ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828

Articles National Psychological Journal

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The contribution of W. James to the understanding of personality as a psychological reality.
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 1. p. 64-71
Kapustin, S.A.
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Designing a program for developing professional teacher-training reflection
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 1. p. 56-63
Bekhoeva, Asya A.
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Vocational guidance in social volunteering.
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 1. p. 45-55
Pryazhnikov, Nikolai S. Almazova O.V. Churbanova, Svetlana M.
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On the Self-concept. Language Games: zero total?
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 1. p. 39-44
Zinchenko, Vladimir P.
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Moral functioning: socio-psychological approach. Social intuitionist theory of John Haidt
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 1. p. 32-38
Zaikin V.A.
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The nature and psychological content of information psychological impact
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 1. p. 25-31
Baranov, Evgeny G.
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Subjective factors that influence children and adolescents to be attracted by computer games.
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 1. p. 15-24
Matveeva, Lydia V. Makalatia, Alexandra G.
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Motivation in the structure of the digital competence of Russian adolescents
National Psychological Journal 2017. , 1. p. 3-14
Galina U. Soldatova Rasskazova, E.I.
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The Congress of the Chinese Psychological Society
National Psychological Journal 2016. , 2. p. 47
Veraksa, A.N. Leonov, S.V.
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The proceedings of the international conferences dedicated to the 120th anniversary of L.S. Vygotsky
National Psychological Journal 2016. , 2. p. 45-46
Asmolov, A.G.
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The system of values, motivation and self-attitude: gender features in high school students
National Psychological Journal 2016. , 2. p. 115-121
Vartanova, I. I.
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Optimizing family emotional interaction in the dyad “mother and preschool child with intellectual disabilities”
National Psychological Journal 2016. , 2. p. 108-114
Rean, А.А. Baranov, Alexander A. Makhmutova, Rosa K.
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Research of psycho-emotional stability in the basal emotions matrix
National Psychological Journal 2016. , 2. p. 98-107
Volov, Vyacheslav T. Volov, Vsevolod V.
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Socio-psychological technology of building entrepreneurial culture of the geographical region representatives in Russia
National Psychological Journal 2016. , 2. p. 87-97
Bazarov, T. Yu. Aksenovskaya, Liudmila N.
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Comparative analysis of the relations between two generations of high school male students to the political leaders of Russia (based on the psychosemantic research of 2004 and 2014)
National Psychological Journal 2016. , 2. p. 79-86
Sobkin, V.S. Mnatsakanyan, Milena A.
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