Recieved: 08/30/2022
Accepted: 11/09/2022
Published: 12/30/2022
Keywords: adaptability; socio-psychological adaptation; human functional state; self-regulation of behavior; internality; arctic sea expedition; Arctic
p.: 65–79
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2022.0407
Available online: 30.12.2022
Simonova, N.N., Maria A. Tunkina, Yana A. Korneeva, Anna A. Trofimova. Adaptability as a predictor to the change of functional states in participants of a marine scientific expedition to the Arctic. // National Psychological Journal 2022. 4. p.65–79. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0407
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Objective. The study aims identify and describe the dynamics of functional states in participants of the marine scientific expedition during the Arctic trip in conjunction with the personal characteristics of adaptability (internality, conscious self-regulation, socio-psychological qualities).
Methods. The researchers applied objective psychophysiological instrumental methods, projective method M. Luscher’s colour test, subjective questionnaire “Well-being. Activity. Mood” by V.A. Doskin et al. Сharacteristics of adaptability (internality, conscious self-regulation, socio-psychological qualities) were assessed with questionnaires. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out with correlation analysis.
Sample. 39 participants of a 20-day sea expedition to the Arctic.
Results. Characteristics of the personal and socio-psychological potential of participants are presented; the dynamics of participants’ functional state during the expedition trip are described; statistically significant relationships have been established between socio-psychological characteristics, individual-personal qualities (regulatory and internality) and objective, projective, and subjective-evaluative parameters of functional states.
Conclusion. Adaptive characteristics include developed general internal control, in particular, moderate control (internality) in the field of achievements and in the field of failures, as well as conscious self-regulation of behavior. The dynamics of objective indicators of functional states is positively correlated with the level of subjective control in the field of failures, and changes in indicators of projective and subjective methods are associated with characteristics of socio-psychological adaptation, the level of subjective control and conscious self-regulation.
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Simonova, N.N., Maria A. Tunkina, Yana A. Korneeva, Anna A. Trofimova. Adaptability as a predictor to the change of functional states in participants of a marine scientific expedition to the Arctic. // National Psychological Journal 2022. 4. p.65–79. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0407
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