Background. The paper is based on specifics of the professional activity of specialists of the State Inspectorate of Small Size Vessels of Russian EMERCOM (SISSV) is a highly demanding job that requires specific individual psychological features to successfully fulfill their duties. Such individual psychological features are important for experts, and also for candidates to the positions in the GIMS used as recruitment criteria.
The Objective. of the study is to identify job skills that determine the professional effectiveness of SISSV experts, to identify the relationship between job skills and career success and to determine psychological indicators strongly associated with success.
Design. An expert survey (N = 40) was conducted to determine psychological indicators that contribute to professional success of SISSV experts. We carried out psychological assessment of acting SISSV experts (N = 275) to determine the presence and the level of necessary skills. Based on expert assessments, the inspectors were assigned to either successful or unsuccessful groups. The resulting polar groups were compared using Mann-Whitney criterion. Correlation analysis (Spearman) was used to access the strength of association between professional success and job skills. We also used factor and regression analyses to model the structure of job skills associated with professional success of acting SISSV specialists and job applicants.
Results. allowed to establish reliable differences between the polar groups on following characteristics (p ≤ 0.05): intelligence, abstract and operative thinking, intellectual liability, attention characteristics (volume, concentration, selection, distribution). They were defined as job skills for SISSV experts. The results of correlation analysis (p = 0.01, p = 0.05) showed that the specialists professional success depended on the presence and level of formation of job skills. We determined the structure of job skills associated with professional success.
Conclusion. The obtained results may be used to optimize the processes of psychological monitoring and psychological selection of the acting specialists of SISSV of Russian EMERCOM and applicant for the position.
Received: 02/25/2020
Accepted: 03/06/2020
Pages: 94-106
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2020.0109
Keywords: professional activity;
professionally important qualities;
activity effectiveness;
Available Online: 03/31/2020
Background. Providing emergency psychological assistance to the population affected by emergency situations (ES) today is an integral part of emergency response measures. The required psychological work with the victims and their relatives is carried out by psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM), Russia. Children are a particular group of victims, so it is important to study how to help them in emergency situations.
The Objective of this paper is to summarize and analyze the experience of the EMERCOM psychological service, Russia, in organizing and providing emergency psychological assistance to children, parents and teachers of secondary schools.
Design. In the past few years, the experts of the EMERCOM psychological service, Russia, have gained experience in providing emergency psychological assistance to children after incidents in educational institutions. The paper describes the experience of psychologists in connection with the incident that occurred in January, 2018 in secondary school 127 in the city of Perm, Russia, where the teenagers attacked younger students and their class teacher. The authors describe the organization and areas of psychological in this situation. The contents and objectives of the psychological work at the emergency site, the process of expert advice in organizing mass events to inform parents and teachers, and examples describing the methods of providing emergency psychological assistance are described.
Results. The authors highlighted the recommended areas of special attention, and also articulated the features that the psychologist should take into account when providing psychological assistance to victims of emergency situations and incidents that occurred on the territory of educational institutions.
Conclusion. The category of those who need psychological assistance in the acute period is wider the category of those who are harmed and who witnessed the event. The public stir results in embracing those who did not participate in the event but was emotionally involved. It is safe to say that such situations affect more people, which induces the necessity of psychological support and implementation of an integrated approach in order to preserve the mental health of both children and adults, which requires involvement of experts of various profiles.
Received: 04/06/2019
Accepted: 04/20/2019
Pages: 55-63
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0210
Keywords: emergency psychological assistance;
emergency situations;
psychological support;
psychological service of Russian Emergencies Ministry;
secondary school;
Available Online: 01/30/2019
Background. Legal regulation of psychological assistance in the Russian Federation is currently being implemented only by the departmental acts, and is legislatively regulated by the subject of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow. Such legislative regulation may be found not sufficient, since existing acts do not provide a standard regulatory definition of psychological assistance, neither they define the principles and forms of rendering this assistance. Also they can hardly arrange and classify certain types of psychological activity, which results in mutually contradicting nature.
In addition, there is a need for a standard definition not only of psychological assistance, but also of psychological activity as a complex of various types of activity carried out by psychologists, and also a standard definition of the profession of a psychologist and qualification requirements including principles of psychological activity.
Objective. The objective is to prove the existing need of adopting a new federal law on psychological counselling, finding gaps in legal regulation of phychological sphere.
Research Progress. The paper analyzes the reason for accepting a new federal law on psychological counselling and the societal need in such legislation and also main provisions of the new law.
Hypothesis. The research resulted in the need for passing a federal law on psychological counselling.
Conclusion. There is a public demand for a new federal law on psychological counselling and such law will certainly create a lot of benefits for the population. It will be a tool for psychological counseling that will put the profession of a psychologist into the statute, and will clearly define types of psychological activity and set principles that the psychologist should follow.
Practical Application. The research results can be used while drafting and passing the new federal law on psychological counselling and executive regulatory acts.
Received: 03/06/2018
Accepted: 03/14/2018
Pages: 151-157
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0114
Keywords: psychological support;
principles of psychological counselling;
psychological activity;
legal standards of the psychologist's work;
Available Online: 03/30/2018