ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Subject of qualitative research as a methodological problem of social psychology
National Psychological Journal p. 50-61 2013. , 1.
Khoroshilov, D.A.
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Social cognition and social problems
National Psychological Journal p. 39-49 2013. , 1.
Andreeva, Galina M.
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Contradicting the era: the psychological universe of B.D. Parygin
National Psychological Journal p. 33-37 2013. , 1.
Zapesockyi, Aleksandr S.
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Psychology in psyshozoic era: from the analysis of the evolution of the mind to the analysis of the psyche as a “driving force” of evolution
National Psychological Journal p. 1-4 2013. , 1.
Asmolov, A.G.
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Postnonclassical methodology in clinical psychology: Vygotsky–Luria school
National Psychological Journal p. 32-45 2012. , 2.
Pervicheko, Elena I. Zinchenko, Yu. P.
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EuroPsy European Diploma in Psychology: standards development for higher levels of professional psychological education
National Psychological Journal p. 58 - 63 2012. , 2.
Lunt Ingrid Cecilia
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Alexei Leontiev: comments on biography
National Psychological Journal p. 9-17 2013. , 1.
Leontiev, D.A. Leontiev, Alexei A.
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“Word” and “Deed”: the history of scientific relations
National Psychological Journal p. 18-24 2013. , 1.
Bratus, B.S.
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On the mechanism of learning and development
National Psychological Journal p. 25-32 2013. , 1.
Reshetova, Zoya A.
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The Tribute to G.M. Andreeva: the Role of Technological Innovations in Social Change
National Psychological Journal p. 46-64 2024. , 3.
Vinokurov, F.N. Panov, K.A. Sadovskaia, E.D.
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