ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Contribution of E.O. Smirnova to the practice of education

Contribution of E.O. Smirnova to the practice of education

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 06/05/2022

Accepted: 06/15/2022

Published: 08/24/2022

Keywords: implementation of scientific and practical developments; the concept of the genesis of communication; activity approach; manuals on psychology and pedagogy; child development; preschool age; psychological diagnostics; interpersonal relations

p.: 52-59

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2022.0307

Available online: 24.08.2022

To cite this article:

Galiguzova L.N., Meshcheryakova S.Y. . Contribution of E.O. Smirnova to the practice of education. // National Psychological Journal 2022. 3. p.52-59. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0307

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Issue 3, 2022

Galiguzova L.N. Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research

Meshcheryakova S.Y. Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research


Background. The relevance of the article is determined by the importance of summarizing and highlighting the many-sided contribution to the practice of education by E.O. Smirnova on the eve of her 75th birthday. 

Objective. The aim of the article is to describe the main directions and results of E.O. Smirnova’s effort to implement her scientific and practical developments achieved by sciences and colleagues in the Laboratory for the Mental Development of Preschoolers at PI RAE and in the Center for Games and Toys of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education in practice. 

Results. The theoretical foundations, structure, content and scope of a number of works important for the field of education, addressed to students of pedagogical universities, teachers, psychologists of preschool educational institutions, and parents, are described. The main works include the textbook “Child Psychology”, the programme for upbringing and development of young children “First Steps”, methodological manuals “Diagnosis of the mental development of a child from birth to 3 years”, “Interpersonal relations of preschoolers: diagnosis, problems, correction”, etc. Popular science publications for parents are presented, including “The Art of Communication with a Child. From one to six years old”, “Preschooler in the modern world”. The activity of E.O. Smirnova on training personnel for the education system is described. 

Conclusion. The results of E.O Smirnova’s activity on the introduction of scientific developments into practice contribute to the provision of high-quality education at the preschool level, which founds a successful educational strategy for the further education of children.


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To cite this article:

Galiguzova L.N., Meshcheryakova S.Y. . Contribution of E.O. Smirnova to the practice of education. // National Psychological Journal 2022. 3. p.52-59. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0307

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