ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828

Articles National Psychological Journal

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Cognitive styles and loudness discrimination: individual differential analysis
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 106-116
Volkova, Nataliya N. Gusev, A.N.
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The influence of memory on the results of dichotic listening
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 98-105
Cherkasova, A.N. Kovyazina, M.S. Muromtseva, Tamara S.
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Developing creative thinking in children
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 88-97
Churbanova, Svetlana M.
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Adolescents’ idea of the parental participation in early career choice
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 77-87
Sadovnikova, Tatiana Yu. Konshina, Tatyana M.
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Attitude to supplementary education in students of the secondary and high school: social and psychological aspects
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 63-76
Sobkin, V.S. Kalashnikova, Ekaterina A.
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Assessing child photographs as a method of studying parents' expectations and attitudes toward a potentially adopted child
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 50-62
Zhuikova, Ekaterina B. Pechnikova, Leonora S. Ryzhov, Andrey L.
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Relationship of personal and professional identity in high school students
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 38-49
Rozhdestvenskaya N.A. Mozharovsky, Igor L. Makaryan, Veronika V.
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Pilot program for optimizing parenting motivation
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 30-37
Semenova, Lydia E. Serebryakova, Tatyana A. Knyazeva, Elena V.
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Mental development of children who survived mass disasters: from consequences studying to development designing on the basis of cultural and historical analysis
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 17-29
Burlakova Natalia S.
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Psychological issues of education of kindergarten children and school children in the information society
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 6-16
Dubrovina, Irina V.
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2nd All-Russian Conference «The way to success: programs to support gifted children and youth
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 5
Zinchenko, Yu. P.
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The 6th ASEAN Regional Congress of Psychological Associations
National Psychological Journal 2018. , 1. p. 3-4
Zinchenko, Yu. P.
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Features of experiencing psychological problems in deviant adolescents
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 4. p. 129-138
Belobrykina, Olga A. Limonchenko, Roman A.
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Group cohesion in sports teams of different professional level
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 4. p. 121-128
Devishvili, Vazha M. Mdivani, Marina O. Elgina, Daria S.
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Personal factors of moral responsibility in adolescence
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 4. p. 114-120
Molchanov Sergei V.
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