Recieved: 05/13/2022
Accepted: 06/04/2022
Published: 08/24/2022
Keywords: childhood; toy; childhood culture; cultural-historical approach; cultural artifacts; museum of childhood; scientific concept of museum; psychological features of age; social situation of development; ethnography of childhood
Pages: 89-96
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2022.0311
Available online: 24.08.2022
Vladimir Sobkin, Kalashnikova, Ekaterina A. , Lykova, T.A. (2022). Toward a scientific concept for the Museum of Childhood . National Psychological Journal, (3) , 89-96.
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Objective. The aim of the article is to present an outline of possible activities and scientific approaches to the development of the Russian Museum of Childhood.
Methods. The available data on the activities of Childhood Museums in Russia and abroad are profoundly analysed.
Results. The study of the experience in creating museums devoted to the culture of childhood has shown that children’s toys constitute the dominant feature of collections. At the same time, practically no museums represent various aspects of the social situation of a child’s development nor reflect they the peculiarities of child’s daily and cultural life. The idea of preservation and exhibition of cultural samples of children’s life forms the basis for investigating possible directions of scientific and practical work of the Russian Museum of Childhood. It is suggested to assemble thematic museum collections reflecting the socio-cultural components of children at different ages in different historical periods. The museum’s target audience includes children, parents, and teachers. In addition to exhibition and excursion activities, the museum is supposed to serve as a place of children’s leisure and creativity, a space of communication and education for parents and teachers. Scientific life of the Russian Museum of Childhood will be based on deep research into the history of toys and play traditions as well as the history of childhood in an interdisciplinary context. Both, the contemporary culture of childhood, and the historical aspect of psychological and pedagogical research on childhood will be analysed.
Conclusion. Creation of such a cultural space will contribute to the preservation and maintenance of intergenerational relationships and continuity in the family. It will also promote educational culture of parents and professional development of teachers. Conducting scientific research in the Russian Museum of Childhood will make it possible to develop science-intensive and culture-intensive innovative psychological and educational projects.
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Vladimir Sobkin, Kalashnikova, Ekaterina A. , Lykova, T.A.. Toward a scientific concept for the Museum of Childhood . // National Psychological Journal 2022. 3. Pages89-96. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0311
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