Recieved: 03/27/2019
Accepted: 04/04/2019
Published: 07/30/2019
p.: 25-32
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0205
Keywords: subculture; child age; information products for children; toys; animated films; computer games; independence; self-organization; personality
Available online: 30.01.2019
Smirnova, Elena O.. Specific features of modern preschool childhood. // National Psychological Journal 2019. 2. p.25-32. doi: 10.11621/npj.2019.0205
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CopyBackground. In recent decades, the living conditions and development of children have changed significantly. The group of children that is open to the new and is sensitive enough is the group of children of early and preschool age since they have been formed and developed in completely different conditions than previous generations. The new childhood is taking shape and exists in the material, information, communicative, etc. environment that adults shape.
The Objective is to consider some general trends of the information environment of modern childhood and to fix a number of its contradictions and paradoxes.
Design.The paper attempts to determine the characteristics of modern preschool childhood through analyzing child information environment. Based on the analysis of the market for modern toys, books and films, the author states some paradoxes of the current socio-cultural situation. One of them consists in the fact that a significant part of the extensive information products for children is not designed for the age characteristics of the target audience. Another paradox lies in the fact that the increased demand for the child mental development is combined with an excessively careful attitude to their physical security and independence. Particular attention is paid to computer technology in early and preschool childhood.
Results.The identified features of modern children in connection with the characteristics of the child subculture are discussed. Among them there are the underdevelopment of large and small motor skills, impaired speech development, lack of imagination, communication difficulties, lack of independence and self-organization. Having a high level of awareness, mental development and technical literacy, children still remain passive, dependent on adults and external circumstances.
Findings.The author concludes that the attitudes of adults to early development, which is understood as “learning,” inhibits the development of the child’s personality and brings about lack of motivation. Attempting to accelerate intellectual development inepts and sometimes blocks the development of the child’s personality. With all the ambiguity of the concept of "personality", the key defining its characteristics are self-reliance, independence, and responsibility. It is these characteristics that are most affected in modern children.
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Smirnova, Elena O.. Specific features of modern preschool childhood. // National Psychological Journal 2019. 2. p.25-32. doi: 10.11621/npj.2019.0205
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