ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Psychological Support of Additional Professional Education
National Psychological Journal p. 107-111 2007. , 1.
Podolskaja, Tatyana A.
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Some Problems in Training of Practical Psychologists
National Psychological Journal p. 102-106 2007. , 1.
Vachkov, Igor V.
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Psychological Basis of Formation of a Positive Image of Russia in the Information Space
National Psychological Journal p. 96-101 2007. , 1.
Matveeva, Lydia V.
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the Subjective View on Own People’s History
National Psychological Journal p. 90-95 2007. , 1.
Akhmerov, Rashad A.
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Psychoemotional Well-being of Adolescents
National Psychological Journal p. 87-89 2007. , 1.
Podolskiy, Andrei I. Idobaeva Olga A.
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Economic Psychology for Environmental Policy (the Results of Empirical Research)
National Psychological Journal p. 81-86 2007. , 1.
Dayneka, Olga S.
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Conflict as the Nature and a Functional Necessity of Education
National Psychological Journal p. 70-74 2007. , 1.
Hasan, Boris I.
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Psychology of Security: History and Prospects
National Psychological Journal p. 65-69 2007. , 1.
Baeva, Irina A.
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The Evolution of Attitudes and Essence of Abilities
National Psychological Journal p. 58-64 2007. , 1.
Shadrikov V.D.
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Does Culture and Psychology Confront the Social Pressure?
National Psychological Journal p. 52-56 2007. , 1.
Schmidt, Viktoriya R.
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