Recieved: 04/27/2018
Accepted: 05/11/2018
Published: 08/01/2018
p.: 32-37
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0204
Keywords: rehabilitation of mental patients; psychological assistance; motivation; rehabilitation principles; social integration
Available online: 01.08.2018
Tkhostov, A.Sh., Vinogradova Marina G.. Psychological issues of rehabilitation of mental patients. // National Psychological Journal 2018. 2. p.32-37. doi: 10.11621/npj.2018.0204
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CopyBackground. At different stages of the development of the society, the principles that lie in the basis of rehabilitation programs and are justified by experts of various fields are changing. The opportunities that modern society possesses, the resources that it is ready to spend to solve a wide range of rehabilitation problems, are transformed, evolve and require scientific reflection.
The Objective is to discuss modern principles of rehabilitation and social integration of mentally disturbed individuals.
Design. The role of the subject of the rehabilitation program and the role of society in implementing the programs are discussed. The principle of general and targeted rehabilitation work is justified, the principle of continuity and increasing specificity of psychological assistance, the principle of the subject's own activity are identified.
Research results. The need to address not only the conscious motivation of the subject, but also the consideration of unconscious motives for participation in rehabilitation activities and in maintaining health is disclosed. The fixed notion of norm as the ideal and the difficulty of changing stereotypes towards a mentally disturbed person are discussed.
Conclusion. On the one hand, rehabilitation of a mental patients should be based on the developed and appropriately maintained personality orientation, the ability to take partial responsibility for mental condition and development. On the other hand, the patient needs societal support, preparedness of society to integrate into an active social life and to change the established stereotypes.Baldwin, А.S., & Sala, М. (2018) Perceived Satisfaction with Health Behavior Change. In: Affective Determinants of Health Behavior. Eds David M. Williams, Ryan E. Rhodes, & Mark T. Conner. Oxford University Press, 138–161. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780190499037.003.0004
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