ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал
Национальный психологический журнал

Lomonosov Moscow State University / Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова


Lomonosov Moscow State University



(2014) Abstracts von Zeitschriftenartikeln auf Deutsch. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 110-116.

Abstracts of the articles published in German

Pages: 110-116

Keywords: abstract of the article;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Malygina L.E. (2014). Figurative expressions in television announcements. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 102-109.

This paper focuses on studying the specific features of using figurative expressions in the texts of television announcements based on the usage of words in a figurative sense aimed at enhancing pictorialism and expressiveness of oral speech. Various uses of tropes, nonce words and set phrases in the texts of modern television announcements. The figurative media mentioned are shown to contribute to implementing a journalistic strategy of a language game, which can greatly influence the mindset of a general audience.

Today television journalism is undergoing dramatic changes. Not just the genre structure of modern television discourse is subject to transformation, but each individual genre as well. The need for highlighting linguistic stylistic peculiarities of promo genres that previously were given a brief account of (in particular the analysis of figurative meanings that have become a popular mechanism for creating a language game in the texts of television announcements) seems to be quite topical. This article offers an in-depth analysis of figurative expressions in texts of television announcements in light of communicative stylistics of journalistic speech. A journalist as an author consciously selects particular means to fulfill his/her communicative task using the resources of the Russian language. The psychology of his/her audience taken into account, the phenomenon of a language game may be considered as a psycholinguistic phenomenon. Through a language game, an implicit impact on the mass audience is produced.

This article makes a significant contribution to modern scientific media stylistics and opens up broad prospects for the research of modern television genres included in the so-called promo discourse, and can be widely used in education syllabus within the course of television language, speech culture, media linguistics, media psychology, etc.

Received: 12/09/2014

Accepted: 12/20/2014

Pages: 102-109

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0411

Keywords: television announcement; figurativeness; linguistic play; tropes; phraseological units; nonce words;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Dorenskaya S.V., Rykiel A.M. (2014). Social and psychological model of company personnel value dynamics. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 93-101.

This paper describes the research aimed at examining the relationship between perceived organizational culture and values of personnel with different work experience. The interaction of corporate culture and values may change the employee’s behaviour, resulting in the gradual transformation of the priorities, needs and motives. This process is temporally based and there arises a necessity to revise notions of professional career. We hypothesize that the employee’s experience in different organizational cultures may determine personnel values.

The research is based on typological models of K. Cameron and R. Quinn “Competing Value Network” which reveals the severity of a particular type of culture to a certain company. It should be emphasized that the transformation of values may also be associated with age-related changes in a person’s beliefs, however, in this research the attention was focused precisely on the experience of employees in a particular company since dynamics in the axiological sphere occurs within a sufficiently long period of time. Moreover, the changes mentioned are connected with the process of value integration declared by the company, thus resulting in the personnel values. We used the semi-structured interview to look into the personnel values, which allowed a more detailed study of individual hierarchy of values. In addition, using complex techniques revealed some “transformation” of general and professional values by comparing the values of personnel with small work experience and those with vast work experience.

Also, as an additional task we assessed relationship between the professional and the common values of employees, and also we drew a comparison with perceived organizational culture and gender of the research participants. As a result, we developed hypothetical models reflecting the main trend of “changing” values of employees with different work experience in relation to the predominant type of organizational culture.

Such type of research allows further hypothesizing changing personality structures under the influence of external conditions.

Received: 10/07/2014

Accepted: 11/20/2014

Pages: 93-101

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0410

Keywords: organizational culture; professional values; common values; common values; work experience;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Vartanov A.V., Tereshchenko L.V., Latanov A.V., Burlak S.A. (2014). Sound language of human and simian emotions. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 79-92.

Using objective methods of formal analysis revealed fundamental similarity of audio signals of several types of apes and monkeys, i.e. chimpanzees, rhesus monkey, baboon, siamang (gibbon) with manifestations of emotions in human speech.

It is shown that the developed system (based on the principle of the relative crossfrequency amplitude-variable encoding) of formal parameters for assessing emotions in human speech is well applied as an experimental procedure for objective evaluation and interpretation of beeps monkeys (in accordance with the system of human emotions). This is confirmed by corresponding formal assessments with observations of animal behaviour in different situations.

The proposed anthropomorphic method of analysis of audio signals animals is based on four-dimensional spherical model of human emotions and principles of information encoding in the nervous system. The proposed model can serve as a common classification system for emotional phenomena that combines both physiological concepts of brain mechanisms of emotional control, and psychological well-known classification based on diverse experimental data. It also quantitatively explains all possible nuances and soft emotion mutual transitions, with representing each specific emotion as a linear combination of the selected basic physiological parameters. Positive agreement between the parameters of the speech signal in not only humans but also monkeys with psychophysiological parameters confirm the theoretical issues of the principles of encoding information in the nervous system and efficiency of the proposed anthropomorphic approach to the development of technical systems, in particular methods for speech signal processing. On the other hand, the coincidence of the detected pattern confirms the previously identified psychophysiological parameters, which further substantiate preference (compared with others described in the scientific papers) reveals in a classification system of emotions in terms of both the dimension and orientation of the axes in relation to the model space.

On the whole, the results suggest that the emotional regulation system is very old and preserved in humans without change throughout history and co-existing with the system of feeling expression and also with the independent speech sound system. Furthermore, it is shown that in the majority of the surveyed types of apes and monkeys (chimpanzees, rhesus monkey and baboon), the entire repertoire of sound signals is reduced to the above mentioned emotional regulation. However, we that some types of apes and monkeys, e.g. siamang (gibbon), are able to diverse their repertoire of sound signals and create additional channels of sound signals in a relatively free frequency domain, so as not to interfere with the system of signals shared with other types of apes and monkeys (and also humans). Apparently, this additional sound system is based on the same encoding principle as the general emotional system.

Received: 03/20/2014

Accepted: 04/12/2014

Pages: 79-92

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0409

Keywords: emotions; apes; speech signal; anthropomorphic approach;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Agris A. R., Akhutina T. Y. (2014). Regulating activity in children with learning disabilities: Neuropsychological testing data. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 64-78.

In this paper we study the problem of weak processes regulating the activity in primary school children with learning disabilities. The study was conducted on children with severe learning difficulties (from 1 to 4-5 grades), and on the sample of first graders with varying success in learning. The main method was Luria’s neuropsychological assessment adapted for 5 – 9 years old children (Akhutina et al., 2008/2012; Polonskaya, 2007). It is shown that the children of both samples can be divided into three groups according to the function states that regulate the activity: children with hyperactivity-impulsivity disorder, children with fatigue and low tempo characteristics, and children without a significant deficit of the unit I functions. The close relationship of unit I functions deficit and school performance was demonstrated. It was revealed that children with hyperactivity disorder characterized by severe weakness of programming and controlling processes and visual and visual-spatial functions (with weak left analytical hemisphere and right-hemisphere which is responsible for holistic strategies of processing information). Children with sluggish cognitive tempo are characterized by less pronounced weakness in programming and controlling functions and also by prominent audioverbal and kinesthetiс difficulties (weakness of the left hemisphere which is responsible for analytical strategy of processing information). Various components of higher mental functions in children with learning disabilities show uneven age dynamics: from 1 to 4-5 grade the symptoms of fatigue, low rate and kinesthetic difficulties practically do not manifest positive dynamics in contrast to all other components of the higher mental functions.

Received: 11/14/2014

Accepted: 11/20/2014

Pages: 64-78

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0408

Keywords: regulation of activity; neurodynamic (activation) components of activity; low cognitive tempo; hyperactivity; impulsivity; learning difficulties; developmental neuropsychology;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Dzukaeva V.P., Sadovnikova T.Y. (2014). The role of mother and father in the development of individuation of late adolescence: cross-cultural aspect. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 52-63.

The paper discusses traditional and modern approaches to the study of the separation-individuation process in late adolescence, which is considered as the central developmental task (R. Havighurst) of this developmental stage. Within the family psychology the process of separation-individuation in late adolescence is recognized as normative family crisis. The results of mother and father roles research in the development of boys and girls individuation are described using the Russian and Ossetian culture conditions. Gender and culture characteristics of individuation are presented. Russian adolescents are more successful in individuation, compared with Ossetian adolescents. Russian students have more difficulties in individuation in mother relationship as compared with the father relation. In contrast, Ossetian students have more difficulties in individuation with father than with mother. The complementarity of father and mother roles for successful individuation of a child during adolescence is shown. The results presented basic and intermediate types of culture that reflects the dynamic development of contemporary Russian culture (the transition from one type of culture to another). Russian students are characterized as representatives of the modern culture type while Ossetian students are characterized as representatives of traditional culture type. The adolescent individuation features of the representatives of different culture type of presented. Summing up, there is connection between the type of culture (by J. Townsend) and individuation characteristics in adolescence: the modern culture type is combined with a more harmonious process of boy’s and girl’s individuation.

Received: 11/16/2014

Accepted: 12/20/2014

Pages: 52-63

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0406

Keywords: separation; individuation; late adolescence; developmental task; culture; cultural and value orientation;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Molchanov S. V. (2014). Conditions and factors of solving moral dilemmas in adolescence. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 42-51.

Moral choice in adolescents is determined by the interaction of cognitive, emotional and personal factors that prescribe the orientation on the justice principle, or the principle of care, exercised in certain social psychological and situational conditions. Some features of the of moral dilemmas solution in L. Kohlberg’s concept of moral development and N. Eisenberg’s theory of prosocial behaviour are considered. The following types of moral choice dilemmas are identified: personal choice and decision-making within uncertain moral norms as a behaviour regulating tool; moral choice within competitive moral norms; the dilemma ofalter altruism.

Conditions and factors of solving moral dilemmas in adolescents are identified and described: the social psychological conditions (culture, socioeconomic status, family, school); individual features (moral values, moral feelings and emotions, e.g. guilt, sympathy, empathy and distress, presence of socio-cognitive conflicts in past experiences, the proximity to the victim and identifying oneself as a victim, age, sex); level of cognitive development and attribute processes (regarding prosocial behaviour of other people as «good» and identifying oneself as «good»; being aware of altruistic motives of one’s behaviour and the nature of one’s behaviour as showing care for welfare of others; adequately assessing the needs of another person for further assistance and identifying its objective necessity); situational factors and structural and content limitations of the moral dilemmas (according to the degree of involvement, either personal or social, according to the extent of meeting social expectations, i.e. antisocial, prosocial dilemmas and social pressures).

Received: 11/29/2014

Accepted: 12/08/2014

Pages: 42-51

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0405

Keywords: moral development; moral dilemma; prosocial behaviour and thinking; altruism;

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Available Online: 12/31/2014

Tsukarzi А.E. (2013). Interventions for language development in preschool children in English-language publications. National psychological journal. 4 (12), 56-66.

The paper presents the analysis of interventions for language development for English-speaking preschoolers. Two types of interventions are analyzed in the article: those conducted by academic communities and those designed by education practitioners. There are several factors which explain the existence of such a large number of interventions: significant growth of migration flows with developing multicultural and multinational communities; large number of children with speech, language and communication needs and specific language impairments; as well as evidence suggesting the influence of level of language development on subsequent educational difficulties. Interventions designed by research groups aim to address specific aspects of language development. Interventions implemented as part of research projects are based on the evidence for mechanisms and conditions of language development and principles of language interventions. Such interventions are mainly aimed at receiving evidence concerning mechanisms and conditions of language development, and also its subsequent performance in designing effective interventions. Interventions conducted by education practitioners are based on language difficulties in children and are aimed to solving specific problems in children in the shortest period of time. The interventions are implemented by state and private preschool centers, as well as by charities.

Received: 11/20/2013

Accepted: 11/29/2013

Pages: 56-66

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0407

Keywords: interventions for language development; receptive; expressive and narrative language; specific language impairment; language and communication needs;

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Available Online: 12/30/2013

Burlakova N.S. (2013). Identification with «father figure» in the context of child self-identity at 3-5 year age. National psychological journal. 4 (12), 44-55.

The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the role of identification with «father figure» on a par with its symbolic functions in the development and formation of child self-identity. Particular attention is paid to the potential application of cultural historical psychology and modern psychotherapeutic approach in studying the processes of internalization and identification. The empirical study was conducted in 3-4 and 4-5 years children using Children’s Apperception Test (CAT) by S. Bellak and L. Bellak. the Methods of phenomenological analysis were used, elements of content analysis were applied to the results of perception, projective comments and stories of children after the third CAT table by S. Bellak and L. Bellak was produced to them, and also qualitative analysis of child behaviour are presented. The results have revealed the change of «father figure» perception, which is an external marker of identification deeper processes. Particular material gives basis to discuss qualitative transformation of «father figure» identification taking into account age-related categories, and also the mechanism of identifying and assigning the appropriate emotional experience. By identifying the «father figure» as prior aggressive category the child affirmation receives a meaningful and socially accepted form of manifestation that marks an important stage in the development of self-identity.

Received: 12/15/2013

Accepted: 12/23/2013

Pages: 44-55

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0406

Keywords: development; self-identity; self-consciousness; identification; father figure; dialogic approach; projection; stories of children of preschool age; CAT;

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Available Online: 12/30/2013

Bukhalenkova D.A. (2013). Representations of success in today’s adolescents. National psychological journal. 4 (12), 31-35.

The paper discusses various approaches to the definition of «success» and types of success. It also presents the results of the pilot study of success representations in modern adolescents: semantic universals are identified, the notion of «success» is defined, the most important characteristics of success in adolescents are highlighted. Using authorized techniques the “definition of success” highlights the notion of “success” to be the most consistent characteristic of “the achievement of goals”. One of the most significant characteristics is “self-realization”. Adolescents also define success as the experience of “joy and satisfaction from the work done” and as “a sense of welldeserved happiness”. It is of particular interest that such category as “popular in the society” is the least important in determining the success of a given sample. The most interesting part of the research is to analyze particular cases of success in famous personalities who are significant for adolescents, i.e. representatives of show business, modern business (e.g. Bill Gates), or members of the family and friends. The sphere of politics is less popular, and the sphere of science, art and sports are so rare for adolescent sources of success patterns.

The research is able to communicate ideas about the success of adolescents with the experience of meaningfulness of their lives. Those adolescents who evaluate their past, present and future life as meaningful and loose enough do not feel the strength to manage their own lives, regard themselves as not very successful people and the very success is seen as volatile and rare. The image of success in adolescents who consider their life meaningful are positive and bright: they do not consider it such a rare and changing phenomenon, probably because more than once they have experienced success in various areas of their lives.

As a result, a correlation representation of adolescents about the success with the experience of the meaningfulness of their lives is established.

Received: 11/18/2013

Accepted: 11/30/2013

Pages: 31-35

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0404

Keywords: success; success types; semantic differential; self-evaluation; older adolescents;

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Available Online: 12/30/2013

Samonenko Y.A., Zhiltsova O.A., Samonenko I.Yu. (2013). The didactic meaning of A.N. Leontiev’s activity theory. National psychological journal. 4 (12), 03-10.

The objective of the paper is to research the relations between psychological and didactic requirements for designing training technologies of ensuring the educational results specified by the Federal State Educational Standards of a new generation.

A necessity of solving three interrelated tasks is highlighted. The first task is aimed at selecting achievements of A.N. Leontiev’s academic school by to further include them into the psychological training program of educators. The second one is directed at realizing the “projection” of psychological theory provisions into the system of didactic notions. The third one consists in developing educational methods of various study fields on the basis of the novel didactic knowledge and experimental verification of these methods.

The general approach to solving the tasks mentioned is proposed hereunder. The most important principles of A.N. Leontiev’s theory for the sphere of education have been emphasized.

It is suggested to introduce a number of notions in didactics to be adequately described in the activity structure. A set of methods for the developing students’ learning activities, which is the basis of their main ability (the ability to learn), is proposed.

Educational technology in the activity paradigm achieves educational results that are legitimated in the Federal State Educational Standards. The model of developmental education has been probated within the educational program “Small Academy of Lomonosov Moscow State University”, and also in the works of a number of school experts who were involved in the experiment.

Received: 01/16/2013

Accepted: 02/20/2013

Pages: 3-10

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0401

Keywords: system-activity approach; developing training; learning activity; universal study actions; reflection; meta-knowledge;

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Available Online: 12/30/2013

Almazova Olga V. (2013). Emotional ties between siblings and attachment to the mother in adulthood. National psychological journal. 3 (11), 54-60.

The paper analyzes the relationship between adult siblings, their specificity and diversity, examples of relation typologies of adult siblings by American and Indian psychologists are adduced. The modern view of the attachment to the mother in adults and the conditions required for establishing close, trusting interpersonal relationships are briefly described. A succinct overview of modern foreign research in these fields of research is given. The national sample (N = 277) identified and described four types of relations between adult siblings: emotionally-positive (heart, harmonious) ones account 39 per cent of the sample; ambivalent (heart, conflictcompetitive ones account 32 per cent; debarred (not close, not conflict-competing) ones account 18 per cent; conflict (not close, competing conflict-up to hostile) ones account 11 per cent.

Comparison of the three typologies of adult sibling relationships (Russian, US and Indian). The intercouple comparison shows the reciprocity of sibling relationships in adulthood. The results of the empirical research reveal complex relationship features attachment to the mother with the nature of the relationship between siblings in adulthood. Thus there are adults with a reliable type of attachment to the mother with debarred or even conflicting relationships with older siblings, while adult sibling relationships are determined not totally emotional of the early relationship with the mother, and also depend on the sibling’s personality traits and personal history of relations. The influence of the attachment type to the mother is shaped in childhood and can be applied to the relationship between adult siblings.

Received: 11/20/2013

Accepted: 11/29/2013

Pages: 54-60

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0307

Keywords: adult siblings; typology of sibling relationships; attachment to mother;

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Available Online: 09/30/2013

Kutkovoy N.A. (2013). Surprise as a subject of research in social psychology. National psychological journal. 3 (11), 47-53.

The paper presents a theoretical analysis of surprise from the perspective of social psychology. Surprise is an emotion that occurs in response to an unexpected event. The components of surprise are as follows: (1) the trigger event of surprise, (2) the expression of surprise and (3) the emotional experience of surprise. Various approaches to the trigger event of surprise and criteria of its analysis are emphasized: the first criterion whether the trigger event is influenced by the probability of information or the activity of the subjects, and the second criterion is whether the event is included in the broader context. Paraverbal and facial expressions of surprise are described on a par with the environmental influence on the expression repertoire and intensity. The basic approaches to understanding the emotional experience of surprise are as follows: (1) descriptive approach, (2) psychosemantic approach, (3) discursive approach. Although surprise is mostly considered as a basic emotion, some researchers suggest that it plays an important role in social cognition of expectation-discrepant events. Models that explain the role of surprise in this process are as follows: (1) the attributional model of surprise developed by B. Weiner and colleagues according to which surprise is a consequence of the attribution to luck; (2) the process model of surprise developed by W. Meyer and colleagues in which surprise is included in the broader context of social cognition as a general emotional reaction to an unexpected event and the attribution and various processes of social cognition are considered as consequences of surprise. However, these models analyze surprise of isolated subject without considering the social interaction. The author defines the possibilities of analysis of surprise as a mechanism of assimilation and modification of social information stored in the prototypes, scripts and schemas.

Received: 11/20/2013

Accepted: 11/29/2013

Pages: 47-53

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0306

Keywords: surprise; components of emotion; expression; attributional model of surprise; emotional experience; process model of srprise;

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Available Online: 09/30/2013

Krasouskaya T.M. (2013). The image of the Russian North. Shaping the notion the Russian North in modern geography and art. National psychological journal. 3 (11), 42-46.

The paper analyzes the problem of the image of the Russian North. The image of the North is quite popular in the Russian society and performs objective reality. This image is created by the combination of rational experience and artistic perception. Psychologist V.P. Zinchenko said that «picturesque consideration» is not a metaphor in causing the image of «visual thinking». The ratio of quantitative and qualitative characteristics and the artistic perception changes over time and is highly dependent on the worldview of the person or society who creates this image, its level of culture, ethnicity, etc. In recent years, the image of the Russian North has become increasingly popular with politicians, who are in search of Russian civilizational identity, with geographers, who develop the basis of the new understanding of the cultural outline, and also with social scientists, who strive to use it in order to reconstruct the historical memory of the Russian people that was significantly undermined in the post-perestroika period.

The possibilities of shaping the image of the Russian North using only objective geographical characteristics and also their synthesis with artistic perception are considered. The former approach is marked as lacking potential, although it prevails in the Russian geography. The history of shaping the image of the Russian North is traced. The examples the image of the Russian North in literature, painting, music are adduced.

Nowadays the development of the theory of the cultural outline, which originates in the early twentieth century and then forgotten for the ideological reasons, allows to re-connect the natural sciences and the humanities characteristics of the territory mentioned, which contributes to shaping the entire image of the Russian North. Being juxtaposed to the spiritual nihilism of modern technological culture, the image of the Russian North in the memory of the Russian people is deemed as a metaphysical “Island of Salvation” possessing moral healing power. Recognizing the distinguished image of the Russian North with the Russian people allows to consider it as virtual cultural heritage of Russia.

Received: 09/05/2013

Accepted: 10/29/2013

Pages: 42-46

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0305

Keywords: Russian North; image; science; art; perception;

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Available Online: 09/30/2013

Poskrebysheva N. N., Karabanova O. A. (2014). The reserch of individual adolescent autonomy in the context of social situation of development. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 34-41.

The paper presents the research results that deal with the dependence of individual adolescent autonomy on the characteristics of the social situation of development, i.e. the nature of parent-child relationships and relationships with peers from the perspective of the developmental approach (L.Vygotsky). Non-linear nature of the development and heterochronic components of adolescent autonomy are shown. The highest rates are identified for the evaluative and cognitive components of autonomy, while the lowest ones are identified for emotional components at a fairly low level of behavioural autonomy. Individual autonomy develops functional unity of all the components that form its value-affective and operational-technical component. Advanced development of cognitive autonomy due to the transition to the education and career with elements of self-education is the basis of the formation of behavioural and value autonomy. The latter determines the vector of motivation and sense of identity and consequently also creates conditions for achieving emotional autonomy by adopting self-worth and self-sufficiency. Features of relations with parents and peers in five groups of adolescents, whose individual autonomy level and structure vary, are identified and described.

A relation of autonomy level and its individual components to the nature of the adolescent relationship with parents and peers is identified. The most important parameters for autonomy development are as follows: parent-child relationship as parental control, freedom and autonomy in parent-child relations, cooperation. Relationships with parents and peers play different roles in developing adolescent autonomy. In relations with parents, adolescents get aware of the need for autonomy and motivation. In relationships with peers, the need for autonomy, approbation, role experiments with value choice and decision-making, their behaviour and activities become subjective.

Received: 11/29/2014

Accepted: 12/08/2014

Pages: 34-41

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0404

Keywords: autonomy; adolescence; developmental approach; self-determination; autonomy; child-parent relations; emotional autonomy; cognitive autonomy; value autonomy; behavioral autonomy;

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Kutkovaya Ecaterina S. (2014). Narrative in the study of identity. National psychological journal. 4 (16), 23-33.

The paper is devoted to the concept of narrative in social psychology. The problem of lack of unity in the understanding and application of this concept in the research methods is discussed. The goal is to systemize the approaches to narrative from the perspective of the identity research. Narrative is a concept that is beginning to be widely used in the study of personality, self-perception, communication, and the study of various social practices; that is why it is necessary to determine which properties of narrative can be applied to the study of identity. The paper performs a review of four most common approaches to the narrative: narrative as a particular mode of thought (J. Bruner), narrative as a metatheoretical paradigm (T. Sarbin), narrative as a life story, narrative as one of discourse genres. The features of the narrative in each approach, as well as the main problems of research are analized. Two criteria of the narrative are discussed: specific temporal structure and transformation criterion. The following features of the concept of narrative in psychology are focused upon: discursive understanding of narrative, the importance of incorporating interactional and cultural contexts within the study of narrative, functional approach to the definition of the narrative. We discuss the potential of the narrative as a psychological construct in the study of identity and define two promising approaches to the narrative: the analysis of separate life events (e.g. turning points and complex actions) and the analysis of narration as a discursive practice and an interactional process which is sensitive to local context and to wider social practices.

Received: 11/14/2014

Accepted: 11/28/2014

Pages: 23-33

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0403

Keywords: narrative; identity; narrative identity; narrative approach;

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Pervichko Elena I. (2014). Emotion regulation strategies: procedure modeling of J. Gross and cultural activity approach. Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal [National psychological journal]. 4 (16), 13-22.

The objectives of this paper are as follows: argumentation feasibility of developing structural dynamic model of emotion regulation within the theoretical and methodological framework of cultural activity paradigm of the development of human mind and promoting a psychologically-based typology of emotion regulation strategies in health and disease (Part 1), the description of the model of emotion regulation (Part 2). The paper introduces the author’s definition of emotion regulation as a set of mental processes, psychological mechanisms and regulatory strategies that are used to preserve human capacity to induce productive activity in a situation of emotional stress, to ensure optimal impulse control and emotions, to maintain the excitement at the optimum level.

In the first part, the paper summarizes the concepts and paradigms in which the problem of emotion regulation is viewed: psychoanalytic and cognitive approaches, concepts and emotional development of emotional intelligence, cultural activity approach. The paper considers the procedure model of regulating emotions by J. Gross with the release of emotion regulation strategies and efficacy assessment, analyzes its capabilities and limitations. Based on a review of the today research, the conclusion is as follows: within the existing labels on a wide range of regulatory strategies the issue of the psychological mechanisms of their use still remains open.

In the second part, the author suggests the possibilities to address this issue on the basis of the construction of structural and dynamic models of emotion regulation in the methodology of cultural activity approach to the study of the mind and capacity of this theoretical paradigm of integrated methodological approach to the experimental study of the regulation of emotions.

Received: 11/28/2014

Accepted: 11/28/2014

Pages: 13-22

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0402

Keywords: emotion regulation; procedure model of emotion regulation; structural dynamic model of emotion regulation; emotion regulation strategies; cognitive strategy reassessment; strategy of suppressing expression of emotions;

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Zakharova E.I. (2014). Features of the mother interaction with preschool children in a “late” motherhood. National Psychological Journal, 2(14), 97-101

The paper presents the results of empirical studies of the mother interaction with preschool children. The objective of the research is to determine the peculiarities of mothers aged over 35 interaction with a child. Relevance of the research is due to a pronounced recent trend of first births in adulthood when parenthood is referred to as “late”. Means of identifying age-related features is a comparative analysis of the two groups of preschool children mothers who gave birth to their first child under to 30 years (young mothers) and those who gave birth to their first child being over 35 (“late” mother). The study involved 80 females aged 26 to 55 years with children of preschool age. Features of the emotional state of their children were also analyzed. Preschool experience of interaction in the family allowed to talk about the advantages and dangers of the “late” motherhood. The analysis of the emotional state of preschool children was conducted by projective picturesque samples, also, the mothers and kindergarten teachers who are to watch the baby for a long period of time were interviewed. The results of the study suggest that a “late” mother builds a more harmonious interaction with the children, which is reflected in their experience of the family situation well-being, and a favourable emotional state. Responsiveness of “late” mothers and also their support and sympathy allow the child to feel secure, while at the same time does not induce children’s autonomy. These children are more likely to seek help of an adult, need adult’s support, while the children of young mothers are more likely to solve problems on their own.

Received: 08/04/2014

Accepted: 09/28/2014

Pages: 97-101

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0212

Keywords: “later” motherhood; parent-child interaction; the experience of the family situation; an emotional state ;

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Grigorieva I.V., Stefanenko E.A., Ivanova E.M., Oleychik I.V., Enikolopov S.N. (2014). Coping humour impact on social anxiety in schizophrenic patients. National Psychological Journal, 2(14), 82-89

Social anxiety has a significant negative impact on the individual’s everyday life through handicapping process of social adaptation. In this regard, psychologists observe an increasing amount of research focused on coping-strategies in social phobia. Humorous reactions on stressful events are considered an important and effective coping strategy. The objective of this research is to study the impact of the humour as a coping strategy on different manifestations of social anxiety, as well as the associated feelings of guilt and shame in healthy people and patients with schizophrenia. The study involved 34 patients with schizophrenia and 102 healthy people, aged 18 to 35, males and females. As a research method we used questionnaires such as Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Guilt and Shame Proneness Scale. The results showed that patients with schizophrenia are less likely to use humour as a coping strategy than healthy people. The results of one-way ANOVA method demonstrated that humour as a coping strategy is effective in some, but not all, aspects of social anxiety. The results of two-way ANOVA method showed that humour as a coping strategy could be effective to cope with shame and guilt, but at low level of social anxiety. At high level of social anxiety humour could not only be ineffective to cope with shame and guilt, but also have a negative influence on these emotions. In healthy males with low level of social anxiety humour helps to cope with withdrawal actions in shame. In males with schizophrenia and low levels of social anxiety humour reduces repair actions in guilt. These results indicate heterogenic influence of humour over social anxiety, shame and guilt, and can be used for diagnostic purposes and for psychocorrection.

Received: 10/12/2014

Accepted: 10/23/2014

Pages: 82-89

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0210

Keywords: social anxiety; social phobia; coping humour; guilt; shame; schizophrenia;

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Tkhostov A.Sh., Rasskazova E.I., Emelin V.A. Psychodiagnostics of subjective perception of personal identifications: using a modified method “Who Am I?”. National Psychological Journal, 2(14), 60-71

The interdisciplinary approach in studies of identity has to employ methods that allow to study and compare the prognostic value of diagnostic criteria of identification which are suggested within the line of various concepts. The objective of this research is to study the steadiness and correlation of identification values according to a number of criteria, and also their relationship to subjective well-being, coping strategies, and also the severity of psychopathology symptoms in subjects without mental illness. The method of “Who Am I?” by M. Kuhn and T. McPartland was completed by a quantitative Likert scale to which extent each identity is liked (emotional evaluation), is often actualized (significance), is important for the subject (psychological centrality), and is recognized by others (perceived social recognition).

The two samples, psychology students (n1=82) and adult subjects (n2=50), show sufficient consistency of identification values, impossibility to interchange the criteria, and the possibility of reliable calculation of a single indicator coherence/incoherence in evaluations identifications. Positive assessment, psychological centrality and awareness of their identities more often contribute to choosing active behavioural and cognitive coping strategies. The additional consideration of consistency in values results in better prediction of the inclination to positive reformulation, appeal to religion and focus on emotions. Relationship of the importance of identification and depression was mediated by the emotional assessment: frequent thoughts about identification prevented depression only in the subjects with positive emotional evaluation of identity. In general, the use of quantitative assessment allows us to complete the qualitative analysis of identifications by general indicators of subjective experience of identity.

Received: 05/27/2014

Accepted: 06/18/2014

Pages: 60-71

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2014.0208

Keywords: identity; subjective perception of identification; significance; perceived social recognition; subjective well-being; depressiveness; coping strategies;

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