ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Can social intelligence and moral norms be compatible?

Can social intelligence and moral norms be compatible?

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p.: 8-13

Keywords: social intelligence; deception; manipulation ; moral choice; moral development of children; moral motivation; emotional identification

To cite this article:

Eugene V. Subbotsky, Chesnokova, Olga B.. Can social intelligence and moral norms be compatible?. // National Psychological Journal 2011. 1. p.8-13.

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Issue 1, 2011

Eugene V. Subbotsky Lancaster University

Chesnokova, Olga B. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The problems of social intelligence in the form of deception and manipulation in adults and children. Those cases are considered when the deception does not contradict the moral norms. Children use social intelligence in the form of cheating an adult as a necessary prerequisite of a free moral choice and the subsequent internal moral motivation.

To cite this article:

Eugene V. Subbotsky, Chesnokova, Olga B.. Can social intelligence and moral norms be compatible?. // National Psychological Journal 2011. 1. p.8-13. doi:

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