ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал



Psychology of communication



Temnova E.V. (2019). Felicitous vs dismal worldview in modern English media discourse. National Psychological Journal, 1, 109-121

Background. The development of media and information structures in the recent decades has changed the scientific paradigm of knowledge. The scientists get focused on studying how the information is stored, processed and decoded using certain cognitive structures of the human architecture. 

Hypermedia as a means of manipulating the minds of their recipients combine scientific knowledge and ancient and modern myths. The cognitive potential of media sources is expanded via replacing previous anthropocentric concepts presented in the philosophical, religious and scientific approaches to culture. 

The Objective of the study is to look into the futuristic ideas implied in the media discourse and presented in the following conceptual spheres: Automated Labor, Cloud Technology, Cyborgs, Smart City, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing , Immersive and Augmented reality, Cryptocurrency Finance.

Design. The following sections of English media are analyzed: World, Lifestyle, Science and Technology, Culture, Sport, Medicine and Health, Business and Finance. They include news, features, editorials, columns, etc., videos and even memes. The online quality papers such as The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, The Economist, The Times, The Financial Times, etc. Network news portals (Reuters, BBC, Euronews, CNN), news websites and blogs (Huffington Post), video hosting sites (YouTube), cable and satellite television and radio channels (CNBC, Fortune, etc.) are in the focus of the research.
The sample includes 866 lexical units that shape either felicitous or dismal perception of the conceptual spheres identified within the media discourse.

The lexical expression of the concept spheres allow to shape the world of the future, which makes it possible to divide them into two categories. The first category contains lexical units that reflect positive associations with the technological advances that may occur in the human society of the future. The lexical expressions of the second category form a negative attitude towards the reality of the future in the recipient of media discourse materials.
Results. The futuristic worldview as a reflection of discursive concepts suggested and perceived via hypermedia is presented in two aspects either a positive perception of the advent of technologies and technological advance at a fast pace in the future, or a negative impact on humans and their values.

Conclusion. Shaping the view of potential worlds of the future in the English media discourse is a work with an open ending, which makes the recipient choose between good and evil. The split of the felicitous and dismal worldview helps the recipients to better understand its essence in the stream of potential technological and cultural changes in order to eliminate the social psychopathy associated with the emergence of new technologies.

The shift from the religious and philosophical paradigm to the scientific and futuristic worldview the attitude of people towards changes in social and public life.

Mental structures in the flow of hypermedia perceived through the futuristic concepts are to bring about new ways to explore the human nature and human intelligence, which contributes a lot to the development of science and are liable for further research.

Received: 10/24/2018

Accepted: 03/18/2019

Pages: 109-121

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0110

Keywords: felicitous worldview; dismal worldview; news discourse; hypermedia; futurism; anthropocentric-based concepts;

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Available Online: 04/30/2019

Malygina Lidia E. (2019). Gamification of promotional discourse practices on TV: the problem of influencing mass consciousness of the audience. National Psychological Journal, 1, 122-131

Background. The paper focuses on manipulating the mass consciousness of the audience. Traditionally, this issue has been considered as an attempt to present the advertising of a TV product as information, but within the digital age, there is a desire to present promotion of TV content as a game. However, the “non-gaming” goals of the institutions that stand behind video games and games in alternate reality may be hidden from the players and serve commercial goals.

Objective. The study focuses on identifying and describing the advantages and disadvantages of using gamification in the TV promo-discourse. The author examines examples of using games in alternative reality and also multiplayer online games in real time in order to attract the attention of films and TV series viewers, analyzes the causes of success and failure of similar projects in related fields, and also in science and business.

Design. The study is valuable for interdisciplinary approach. Analyzing the use of gamification techniques in the TV promo-discourse the author raises topical issues of media psychology, perception psychology, philosophy of video games, ethics, communicative stylistics and media stylistics.

The paper highlights philological methods designed according to the tasks of the research: communicative discursive analysis, synchronic descriptive and synchronic comparative methods. The description of the provisions and forms of persuasive communication as applied to TV promotions includes elements of logical meaning-specific analysis (i.e. argumentative analysis), and also intentional, ethical and psychological analysis. This approach helps to give an adequate description of gamification effects in TV promodiscourse.

Results. The author comes to the conclusion that the ability of game mechanics to motivate mass recepients of the TV promo discourse to watch television programs is enormous, but the viewers of the TV channels need to be critical of gamification projects: they have to understand the purposes they are framed to, and take part in projects whose non-gamer goals are merely civil without implying exploitation of the gamer. Framed to the ethical norms gamification in the TV promotion can be both an effective tool for promoting TV content, and also a way to change the social order for the better.

Conclusion.Theoretical conclusions of the study of the mass consciousness manipulation through using gamification in TV promotions can be widely used in teaching medialinguistics, speech culture, TV, philosophy of video games, humanitarian researche of video game, etc. The results of this study seem to be useful to media professionals.

Received: 10/18/2018

Accepted: 03/05/2019

Pages: 122-131

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0111

Keywords: gamification; TV promo discourse; manipulative impact; online gaming; virtual reality;

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Available Online: 04/30/2019

Malygina L.E. (2014). Figurative expressions in television announcements. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 102-109.

This paper focuses on studying the specific features of using figurative expressions in the texts of television announcements based on the usage of words in a figurative sense aimed at enhancing pictorialism and expressiveness of oral speech. Various uses of tropes, nonce words and set phrases in the texts of modern television announcements. The figurative media mentioned are shown to contribute to implementing a journalistic strategy of a language game, which can greatly influence the mindset of a general audience.

Today television journalism is undergoing dramatic changes. Not just the genre structure of modern television discourse is subject to transformation, but each individual genre as well. The need for highlighting linguistic stylistic peculiarities of promo genres that previously were given a brief account of (in particular the analysis of figurative meanings that have become a popular mechanism for creating a language game in the texts of television announcements) seems to be quite topical. This article offers an in-depth analysis of figurative expressions in texts of television announcements in light of communicative stylistics of journalistic speech. A journalist as an author consciously selects particular means to fulfill his/her communicative task using the resources of the Russian language. The psychology of his/her audience taken into account, the phenomenon of a language game may be considered as a psycholinguistic phenomenon. Through a language game, an implicit impact on the mass audience is produced.

This article makes a significant contribution to modern scientific media stylistics and opens up broad prospects for the research of modern television genres included in the so-called promo discourse, and can be widely used in education syllabus within the course of television language, speech culture, media linguistics, media psychology, etc.

Received: 12/09/2014

Accepted: 12/20/2014

Pages: 102-109

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0411

Keywords: television announcement; figurativeness; linguistic play; tropes; phraseological units; nonce words;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Dorenskaya S.V., Rykiel A.M. (2014). Social and psychological model of company personnel value dynamics. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 93-101.

This paper describes the research aimed at examining the relationship between perceived organizational culture and values of personnel with different work experience. The interaction of corporate culture and values may change the employee’s behaviour, resulting in the gradual transformation of the priorities, needs and motives. This process is temporally based and there arises a necessity to revise notions of professional career. We hypothesize that the employee’s experience in different organizational cultures may determine personnel values.

The research is based on typological models of K. Cameron and R. Quinn “Competing Value Network” which reveals the severity of a particular type of culture to a certain company. It should be emphasized that the transformation of values may also be associated with age-related changes in a person’s beliefs, however, in this research the attention was focused precisely on the experience of employees in a particular company since dynamics in the axiological sphere occurs within a sufficiently long period of time. Moreover, the changes mentioned are connected with the process of value integration declared by the company, thus resulting in the personnel values. We used the semi-structured interview to look into the personnel values, which allowed a more detailed study of individual hierarchy of values. In addition, using complex techniques revealed some “transformation” of general and professional values by comparing the values of personnel with small work experience and those with vast work experience.

Also, as an additional task we assessed relationship between the professional and the common values of employees, and also we drew a comparison with perceived organizational culture and gender of the research participants. As a result, we developed hypothetical models reflecting the main trend of “changing” values of employees with different work experience in relation to the predominant type of organizational culture.

Such type of research allows further hypothesizing changing personality structures under the influence of external conditions.

Received: 10/07/2014

Accepted: 11/20/2014

Pages: 93-101

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0410

Keywords: organizational culture; professional values; common values; common values; work experience;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Berezina T.N. (2013). Emotionally olfactory language of unconscious communication in the process of human communication. National psychological journal. 4 (12), 20-30.

The paper analyses phenomenon of the exchange of emotions in human communication. It is emphasized that the exchange of emotions is one of the basic components of all kinds of human communication. It is proved that the exchange of emotions occurs at three levels: conscious level – by means of words, at extramental level – by means of nonverbal communication (looks, gestures, etc.), and at unconscious level – by means of the olfactory channel. We come out with the assumption of existence of emotionally olfactory language as the mechanism of an exchange of emotions at unconscious level. Transfer is deemed as unconscious as firstly the person does not understand the emotions transferred by means of smells, but they influence mood of the person. Secondly, the smells that contain the information on emotions are very weak, they are not perceived as aromas. Thirdly, such transfer does not occur on the level of consciousness. It is supposed that each of the basic emotions is connected with a specific base odour; when the person feels this emotion his/her physiological reactions are launched, these reactions are compatible with corresponding base odour. In turn, the base aroma which is separated from the human organism causes the same basic emotion in other people. Specific interrelations «emotion - a smell» are offered. We assert that the similar mechanism can cause such phenomena as a mass panic, etc. Complex feelings also can be made of a combination of basic emotions, and are then transferred by means of combinations of the basic smells to the interlocutor. Such phenomenon of human psyche as empathy can be based on this transfer.

Received: 04/03/2013

Accepted: 08/20/2013

Pages: 20-30

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0403

Keywords: interaction; exchange of emotions; basic emotions; a base odour; empathy; unconsciousness;

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Available Online: 12/30/2013

Almazova Olga V. (2013). Emotional ties between siblings and attachment to the mother in adulthood. National psychological journal. 3 (11), 54-60.

The paper analyzes the relationship between adult siblings, their specificity and diversity, examples of relation typologies of adult siblings by American and Indian psychologists are adduced. The modern view of the attachment to the mother in adults and the conditions required for establishing close, trusting interpersonal relationships are briefly described. A succinct overview of modern foreign research in these fields of research is given. The national sample (N = 277) identified and described four types of relations between adult siblings: emotionally-positive (heart, harmonious) ones account 39 per cent of the sample; ambivalent (heart, conflictcompetitive ones account 32 per cent; debarred (not close, not conflict-competing) ones account 18 per cent; conflict (not close, competing conflict-up to hostile) ones account 11 per cent.

Comparison of the three typologies of adult sibling relationships (Russian, US and Indian). The intercouple comparison shows the reciprocity of sibling relationships in adulthood. The results of the empirical research reveal complex relationship features attachment to the mother with the nature of the relationship between siblings in adulthood. Thus there are adults with a reliable type of attachment to the mother with debarred or even conflicting relationships with older siblings, while adult sibling relationships are determined not totally emotional of the early relationship with the mother, and also depend on the sibling’s personality traits and personal history of relations. The influence of the attachment type to the mother is shaped in childhood and can be applied to the relationship between adult siblings.

Received: 11/20/2013

Accepted: 11/29/2013

Pages: 54-60

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0307

Keywords: adult siblings; typology of sibling relationships; attachment to mother;

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Available Online: 09/30/2013

Kutkovoy N.A. (2013). Surprise as a subject of research in social psychology. National psychological journal. 3 (11), 47-53.

The paper presents a theoretical analysis of surprise from the perspective of social psychology. Surprise is an emotion that occurs in response to an unexpected event. The components of surprise are as follows: (1) the trigger event of surprise, (2) the expression of surprise and (3) the emotional experience of surprise. Various approaches to the trigger event of surprise and criteria of its analysis are emphasized: the first criterion whether the trigger event is influenced by the probability of information or the activity of the subjects, and the second criterion is whether the event is included in the broader context. Paraverbal and facial expressions of surprise are described on a par with the environmental influence on the expression repertoire and intensity. The basic approaches to understanding the emotional experience of surprise are as follows: (1) descriptive approach, (2) psychosemantic approach, (3) discursive approach. Although surprise is mostly considered as a basic emotion, some researchers suggest that it plays an important role in social cognition of expectation-discrepant events. Models that explain the role of surprise in this process are as follows: (1) the attributional model of surprise developed by B. Weiner and colleagues according to which surprise is a consequence of the attribution to luck; (2) the process model of surprise developed by W. Meyer and colleagues in which surprise is included in the broader context of social cognition as a general emotional reaction to an unexpected event and the attribution and various processes of social cognition are considered as consequences of surprise. However, these models analyze surprise of isolated subject without considering the social interaction. The author defines the possibilities of analysis of surprise as a mechanism of assimilation and modification of social information stored in the prototypes, scripts and schemas.

Received: 11/20/2013

Accepted: 11/29/2013

Pages: 47-53

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0306

Keywords: surprise; components of emotion; expression; attributional model of surprise; emotional experience; process model of srprise;

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Available Online: 09/30/2013

Zhukova E.V., Nestik T.A. (2014). Types of managerial vision. National Psychological Journal, 3(15), 66-73

This article analyzes the content and formal dynamic performance of management vision, their relationship to the personal characteristics of the chief executive, and also the description of management types of managerial vision identified in the empirical study of the Russian middle and senior managers.

The managerial vision is deemed as the understanding of the future by the chief executive of the organization, which includes the anticipatory image of the company’s future and willingness to inform the employees about it. The empirical research is based on the conceptual framework of studying the managerial vision of the organization as a social psychological phenomenon in which we have identified its basic features and determining factors. According to the conceptual framework of the research, the managerial vision performance refers to its content (the structure of vision) and formal dynamic characteristics.

The paper deals with the psychological types of managerial vision: focused on the business strategy, focused on the external environment, focused on experience, focused on staff, focused on creating team vision.

When describing and analyzing these issues we considered several parameters to develop the typology basis: a significance content components vision, his formal dynamic characteristics (clarity of vision, the vision of his/her role of the chief executive in the future of the organization, optimism about the future image, creating team vision and longitude of the prospective), particular attitude of managers to the characteristic of time (character of temporal orientation), value orientation of the chief executive, the level of corporate confidence.

Received: 01/18/2014

Accepted: 02/06/2014

Pages: 66-73

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0308

Keywords: administrative vision of the future; conceptual scheme for studying managerial vision; types of managerial vision; time perspective; value orientations (VO);

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