ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
National Psychological Journal

Articles National Psychological Journal

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Contemporary tendencies of Russian aviation psychology development
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 100-105
Lysakov Nikolay D. Lysakova Elena N.
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Social aspects of Internet addiction
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 95-99
Mustafeva Gyunaj N.
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Ethnic stereotypes in contemporary linguistic environment
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 90-94
Minyar-Beloroutcheva, Alla P. Pokrovskaya, Marina E.
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Personality oriented concept of happiness: theory and practice
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 81-89
Levitt, Leonid Z. Radchikova Nataliya P.
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Social situation as a condition for forming an image of the world in adolescents
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 75-80
Liders, Aleksandr G.
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The future of Russian psychology in the integration and development of neuroscience
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 64-70
Arakelov, Genadii G.
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Psychological conditions of developing the internal dialogue in the school student
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 26-31
Samonenko, Il'ya Y. Samonenko, Yriy A. Zhiltsova, Ol'ga A.
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P.Y. Galperin and the armed forces
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 23-25
Khoziev Boris I.
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To be yourself in science and life (Interview with A.I.Podolsky, dedicated to the anniversary of P.Y.Galperin)
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 21-22
Podolskiy, Andrei I.
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I’m being ironic, therefore I am
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 19-20
Asmolov, A.G.
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P.Y. Galperin as a theorist and methodologist of the science of psychology
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 14-18
Zhdan, A.N.
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The problem of ontogenesis of the human psyche
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 9-13
Galperin, Petr Y. (1902 - 1988)
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My Teachers and Distinguished Interlocutors (from the book of V.P Zinchenko “Way of thinking: the problem of the historical unity of scientific knowledge)
National Psychological Journal 2012. , 2. p. 6-8
Zinchenko, Vladimir P.
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Motivation of university students and their value orientation in professional employment
National Psychological Journal 2013. , 1. p. 143-151
Klimenko, Ilona V.
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Values at different stages of a kindergarten teacher career
National Psychological Journal 2013. , 1. p. 134-142
Sobkin, V.S. Veryasova, Elena.S.
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