ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Motivational aspects of digital volunteering in today’s youth
National Psychological Journal p. 31-38 2020. , 2.
Molchanov Sergei V. Pryazhnikov, Nikolai S.
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Virtual Reality as a tool for modern child development
National Psychological Journal p. 21-30 2020. , 2.
Kovalev, A. I. Starostina, Yulia A.
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Types of cyberaggression: adolescents and youth experience
National Psychological Journal p. 3-20 2020. , 2.
Galina U. Soldatova Rasskazova, E.I. Chigarkova, S.V.
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“Saving face” — means or goal of communication? Socio-psychological characteristics of face concept
National Psychological Journal p. 26-35 2021. , 2.
Vasilyeva Ekaterina D.
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Patient image semantics and its change in training skills in quasi professional medical activity
National Psychological Journal p. 115-125 2020. , 1.
Dyachenko Elena V. Samoylenko Nadezhda V.
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Personality traits of department heads in the internal affairs bodies
National Psychological Journal p. 107-114 2020. , 1.
Porshukov Andrey S.
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Significant job skills of the Russian EMERCOM SISSV experts
National Psychological Journal p. 94-106 2020. , 1.
Tarasova Anastasia А. Shoigu, Yu.S.
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Session dynamics of bioelectrical activity of the brain during intellectual computer work
National Psychological Journal p. 78-93 2020. , 1.
Klochkova Olga I. Shabanov Gennady A.
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The role of anticipatory attention in insight and non-insight solutions in the anagram solution task
National Psychological Journal p. 66-77 2020. , 1.
Medyntsev Alexey A. Sabadosh P.A. Kogan Alena A. Moskvina Victoria D. Nemirova Svetlana A. Kayutina Diana V.
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Categorical search for three-dimensional shapes in participants with different level of mathematical expertise
National Psychological Journal p. 57-65 2020. , 1.
Dreneva Anna A.
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