ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Inclusive classrooms as a variant of inclusive education
National Psychological Journal p. 132-135 2012. , 2.
Badil, Valentina A. Lyubimov, Mikhail L.
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Psychologist in the system of preschool education: the English version
National Psychological Journal p. 124-131 2012. , 2.
Chesnokova, Olga B. Eugene V. Subbotsky
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Time constraints effect on solving creative problems
National Psychological Journal p. 116-123 2012. , 2.
Tumanyan, Dora G. Bazarov, T. Yu.
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Studying the perception of surface lightness using technology of virtual reality
National Psychological Journal p. 110-115 2012. , 2.
Menshikova, G.Ya.
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On the appropriatenes of developing two types of «image flight» in the pilots of civil aviation
National Psychological Journal p. 106-109 2012. , 2.
Kovalenko Pavel A. Yakimovich, Nadezhda V.
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Contemporary tendencies of Russian aviation psychology development
National Psychological Journal p. 100-105 2012. , 2.
Lysakov Nikolay D. Lysakova Elena N.
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Social aspects of Internet addiction
National Psychological Journal p. 95-99 2012. , 2.
Mustafeva Gyunaj N.
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Ethnic stereotypes in contemporary linguistic environment
National Psychological Journal p. 90-94 2012. , 2.
Minyar-Beloroutcheva, Alla P. Pokrovskaya, Marina E.
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Personality oriented concept of happiness: theory and practice
National Psychological Journal p. 81-89 2012. , 2.
Levitt, Leonid Z. Radchikova Nataliya P.
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Social situation as a condition for forming an image of the world in adolescents
National Psychological Journal p. 75-80 2012. , 2.
Liders, Aleksandr G.
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