ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Writing and rationality

Writing and rationality

PDF (Rus)

Pages: 67-73

Keywords: speech; writing; speaking; literacy; language structures; thought; rationality of thinking; logical thinking; language acquisition in children

To cite this article:

Olson, David R. (2012). Writing and rationality. National Psychological Journal, (1) , 67-73.

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Issue 1, 2012

Olson, David R.


The influence of written language and literacy on the patterns of thinking is considered. The significance of literacy contributing towards the user’s attention from the content to the linguistic structures in which the content is expressed is shown. Such knowledge allows students to take responsibility for how they formulate their thoughts.

To cite this article:

Olson, David R.. Writing and rationality. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 1. Pages67-73. doi:

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