ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Heuristic potential of the gradual development of human intellectual activity
National Psychological Journal p. 103-112 2017. , 3.
Chesnokova, Olga B. Martirosova Yu.V.
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Perception of the school moral atmosphere in the image of the adoles
National Psychological Journal p. 92-102 2017. , 3.
Karabanova, O.A. Sadovnikova, Tatiana Yu.
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Ergatic model of the zone of proximal development. Design and development
National Psychological Journal p. 82-91 2017. , 3.
Samonenko, Yriy A. Zhiltsova, Ol'ga A. Samonenko, Il'ya Y.
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Student practical work on the theory of systematic gradual development of intellectual activity of P.Ya. Galperin
National Psychological Journal p. 76-81 2017. , 3.
Poskrebysheva, Natalia N.
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Connection between types of learning by P.Ya. Galperin with kinds of thinking in school students
National Psychological Journal p. 62-75 2017. , 3.
Ilyasov, I.I.
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The logic and mechanisms of the develpimg mental processes in P.Ya. Galperin’s theory
National Psychological Journal p. 56-61 2017. , 3.
Shabelnikov V.K.
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Mind and activity. Psychic mechanism of learning
National Psychological Journal p. 40-55 2017. , 3.
Reshetova, Zoya A.
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Theory and practice in the psychological heritage of P.Ya.Galperin
National Psychological Journal p. 33-39 2017. , 3.
Zhdan, A.N.
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Psychologist, physician and philosopher: the stages of P. Yа. Galperin’s scientific biography
National Psychological Journal p. 21-32 2017. , 3.
Stepanova, M.A.
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Scientific legacy of P.Ya. Galperin and the challenges of the 21st century
National Psychological Journal p. 9-20 2017. , 3.
Podolskiy, Andrei I.
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