ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Score user satisfaction with the work of a website

Score user satisfaction with the work of a website

PDF (Rus)

Pages: 95-103

Keywords: user satisfaction; image of software product; web sites; ergonomic design; usability engineering; questionnaires; psychodiagnistic validization

To cite this article:

Degtyarenko, Ivan A. (2012). Score user satisfaction with the work of a website. National Psychological Journal, (1) , 95-103.

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Issue 1, 2012

Degtyarenko, Ivan A. Lomonosov Moscow State University


OPUS technique developed by the authors can be used to evaluate user satisfaction in the frame of web site development and adoption in organizations. A full psychometric validization of the technique has been performed.

To cite this article:

Degtyarenko, Ivan A. . Score user satisfaction with the work of a website. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 1. Pages95-103. doi:

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