ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828

Articles National Psychological Journal

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Women in the structure of the Russian Boxing Federation: professional motivation and connection with psychological well-being
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 149-159
Akimova Anna Yu. Vasilyeva Elena N. Isaeva Oksana М.
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Features of providing emergency psychological aid to people experiencing loss in emergency situations
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 115-126
Shoigu, Yu.S. Tolubaeva Natalia V. Varfolomeeva Elena I. Sokolova Anna A. Kurilova, Evgenia V. Karmilova Margarita E.
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Clinical-psychological elaboration of discourse with regard to behavioural reactions typical of children and adolescents in the situation ofCOVID-19 pandemic
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 103-114
Burlakova Natalia S.
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Types of interaction between mother and early age child with developmental disorders caused by neurological pathology
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 91-102
Valitova Irina E.
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Eagerness to be vaccinated against coronavirus as an indicator of trust to oаашcial medical recommendations: the role of anxiety and beliefs
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 76-90
Rasskazova, E.I. Tkhostov, A.Sh.
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Neuropsychology of the unconscious: current state of the problem
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 127-148
Khokhlov, N.A. Fyodorova Elena D.
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Entry into intercultural marriage: factors of spouse choice
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 63-75
Alaguev Mikhail V.
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Verbal and non-verbal methods in studying social representations of happiness
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 53-62
Izbasarova Sofia A.
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Socio-psychological features of value orientations in postgraduate students
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 39-52
Sobkin, V.S. Smyslova, M.M. Adamchuk, Dmitriy V.
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Dynamics of Russian citizens’ social fears during the first and second waves of COVID-19
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 27-38
Ermolaev Victor V. Voroncova Julia Nasonova Daria K. Chetverikova Alena I.
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The problem of sensitivity to dangers: a review of research
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 15-26
Maralov Vladimir G.
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Information and psychological impact in the context of strategic communications paradigm
National Psychological Journal 2021. , 1. p. 3-14
Aleksandr G. Karayany Karayani, Yuliya M.
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The role of psychological rehabilitation in complex cardiac rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 85-97
Velikanov Arseniy A. Stoljarova Anna A. Kruglova Nadezhda E.
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Individual features of geometric figures discrimination by three species of reptiles
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 148-160
Zhelankin Roman V. Skotnikova Irina G. Selivanova Lyubov A. Dmitrieva Anastasia S.
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Neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation of patients with memory impairments in amnestic syndrome as a result of brain damage of various etiologies
National Psychological Journal 2020. , 4. p. 137-147
Baulina Maria E. Varako, N.A. Kovyazina, M.S. Zinchenko, Yu. P. Mikadze Yuri V. Skvortsov Anatolii A. Fufaeva Ekaterina V.
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