubov A. Shchirman. Psychological predictors of life satisfaction in older people (the example of charity fund clients). // National Psychological Journal 2022. 1. p.15-29. doi: doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0102

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