ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал



activity approach



Yakimovich N.V., Kovalenko P.A. (2012). On the appropriatenes of developing two types of «image flight» in the pilots of civil aviation. National Psychological Journal,2(8),106-109

So far the question of what is needed to pilots of the flight, has remained arbitrary from the point of view of aviation psychology: some experts supposed that there must be a «qualitative» image of a flight (based on visual image), others were of the opinion that a «quantitative» image of flight is quite sufficient for the pilot (presented in the form of a numerical code or instrument analogue of the flight information). Analysing these various approaches from the position of the activity approach the authors of the article came to the conclusion that the pilots in the process of training have to create both types of image flight, because each of them is used depending on the purposes of activity on a particular flight phase.

Pages: 106-109

Keywords: activity approach; the image of the flight ; the spatial position of the aircraft ; the purpose of activity ; the learning content;

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Asmolov А.G. (2013). Psychology in psyshozoic era: from the analysis of the evolution of the mind to the analysis of the psyche as a “driving force” of evolution. National Psychological Journal,1(9),1–4

 In his report, the author examines the science of psychology with an unusual perspective – as the science of variability, which generates variable concepts. He puts emphasis on the first underestimated works carried out on a par with the problems highlighted by Bernstein Severtsev, Leontiev, Rubinstein, Blonsky, Vernadsky, Bergson, Berg and others. The article highlights the main challenges of the historical and evolutionary approach of social constructivism: a selection considering the class of purposeful activity as a universal form of life existence, the allocation of the communicative discourse categories of activity, which is interpreted as the basis for the existence of biological, social and psychological systems. The concept of activity as a process of generating diversity at various levels of the system is disclosed. The works of such scholars as Gurevich, Batkin, Gergen, etc. that help to see how the evolutionary significance of diversity are mentioned. The higher one rises through evolution, the more divergent model programs of his/her behaviour are, and there appears a set of variable programs. The author shows that through the activity approach many phenomenological issues of culture are perceived, the development of cultural activity paradigm leads to the fact that psychology goes beyond the scope of a separate science, and serves as a unique paradigm of the future. Since the A.N. Leontiev veiwed psychology as a kind of workshop to support diversity, where the psychologist is as an expert in designing new worlds. The author concludes that the research of activities by which the development of diversity in this world of uncertainty is meant is incredibly important.

Received: 04/17/2013

Accepted: 04/23/2013

Pages: 1-4

DOI: 2079-6617/2013.0101

Keywords: paradigm; development; activity approach; A.N. Leontiev’s psychological theory of activity;

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Reshetova Z.A. (2013) On the mechanism of learning and development. National Psychological Journal. 1, 25-32.

In his report, the author examines the science of psychology with an unusual perspective – as the science of variability, which generates variable concepts. He puts emphasis on the first underestimated works carried out on a par with the problems highlighted by Bernstein Severtsev, Leontiev, Rubinstein, Blonsky, Vernadsky, Bergson, Berg and others. The article highlights the main challenges of the historical and evolutionary approach of social constructivism: a selection considering the class of purposeful activity as a universal form of life existence, the allocation of the communicative discourse categories of activity, which is interpreted as the basis for the existence of biological, social and psychological systems. The concept of activity as a process of generating diversity at various levels of the system is disclosed. The works of such scholars as Gurevich, Batkin, Gergen, etc. that help to see how the evolutionary significance of diversity are mentioned. The higher one rises through evolution, the more divergent model programs of his/her behaviour are, and there appears a set of variable programs. The author shows that through the activity approach many phenomenological issues of culture are perceived, the development of cultural activity paradigm leads to the fact that psychology goes beyond the scope of a separate science, and serves as a unique paradigm of the future. Since the A.N. Leontiev veiwed psychology as a kind of workshop to support diversity, where the psychologist is as an expert in designing new worlds. The author concludes that the research of activities by which the development of diversity in this world of uncertainty is meant is incredibly important.

Received: 12/27/2012

Accepted: 01/17/2013

Pages: 25-32

DOI: 2079-6617/2013.0104

Keywords: paradigm; development; evolution of the human psyche; activity approach; cultural historical activity theory; A.N. Leontiev;

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